secrets-mgr plugin
Secrets Manager Plugin for Anypoint CLI
$ npm install -g @mulesoft/anypoint-cli-secrets-mgr-plugin
$ anypoint-cli-secrets-mgr-plugin COMMAND
running command...
$ anypoint-cli-secrets-mgr-plugin (--version|-v)
@mulesoft/anypoint-cli-secrets-mgr-plugin/0.0.1 darwin-arm64 node-v18.12.0
$ anypoint-cli-secrets-mgr-plugin --help [COMMAND]
$ anypoint-cli-secrets-mgr-plugin COMMAND
anypoint-cli-secrets-mgr-plugin conf [KEY] [VALUE]
anypoint-cli-secrets-mgr-plugin help [COMMAND]
anypoint-cli-secrets-mgr-plugin secrets-mgr certificate create
anypoint-cli-secrets-mgr-plugin secrets-mgr certificate describe
anypoint-cli-secrets-mgr-plugin secrets-mgr certificate list
anypoint-cli-secrets-mgr-plugin secrets-mgr certificate modify
anypoint-cli-secrets-mgr-plugin secrets-mgr certificate replace
anypoint-cli-secrets-mgr-plugin secrets-mgr keystore create
anypoint-cli-secrets-mgr-plugin secrets-mgr keystore describe
anypoint-cli-secrets-mgr-plugin secrets-mgr keystore list
anypoint-cli-secrets-mgr-plugin secrets-mgr keystore modify
anypoint-cli-secrets-mgr-plugin secrets-mgr keystore replace
anypoint-cli-secrets-mgr-plugin secrets-mgr secret-group create
anypoint-cli-secrets-mgr-plugin secrets-mgr secret-group delete
anypoint-cli-secrets-mgr-plugin secrets-mgr secret-group describe
anypoint-cli-secrets-mgr-plugin secrets-mgr secret-group list
anypoint-cli-secrets-mgr-plugin secrets-mgr secret-group modify
anypoint-cli-secrets-mgr-plugin secrets-mgr shared-secret create
anypoint-cli-secrets-mgr-plugin secrets-mgr shared-secret describe
anypoint-cli-secrets-mgr-plugin secrets-mgr shared-secret list
anypoint-cli-secrets-mgr-plugin secrets-mgr shared-secret modify
anypoint-cli-secrets-mgr-plugin secrets-mgr shared-secret replace
anypoint-cli-secrets-mgr-plugin secrets-mgr tls-context flex-gateway create
anypoint-cli-secrets-mgr-plugin secrets-mgr tls-context flex-gateway describe
anypoint-cli-secrets-mgr-plugin secrets-mgr tls-context flex-gateway list
anypoint-cli-secrets-mgr-plugin secrets-mgr tls-context flex-gateway modify
anypoint-cli-secrets-mgr-plugin secrets-mgr tls-context flex-gateway replace
anypoint-cli-secrets-mgr-plugin secrets-mgr tls-context mule create
anypoint-cli-secrets-mgr-plugin secrets-mgr tls-context mule describe
anypoint-cli-secrets-mgr-plugin secrets-mgr tls-context mule list
anypoint-cli-secrets-mgr-plugin secrets-mgr tls-context mule modify
anypoint-cli-secrets-mgr-plugin secrets-mgr tls-context mule replace
anypoint-cli-secrets-mgr-plugin secrets-mgr tls-context tls-context-list
anypoint-cli-secrets-mgr-plugin secrets-mgr truststore create
anypoint-cli-secrets-mgr-plugin secrets-mgr truststore describe
anypoint-cli-secrets-mgr-plugin secrets-mgr truststore list
anypoint-cli-secrets-mgr-plugin secrets-mgr truststore modify
anypoint-cli-secrets-mgr-plugin secrets-mgr truststore replace
anypoint-cli-secrets-mgr-plugin version
anypoint-cli-secrets-mgr-plugin conf [KEY] [VALUE]
Manage authentication credentials in a configuration file (config.json)
$ anypoint-cli-secrets-mgr-plugin conf [KEY] [VALUE] [-h] [-k <value>] [-v <value>] [-d]
KEY key of the config
VALUE value of the config
-d, --delete delete config key
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-k, --key=<value> key of the config
-v, --value=<value> value of the config
Manage authentication credentials in a configuration file (config.json)
by adding and removing key value pairs. Set one key value pair per command execution.
CLI config file: /Users/nvenkatachari/Library/Preferences/oclif-nodejs/config.json
$ anypoint-cli-secrets-mgr-plugin conf username myuser
$ anypoint-cli-secrets-mgr-plugin conf password mypwd
anypoint-cli-secrets-mgr-plugin help [COMMAND]
Display help for anypoint-cli-secrets-mgr-plugin.
$ anypoint-cli-secrets-mgr-plugin help [COMMAND] [-n]
COMMAND Command to show help for.
-n, --nested-commands Include all nested commands in the output.
Display help for anypoint-cli-secrets-mgr-plugin.
See code: @oclif/plugin-help
anypoint-cli-secrets-mgr-plugin secrets-mgr certificate create
Create a new certificate secret in the specified secret group.
$ anypoint-cli-secrets-mgr-plugin secrets-mgr certificate create (-t PEM -n <value> -g <value>) [--password <value> [--username
<value> | --client_id <value> | ]] [--client_secret <value> ] [--bearer <value> | | ] [--organization <value>]
[--environment <value>] [--host <value>] [--collectMetrics] [--cert-file <value>] [--expiration-date <value>] [-o
<value>] [-h]
-g, --group-id=<value> (required) Secret group id.
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-n, --name=<value> (required) Name for the secret.
-o, --output=<value> [default: table] Format for commands output. Supported values are table (default) and
-t, --type=<option> (required) Certificate type.
<options: PEM>
--bearer=<value> Token Bearer. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_BEARER environment variable.
--cert-file=<value> Certificate file path.
--client_id=<value> Client ID. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_ID environment variable.
--client_secret=<value> Client Secret. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_SECRET environment variable.
--collectMetrics collect metrics. You can define this in the COLLECT_METRICS environment variable.
--environment=<value> Environment Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ENV environment variable.
--expiration-date=<value> Expiration date for the secret. [default:] Host URL. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_HOST
environment variable.
--organization=<value> Organization Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ORG environment variable.
--password=<value> Password. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_PASSWORD environment variable.
--username=<value> Username. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_USERNAME environment variable.
Create a new certificate secret in the specified secret group.
Create a PEM type certificate secret 'example-secret-1' in a secret group with id
$ anypoint-cli-secrets-mgr-plugin secrets-mgr certificate create \
--name=example-secret-1 \
--group-id=59573b4e-cdea-4917-ac34-b047e1e94dbe \
--type=PEM \
anypoint-cli-secrets-mgr-plugin secrets-mgr certificate describe
Show the details of a certificate secret. The output will not include the certificate file content.
$ anypoint-cli-secrets-mgr-plugin secrets-mgr certificate describe -i <value> -g <value> [--password <value> [--username <value> |
--client_id <value> | ]] [--client_secret <value> ] [--bearer <value> | | ] [--organization <value>] [--environment
<value>] [--host <value>] [--collectMetrics] [-o <value>] [-h]
-g, --group-id=<value> (required) Secret group id.
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-i, --id=<value> (required) Secret id.
-o, --output=<value> [default: table] Format for commands output. Supported values are table (default) and
--bearer=<value> Token Bearer. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_BEARER environment variable.
--client_id=<value> Client ID. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_ID environment variable.
--client_secret=<value> Client Secret. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_SECRET environment variable.
--collectMetrics collect metrics. You can define this in the COLLECT_METRICS environment variable.
--environment=<value> Environment Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ENV environment variable. [default:] Host URL. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_HOST
environment variable.
--organization=<value> Organization Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ORG environment variable.
--password=<value> Password. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_PASSWORD environment variable.
--username=<value> Username. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_USERNAME environment variable.
Show the details of a certificate secret. The output will not include the certificate file content.
Show the details of a certificate secret with id '6fdfa612-6966-4a50-9222-7e31d7480979' in a secret group with id
$ anypoint-cli-secrets-mgr-plugin secrets-mgr certificate describe \
--id=6fdfa612-6966-4a50-9222-7e31d7480979 \
anypoint-cli-secrets-mgr-plugin secrets-mgr certificate list
List the certificate secrets in a secret group.
$ anypoint-cli-secrets-mgr-plugin secrets-mgr certificate list -g <value> [--password <value> [--username <value> | --client_id
<value> | ]] [--client_secret <value> ] [--bearer <value> | | ] [--organization <value>] [--environment <value>]
[--host <value>] [--collectMetrics] [-o <value>] [-h]
-g, --group-id=<value> (required) Secret group id.
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-o, --output=<value> [default: table] Format for commands output. Supported values are table (default) and
--bearer=<value> Token Bearer. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_BEARER environment variable.
--client_id=<value> Client ID. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_ID environment variable.
--client_secret=<value> Client Secret. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_SECRET environment variable.
--collectMetrics collect metrics. You can define this in the COLLECT_METRICS environment variable.
--environment=<value> Environment Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ENV environment variable. [default:] Host URL. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_HOST
environment variable.
--organization=<value> Organization Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ORG environment variable.
--password=<value> Password. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_PASSWORD environment variable.
--username=<value> Username. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_USERNAME environment variable.
List the certificate secrets in a secret group.
List all the certificate secrets in a secret group with id '59573b4e-cdea-4917-ac34-b047e1e94dbe'.
$ anypoint-cli-secrets-mgr-plugin secrets-mgr certificate list --group-id=59573b4e-cdea-4917-ac34-b047e1e94dbe
anypoint-cli-secrets-mgr-plugin secrets-mgr certificate modify
Modify the 'name' or 'expiration date' for an existing certificate secret.
$ anypoint-cli-secrets-mgr-plugin secrets-mgr certificate modify -i <value> -g <value> [--password <value> [--username <value> |
--client_id <value> | ]] [--client_secret <value> ] [--bearer <value> | | ] [--organization <value>] [--environment
<value>] [--host <value>] [--collectMetrics] [-n <value>] [--expiration-date <value>] [-o <value>] [-h]
-g, --group-id=<value> (required) Secret group id.
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-i, --id=<value> (required) Secret id.
-n, --name=<value> Name for the secret.
-o, --output=<value> [default: table] Format for commands output. Supported values are table (default) and
--bearer=<value> Token Bearer. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_BEARER environment variable.
--client_id=<value> Client ID. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_ID environment variable.
--client_secret=<value> Client Secret. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_SECRET environment variable.
--collectMetrics collect metrics. You can define this in the COLLECT_METRICS environment variable.
--environment=<value> Environment Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ENV environment variable.
--expiration-date=<value> Expiration date for the secret. [default:] Host URL. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_HOST
environment variable.
--organization=<value> Organization Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ORG environment variable.
--password=<value> Password. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_PASSWORD environment variable.
--username=<value> Username. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_USERNAME environment variable.
Modify the 'name' or 'expiration date' for an existing certificate secret.
Modify only the name for a certificate secret with id '6fdfa612-6966-4a50-9222-7e31d7480979' in a secret group with
id '59573b4e-cdea-4917-ac34-b047e1e94dbe'.
$ anypoint-cli-secrets-mgr-plugin secrets-mgr certificate modify \
--id=6fdfa612-6966-4a50-9222-7e31d7480979 \
--group-id=59573b4e-cdea-4917-ac34-b047e1e94dbe \
anypoint-cli-secrets-mgr-plugin secrets-mgr certificate replace
Replace an existing certificate secret.
$ anypoint-cli-secrets-mgr-plugin secrets-mgr certificate replace -i <value> (-t PEM -n <value> -g <value>) [--password <value>
[--username <value> | --client_id <value> | ]] [--client_secret <value> ] [--bearer <value> | | ] [--organization
<value>] [--environment <value>] [--host <value>] [--collectMetrics] [--cert-file <value>] [--expiration-date
<value>] [-o <value>] [-h]
-g, --group-id=<value> (required) Secret group id.
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-i, --id=<value> (required) Secret id.
-n, --name=<value> (required) Name for the secret.
-o, --output=<value> [default: table] Format for commands output. Supported values are table (default) and
-t, --type=<option> (required) Certificate type.
<options: PEM>
--bearer=<value> Token Bearer. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_BEARER environment variable.
--cert-file=<value> Certificate file path.
--client_id=<value> Client ID. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_ID environment variable.
--client_secret=<value> Client Secret. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_SECRET environment variable.
--collectMetrics collect metrics. You can define this in the COLLECT_METRICS environment variable.
--environment=<value> Environment Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ENV environment variable.
--expiration-date=<value> Expiration date for the secret. [default:] Host URL. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_HOST
environment variable.
--organization=<value> Organization Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ORG environment variable.
--password=<value> Password. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_PASSWORD environment variable.
--username=<value> Username. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_USERNAME environment variable.
Replace an existing certificate secret.
Replace a certificate secret with id '6fdfa612-6966-4a50-9222-7e31d7480979' in a secret group with id
$ anypoint-cli-secrets-mgr-plugin secrets-mgr certificate replace \
--id=6fdfa612-6966-4a50-9222-7e31d7480979 \
--group-id=59573b4e-cdea-4917-ac34-b047e1e94dbe \
--name=example-secret-1 \
anypoint-cli-secrets-mgr-plugin secrets-mgr keystore create
Create a new keystore secret in the specified secret group.
$ anypoint-cli-secrets-mgr-plugin secrets-mgr keystore create -g <value> -n <value> -t PEM|JKS|PKCS12|JCEKS [--password <value>
[--username <value> | --client_id <value> | ]] [--client_secret <value> ] [--bearer <value> | | ] [--organization
<value>] [--environment <value>] [--host <value>] [--collectMetrics] [--keystore-file <value>] [--key-file <value>]
[--cert-file <value>] [--capath-file <value>] [--store-passphrase <value>] [--key-passphrase <value>] [--alias
<value>] [--algorithm PKIX|SunX509] [--expiration-date <value>] [-o <value>] [-h]
-g, --group-id=<value> (required) Secret group id.
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-n, --name=<value> (required) Name for the secret.
-o, --output=<value> [default: table] Format for commands output. Supported values are table (default) and
-t, --type=<option> (required) Keystore type.
<options: PEM|JKS|PKCS12|JCEKS>
--algorithm=<option> Key manager factory algorithm for the JKS/PKCS12/JCEKS type keystore. Not applicable for
the PEM type keystore.
<options: PKIX|SunX509>
--alias=<value> Alias for the key in the JKS/PKCS12/JCEKS type keystore. Not applicable for the PEM type
--bearer=<value> Token Bearer. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_BEARER environment variable.
--capath-file=<value> CA path certificate file for the PEM type keystore. Not applicable for the
JKS/PKCS12/JCEKS type keystore.
--cert-file=<value> Certificate file for the PEM type keystore. Not applicable for the JKS/PKCS12/JCEKS type
--client_id=<value> Client ID. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_ID environment variable.
--client_secret=<value> Client Secret. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_SECRET environment variable.
--collectMetrics collect metrics. You can define this in the COLLECT_METRICS environment variable.
--environment=<value> Environment Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ENV environment variable.
--expiration-date=<value> Expiration date for the secret. [default:] Host URL. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_HOST
environment variable.
--key-file=<value> Key file for the PEM type keystore. Not applicable for the JKS/PKCS12/JCEKS type
--key-passphrase=<value> Passphrase for the key. It is required for the JKS/PKCS12/JCEKS type keystore, but
optional for the PEM type keystore.
--keystore-file=<value> JKS/PKCS12/JCEKS type keystore file path. Not applicable for the PEM type keystore.
--organization=<value> Organization Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ORG environment variable.
--password=<value> Password. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_PASSWORD environment variable.
--store-passphrase=<value> Passphrase for the JKS/PKCS12/JCEKS type keystore. Not applicable for the PEM type
--username=<value> Username. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_USERNAME environment variable.
Create a new keystore secret in the specified secret group.
Create a PEM type keystore 'example-secret-1' in a secret group with id '59573b4e-cdea-4917-ac34-b047e1e94dbe'
$ anypoint-cli-secrets-mgr-plugin secrets-mgr keystore create \
--name=example-secret-1 \
--group-id=59573b4e-cdea-4917-ac34-b047e1e94dbe \
--type=PEM \
--key-file=./key.pem \
Create a JKS type keystore 'example-secret-2' in a secret group with id '7834534e-ghij-9213-xy32-d345e1e94fca'
$ anypoint-cli-secrets-mgr-plugin secrets-mgr keystore create \
--name=example-secret-1 \
--group-id=59573b4e-cdea-4917-ac34-b047e1e94dbe \
--type=JKS \
--keystore-file=./keystore.jks \
--store-passphrase=store1234 \
--key-passphrase=key1234 \
--alias=alias1 \
anypoint-cli-secrets-mgr-plugin secrets-mgr keystore describe
Show the details of a keystore secret. The output will not include the keystore/key file content and the passphrase value.
$ anypoint-cli-secrets-mgr-plugin secrets-mgr keystore describe -i <value> -g <value> [--password <value> [--username <value> |
--client_id <value> | ]] [--client_secret <value> ] [--bearer <value> | | ] [--organization <value>] [--environment
<value>] [--host <value>] [--collectMetrics] [-o <value>] [-h]
-g, --group-id=<value> (required) Secret group id.
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-i, --id=<value> (required) Secret id.
-o, --output=<value> [default: table] Format for commands output. Supported values are table (default) and
--bearer=<value> Token Bearer. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_BEARER environment variable.
--client_id=<value> Client ID. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_ID environment variable.
--client_secret=<value> Client Secret. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_SECRET environment variable.
--collectMetrics collect metrics. You can define this in the COLLECT_METRICS environment variable.
--environment=<value> Environment Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ENV environment variable. [default:] Host URL. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_HOST
environment variable.
--organization=<value> Organization Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ORG environment variable.
--password=<value> Password. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_PASSWORD environment variable.
--username=<value> Username. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_USERNAME environment variable.
Show the details of a keystore secret. The output will not include the keystore/key file content and the passphrase
Show the details of a keystore secret with id '6fdfa612-6966-4a50-9222-7e31d7480979' in a secret group with id
$ anypoint-cli-secrets-mgr-plugin secrets-mgr keystore describe \
--id=6fdfa612-6966-4a50-9222-7e31d7480979 \
anypoint-cli-secrets-mgr-plugin secrets-mgr keystore list
List the keystore secrets in a secret group.
$ anypoint-cli-secrets-mgr-plugin secrets-mgr keystore list -g <value> [--password <value> [--username <value> | --client_id
<value> | ]] [--client_secret <value> ] [--bearer <value> | | ] [--organization <value>] [--environment <value>]
[--host <value>] [--collectMetrics] [-o <value>] [-h]
-g, --group-id=<value> (required) Secret group id.
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-o, --output=<value> [default: table] Format for commands output. Supported values are table (default) and
--bearer=<value> Token Bearer. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_BEARER environment variable.
--client_id=<value> Client ID. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_ID environment variable.
--client_secret=<value> Client Secret. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_SECRET environment variable.
--collectMetrics collect metrics. You can define this in the COLLECT_METRICS environment variable.
--environment=<value> Environment Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ENV environment variable. [default:] Host URL. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_HOST
environment variable.
--organization=<value> Organization Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ORG environment variable.
--password=<value> Password. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_PASSWORD environment variable.
--username=<value> Username. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_USERNAME environment variable.
List the keystore secrets in a secret group.
List all the keystore secrets in a secret group with id '59573b4e-cdea-4917-ac34-b047e1e94dbe'.
$ anypoint-cli-secrets-mgr-plugin secrets-mgr keystore list --group-id=59573b4e-cdea-4917-ac34-b047e1e94dbe
anypoint-cli-secrets-mgr-plugin secrets-mgr keystore modify
Modify the 'name' or 'expiration date' for an existing keystore secret.
$ anypoint-cli-secrets-mgr-plugin secrets-mgr keystore modify -i <value> -g <value> [--password <value> [--username <value> |
--client_id <value> | ]] [--client_secret <value> ] [--bearer <value> | | ] [--organization <value>] [--environment
<value>] [--host <value>] [--collectMetrics] [-n <value>] [--expiration-date <value>] [-o <value>] [-h]
-g, --group-id=<value> (required) Secret group id.
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-i, --id=<value> (required) Secret id.
-n, --name=<value> Name for the secret.
-o, --output=<value> [default: table] Format for commands output. Supported values are table (default) and
--bearer=<value> Token Bearer. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_BEARER environment variable.
--client_id=<value> Client ID. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_ID environment variable.
--client_secret=<value> Client Secret. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_SECRET environment variable.
--collectMetrics collect metrics. You can define this in the COLLECT_METRICS environment variable.
--environment=<value> Environment Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ENV environment variable.
--expiration-date=<value> Expiration date for the secret. [default:] Host URL. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_HOST
environment variable.
--organization=<value> Organization Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ORG environment variable.
--password=<value> Password. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_PASSWORD environment variable.
--username=<value> Username. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_USERNAME environment variable.
Modify the 'name' or 'expiration date' for an existing keystore secret.
Modify only the name for the keystore secret with id '6fdfa612-6966-4a50-9222-7e31d7480979' in a secret group with
id '59573b4e-cdea-4917-ac34-b047e1e94dbe'.
$ anypoint-cli-secrets-mgr-plugin secrets-mgr keystore modify \
--id=6fdfa612-6966-4a50-9222-7e31d7480979 \
--group-id=59573b4e-cdea-4917-ac34-b047e1e94dbe \
anypoint-cli-secrets-mgr-plugin secrets-mgr keystore replace
Replace an existing keystore secret. Keystore type cannot be changed during replacement update.
$ anypoint-cli-secrets-mgr-plugin secrets-mgr keystore replace -i <value> -n <value> -g <value> -t PEM|JKS|PKCS12|JCEKS
[--password <value> [--username <value> | --client_id <value> | ]] [--client_secret <value> ] [--bearer <value> | |
] [--organization <value>] [--environment <value>] [--host <value>] [--collectMetrics] [--keystore-file <value>]
[--key-file <value>] [--cert-file <value>] [--capath-file <value>] [--store-passphrase <value>] [--key-passphrase
<value>] [--alias <value>] [--algorithm PKIX|SunX509] [--expiration-date <value>] [-o <value>] [-h]
-g, --group-id=<value> (required) Secret group id.
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-i, --id=<value> (required) Secret id.
-n, --name=<value> (required) Name for the secret.
-o, --output=<value> [default: table] Format for commands output. Supported values are table (default) and
-t, --type=<option> (required) Keystore type.
<options: PEM|JKS|PKCS12|JCEKS>
--algorithm=<option> Key manager factory algorithm for the JKS/PKCS12/JCEKS type keystore. Not applicable for
the PEM type keystore.
<options: PKIX|SunX509>
--alias=<value> Alias for the key in the JKS/PKCS12/JCEKS type keystore. Not applicable for the PEM type
--bearer=<value> Token Bearer. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_BEARER environment variable.
--capath-file=<value> CA path certificate file for the PEM type keystore. Not applicable for the
JKS/PKCS12/JCEKS type keystore.
--cert-file=<value> Certificate file for the PEM type keystore. Not applicable for the JKS/PKCS12/JCEKS type
--client_id=<value> Client ID. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_ID environment variable.
--client_secret=<value> Client Secret. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_SECRET environment variable.
--collectMetrics collect metrics. You can define this in the COLLECT_METRICS environment variable.
--environment=<value> Environment Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ENV environment variable.
--expiration-date=<value> Expiration date for the secret. [default:] Host URL. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_HOST
environment variable.
--key-file=<value> Key file for the PEM type keystore. Not applicable for the JKS/PKCS12/JCEKS type
--key-passphrase=<value> Passphrase for the key. It is required for the JKS/PKCS12/JCEKS type keystore, but
optional for the PEM type keystore.
--keystore-file=<value> JKS/PKCS12/JCEKS type keystore file path. Not applicable for the PEM type keystore.
--organization=<value> Organization Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ORG environment variable.
--password=<value> Password. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_PASSWORD environment variable.
--store-passphrase=<value> Passphrase for the JKS/PKCS12/JCEKS type keystore. Not applicable for the PEM type
--username=<value> Username. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_USERNAME environment variable.
Replace an existing keystore secret. Keystore type cannot be changed during replacement update.
Replace a keystore secret with id '6fdfa612-6966-4a50-9222-7e31d7480979' in a secret group with id
$ anypoint-cli-secrets-mgr-plugin secrets-mgr keystore replace \
--id=6fdfa612-6966-4a50-9222-7e31d7480979 \
--group-id=59573b4e-cdea-4917-ac34-b047e1e94dbe \
--name=example-secret-1 \
--type=PEM \
--key-file=./new-key.pem \
--cert-file=./new-cert.pem \
anypoint-cli-secrets-mgr-plugin secrets-mgr secret-group create
Create a new secret group in the configured/specified organization and environment.
$ anypoint-cli-secrets-mgr-plugin secrets-mgr secret-group create -n <value> [--password <value> [--username <value> | --client_id
<value> | ]] [--client_secret <value> ] [--bearer <value> | | ] [--organization <value>] [--environment <value>]
[--host <value>] [--collectMetrics] [-o <value>] [-h] [--downloadable]
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-n, --name=<value> (required) Name for the secret group.
-o, --output=<value> [default: table] Format for commands output. Supported values are table (default) and
--bearer=<value> Token Bearer. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_BEARER environment variable.
--client_id=<value> Client ID. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_ID environment variable.
--client_secret=<value> Client Secret. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_SECRET environment variable.
--collectMetrics collect metrics. You can define this in the COLLECT_METRICS environment variable.
--downloadable Indicates the secret group is downloadable.
--environment=<value> Environment Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ENV environment variable. [default:] Host URL. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_HOST
environment variable.
--organization=<value> Organization Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ORG environment variable.
--password=<value> Password. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_PASSWORD environment variable.
--username=<value> Username. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_USERNAME environment variable.
Create a new secret group in the configured/specified organization and environment.
Create a secret group named 'example-group-1' in the configured organization and environment.
$ anypoint-cli-secrets-mgr-plugin secrets-mgr secret-group create --name=example-group-1
Create a secret group named 'example-group-2' with downloadable option enabled in the configured organization and
$ anypoint-cli-secrets-mgr-plugin secrets-mgr secret-group create --name=example-group-2 --downloadable
Create a secret group named 'example-group-3' in the specified organization and environment.
$ anypoint-cli-secrets-mgr-plugin secrets-mgr secret-group create --name=example-group-3 \
--organization=Salesforce --environment=Design
anypoint-cli-secrets-mgr-plugin secrets-mgr secret-group delete
Delete a secret group.
$ anypoint-cli-secrets-mgr-plugin secrets-mgr secret-group delete -i <value> [--password <value> [--username <value> | --client_id
<value> | ]] [--client_secret <value> ] [--bearer <value> | | ] [--organization <value>] [--environment <value>]
[--host <value>] [--collectMetrics] [-o <value>] [-h]
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-i, --id=<value> (required) Secret group id.
-o, --output=<value> [default: table] Format for commands output. Supported values are table (default) and
--bearer=<value> Token Bearer. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_BEARER environment variable.
--client_id=<value> Client ID. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_ID environment variable.
--client_secret=<value> Client Secret. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_SECRET environment variable.
--collectMetrics collect metrics. You can define this in the COLLECT_METRICS environment variable.
--environment=<value> Environment Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ENV environment variable. [default:] Host URL. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_HOST
environment variable.
--organization=<value> Organization Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ORG environment variable.
--password=<value> Password. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_PASSWORD environment variable.
--username=<value> Username. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_USERNAME environment variable.
Delete a secret group.
Delete a secret group whose id is '59573b4e-cdea-4917-ac34-b047e1e94dbe'.
$ anypoint-cli-secrets-mgr-plugin secrets-mgr secret-group delete --id=59573b4e-cdea-4917-ac34-b047e1e94dbe
anypoint-cli-secrets-mgr-plugin secrets-mgr secret-group describe
Show the details of a secret group.
$ anypoint-cli-secrets-mgr-plugin secrets-mgr secret-group describe -i <value> [--password <value> [--username <value> | --client_id
<value> | ]] [--client_secret <value> ] [--bearer <value> | | ] [--organization <value>] [--environment <value>]
[--host <value>] [--collectMetrics] [-o <value>] [-h]
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-i, --id=<value> (required) Secret group id.
-o, --output=<value> [default: table] Format for commands output. Supported values are table (default) and
--bearer=<value> Token Bearer. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_BEARER environment variable.
--client_id=<value> Client ID. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_ID environment variable.
--client_secret=<value> Client Secret. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_SECRET environment variable.
--collectMetrics collect metrics. You can define this in the COLLECT_METRICS environment variable.
--environment=<value> Environment Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ENV environment variable. [default:] Host URL. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_HOST
environment variable.
--organization=<value> Organization Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ORG environment variable.
--password=<value> Password. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_PASSWORD environment variable.
--username=<value> Username. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_USERNAME environment variable.
Show the details of a secret group.
Show the details of the secret group whose id is '59573b4e-cdea-4917-ac34-b047e1e94dbe'.
$ anypoint-cli-secrets-mgr-plugin secrets-mgr secret-group describe --id=59573b4e-cdea-4917-ac34-b047e1e94dbe
anypoint-cli-secrets-mgr-plugin secrets-mgr secret-group list
List the secret groups in the configured/specified organization and environment.
$ anypoint-cli-secrets-mgr-plugin secrets-mgr secret-group list [--password <value> [--username <value> | --client_id <value> |
]] [--client_secret <value> ] [--bearer <value> | | ] [--organization <value>] [--environment <value>] [--host
<value>] [--collectMetrics] [-o <value>] [-h]
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-o, --output=<value> [default: table] Format for commands output. Supported values are table (default) and
--bearer=<value> Token Bearer. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_BEARER environment variable.
--client_id=<value> Client ID. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_ID environment variable.
--client_secret=<value> Client Secret. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_SECRET environment variable.
--collectMetrics collect metrics. You can define this in the COLLECT_METRICS environment variable.
--environment=<value> Environment Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ENV environment variable. [default:] Host URL. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_HOST
environment variable.
--organization=<value> Organization Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ORG environment variable.
--password=<value> Password. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_PASSWORD environment variable.
--username=<value> Username. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_USERNAME environment variable.
List the secret groups in the configured/specified organization and environment.
List the secret groups in the configured organization and environment.
$ anypoint-cli-secrets-mgr-plugin secrets-mgr secret-group list
List the secret groups in the specified organization and environment.
$ anypoint-cli-secrets-mgr-plugin secrets-mgr secret-group list --organization=Salesforce --environment=Design
anypoint-cli-secrets-mgr-plugin secrets-mgr secret-group modify
Modify an existing secret group in the configured/specified organization and environment.
$ anypoint-cli-secrets-mgr-plugin secrets-mgr secret-group modify -i <value> [--password <value> [--username <value> | --client_id
<value> | ]] [--client_secret <value> ] [--bearer <value> | | ] [--organization <value>] [--environment <value>]
[--host <value>] [--collectMetrics] [-o <value>] [-h] [-n <value>] [--downloadable]
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-i, --id=<value> (required) Secret group id.
-n, --name=<value> Name for the secret group.
-o, --output=<value> [default: table] Format for commands output. Supported values are table (default) and
--bearer=<value> Token Bearer. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_BEARER environment variable.
--client_id=<value> Client ID. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_ID environment variable.
--client_secret=<value> Client Secret. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_SECRET environment variable.
--collectMetrics collect metrics. You can define this in the COLLECT_METRICS environment variable.
--[no-]downloadable Indicate the secret group is downloadable. To indicate the secret group is not
downloadable, prefix with "no-"
--environment=<value> Environment Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ENV environment variable. [default:] Host URL. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_HOST
environment variable.
--organization=<value> Organization Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ORG environment variable.
--password=<value> Password. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_PASSWORD environment variable.
--username=<value> Username. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_USERNAME environment variable.
Modify an existing secret group in the configured/specified organization and environment.
Modify only the name of the secret group with id 0bd52420-f252-4c05-bae2-1951efd816cb.
$ anypoint-cli-secrets-mgr-plugin secrets-mgr secret-group modify --id=0bd52420-f252-4c05-bae2-1951efd816cb \
Enable the downloadable option for the secret group with id 0bd52420-f252-4c05-bae2-1951efd816cb.
$ anypoint-cli-secrets-mgr-plugin secrets-mgr secret-group modify --id=0bd52420-f252-4c05-bae2-1951efd816cb \
Disable the downloadable option for the secret group with id 0bd52420-f252-4c05-bae2-1951efd816cb.
$ anypoint-cli-secrets-mgr-plugin secrets-mgr secret-group modify --id=0bd52420-f252-4c05-bae2-1951efd816cb \
anypoint-cli-secrets-mgr-plugin secrets-mgr shared-secret create
Create a new shared secret in the specified secret group.
$ anypoint-cli-secrets-mgr-plugin secrets-mgr shared-secret create -g <value> -n <value> -t
Blob|UsernamePassword|SymmetricKey|S3Credential [--password <value> [--username <value> | --client_id <value> | ]]
[--client_secret <value> ] [--bearer <value> | | ] [--organization <value>] [--environment <value>] [--host
<value>] [--collectMetrics] [--secret-username <value> | --key <value> | --access-key-id <value> |
--secret-access-key <value> | --content <value>] [--secret-password <value> | | | | ] [--expiration-date <value>]
[-o <value>] [-h]
-g, --group-id=<value> (required) Secret group id.
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-n, --name=<value> (required) Name for the secret.
-o, --output=<value> [default: table] Format for commands output. Supported values are table (default) and
-t, --type=<option> (required) Shared secret type.
<options: Blob|UsernamePassword|SymmetricKey|S3Credential>
--access-key-id=<value> S3 access key id for the "S3Credentials" shared secret type.
--bearer=<value> Token Bearer. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_BEARER environment variable.
--client_id=<value> Client ID. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_ID environment variable.
--client_secret=<value> Client Secret. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_SECRET environment variable.
--collectMetrics collect metrics. You can define this in the COLLECT_METRICS environment variable.
--content=<value> Blob text content for the "Blob" shared secret type.
--environment=<value> Environment Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ENV environment variable.
--expiration-date=<value> Expiration date for the secret. [default:] Host URL. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_HOST
environment variable.
--key=<value> Key value for the "SymmetricKey" shared secret type.
--organization=<value> Organization Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ORG environment variable.
--password=<value> Password. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_PASSWORD environment variable.
--secret-access-key=<value> S3 secret access key for the "S3Credentials" shared secret type.
--secret-password=<value> Password for the "UsernamePassword" shared secret type.
--secret-username=<value> User name for the "UsernamePassword" shared secret type.
--username=<value> Username. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_USERNAME environment variable.
Create a new shared secret in the specified secret group.
Create a shared secret 'example-secret-1' of type 'UsernamePassword' in a secret group with id
$ anypoint-cli-secrets-mgr-plugin secrets-mgr shared-secret create \
--name=example-secret-1 \
--group-id=59573b4e-cdea-4917-ac34-b047e1e94dbe \
--type=UsernamePassword \
--secret-username=exampleUser \
--secret-password=examplePwd \
Create a shared secret 'example-secret-2' of type 'Blob' in a secret group with id
$ anypoint-cli-secrets-mgr-plugin secrets-mgr shared-secret create \
--name=example-secret-2 \
--group-id=59573b4e-cdea-4917-ac34-b047e1e94dbe \
--type=Blob \
--content='example blob content'
anypoint-cli-secrets-mgr-plugin secrets-mgr shared-secret describe
Show the details of a shared secret. The output will not include any sensitive secret material.
$ anypoint-cli-secrets-mgr-plugin secrets-mgr shared-secret describe -i <value> -g <value> [--password <value> [--username <value> |
--client_id <value> | ]] [--client_secret <value> ] [--bearer <value> | | ] [--organization <value>] [--environment
<value>] [--host <value>] [--collectMetrics] [-o <value>] [-h]
-g, --group-id=<value> (required) Secret group id.
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-i, --id=<value> (required) Secret id.
-o, --output=<value> [default: table] Format for commands output. Supported values are table (default) and
--bearer=<value> Token Bearer. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_BEARER environment variable.
--client_id=<value> Client ID. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_ID environment variable.
--client_secret=<value> Client Secret. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_SECRET environment variable.
--collectMetrics collect metrics. You can define this in the COLLECT_METRICS environment variable.
--environment=<value> Environment Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ENV environment variable. [default:] Host URL. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_HOST
environment variable.
--organization=<value> Organization Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ORG environment variable.
--password=<value> Password. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_PASSWORD environment variable.
--username=<value> Username. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_USERNAME environment variable.
Show the details of a shared secret. The output will not include any sensitive secret material.
Show the details of a shared secret with id '6fdfa612-6966-4a50-9222-7e31d7480979' in a secret group with id
$ anypoint-cli-secrets-mgr-plugin secrets-mgr shared-secret describe \
--id=6fdfa612-6966-4a50-9222-7e31d7480979 \
anypoint-cli-secrets-mgr-plugin secrets-mgr shared-secret list
List all the shared secrets in a secret group.
$ anypoint-cli-secrets-mgr-plugin secrets-mgr shared-secret list -g <value> [--password <value> [--username <value> | --client_id
<value> | ]] [--client_secret <value> ] [--bearer <value> | | ] [--organization <value>] [--environment <value>]
[--host <value>] [--collectMetrics] [-o <value>] [-h]
-g, --group-id=<value> (required) Secret group id.
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-o, --output=<value> [default: table] Format for commands output. Supported values are table (default) and
--bearer=<value> Token Bearer. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_BEARER environment variable.
--client_id=<value> Client ID. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_ID environment variable.
--client_secret=<value> Client Secret. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_SECRET environment variable.
--collectMetrics collect metrics. You can define this in the COLLECT_METRICS environment variable.
--environment=<value> Environment Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ENV environment variable. [default:] Host URL. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_HOST
environment variable.
--organization=<value> Organization Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ORG environment variable.
--password=<value> Password. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_PASSWORD environment variable.
--username=<value> Username. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_USERNAME environment variable.
List all the shared secrets in a secret group.
List all the shared secrets in a secret group with id '59573b4e-cdea-4917-ac34-b047e1e94dbe'.
$ anypoint-cli-secrets-mgr-plugin secrets-mgr shared-secret list --group-id=59573b4e-cdea-4917-ac34-b047e1e94dbe
anypoint-cli-secrets-mgr-plugin secrets-mgr shared-secret modify
Modify the 'name' or 'expiration date' for a shared secret.
$ anypoint-cli-secrets-mgr-plugin secrets-mgr shared-secret modify -i <value> -g <value> [--password <value> [--username <value> |
--client_id <value> | ]] [--client_secret <value> ] [--bearer <value> | | ] [--organization <value>] [--environment
<value>] [--host <value>] [--collectMetrics] [-n <value>] [--expiration-date <value>] [-o <value>] [-h]
-g, --group-id=<value> (required) Secret group id.
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-i, --id=<value> (required) Secret id.
-n, --name=<value> Name for the secret.
-o, --output=<value> [default: table] Format for commands output. Supported values are table (default) and
--bearer=<value> Token Bearer. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_BEARER environment variable.
--client_id=<value> Client ID. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_ID environment variable.
--client_secret=<value> Client Secret. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_SECRET environment variable.
--collectMetrics collect metrics. You can define this in the COLLECT_METRICS environment variable.
--environment=<value> Environment Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ENV environment variable.
--expiration-date=<value> Expiration date for the secret. [default:] Host URL. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_HOST
environment variable.
--organization=<value> Organization Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ORG environment variable.
--password=<value> Password. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_PASSWORD environment variable.
--username=<value> Username. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_USERNAME environment variable.
Modify the 'name' or 'expiration date' for a shared secret.
Modify only the name for a shared secret with id '6fdfa612-6966-4a50-9222-7e31d7480979' in a secret group with id
$ anypoint-cli-secrets-mgr-plugin secrets-mgr shared-secret modify \
--id=6fdfa612-6966-4a50-9222-7e31d7480979 \
--group-id=59573b4e-cdea-4917-ac34-b047e1e94dbe \
anypoint-cli-secrets-mgr-plugin secrets-mgr shared-secret replace
Replace an existing shared secret. Secret type cannot be changed during replacement update.
$ anypoint-cli-secrets-mgr-plugin secrets-mgr shared-secret replace -i <value> -n <value> -g <value> -t
Blob|UsernamePassword|SymmetricKey|S3Credential [--password <value> [--username <value> | --client_id <value> | ]]
[--client_secret <value> ] [--bearer <value> | | ] [--organization <value>] [--environment <value>] [--host
<value>] [--collectMetrics] [--secret-username <value> | --key <value> | --access-key-id <value> |
--secret-access-key <value> | --content <value>] [--secret-password <value> | | | | ] [--expiration-date <value>]
[-o <value>] [-h]
-g, --group-id=<value> (required) Secret group id.
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-i, --id=<value> (required) Secret id.
-n, --name=<value> (required) Name for the secret.
-o, --output=<value> [default: table] Format for commands output. Supported values are table (default) and
-t, --type=<option> (required) Shared secret type.
<options: Blob|UsernamePassword|SymmetricKey|S3Credential>
--access-key-id=<value> S3 access key id for the "S3Credentials" shared secret type.
--bearer=<value> Token Bearer. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_BEARER environment variable.
--client_id=<value> Client ID. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_ID environment variable.
--client_secret=<value> Client Secret. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_SECRET environment variable.
--collectMetrics collect metrics. You can define this in the COLLECT_METRICS environment variable.
--content=<value> Blob text content for the "Blob" shared secret type.
--environment=<value> Environment Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ENV environment variable.
--expiration-date=<value> Expiration date for the secret. [default:] Host URL. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_HOST
environment variable.
--key=<value> Key value for the "SymmetricKey" shared secret type.
--organization=<value> Organization Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ORG environment variable.
--password=<value> Password. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_PASSWORD environment variable.
--secret-access-key=<value> S3 secret access key for the "S3Credentials" shared secret type.
--secret-password=<value> Password for the "UsernamePassword" shared secret type.
--secret-username=<value> User name for the "UsernamePassword" shared secret type.
--username=<value> Username. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_USERNAME environment variable.
Replace an existing shared secret. Secret type cannot be changed during replacement update.
Replace an existing shared secret with id '6fdfa612-6966-4a50-9222-7e31d7480979' and type 'UsernamePassword' in a
secret group with id '59573b4e-cdea-4917-ac34-b047e1e94dbe'.
$ anypoint-cli-secrets-mgr-plugin secrets-mgr shared-secret replace \
--id=6fdfa612-6966-4a50-9222-7e31d7480979 \
--group-id=59573b4e-cdea-4917-ac34-b047e1e94dbe \
--name=example-secret-1 \
--type=UsernamePassword \
--secret-username=newUser \
--secret-password=newPwd \
Replace an existing shared secret with id '905fcc78-412f-4980-bbb5-0555b9fbab06' and type 'Blob' in a secret group
with id '59573b4e-cdea-4917-ac34-b047e1e94dbe'.
$ anypoint-cli-secrets-mgr-plugin secrets-mgr shared-secret replace \
--id=905fcc78-412f-4980-bbb5-0555b9fbab06 \
--group-id=59573b4e-cdea-4917-ac34-b047e1e94dbe \
--name=example-secret-2 \
--type=Blob \
--content='new blob content'
anypoint-cli-secrets-mgr-plugin secrets-mgr tls-context flex-gateway create
Create a new Flex Gateway TLS context secret in the specified secret group.
$ anypoint-cli-secrets-mgr-plugin secrets-mgr tls-context flex-gateway create -g <value> -n <value> [--password <value> [--username <value> |
--client_id <value> | ]] [--client_secret <value> ] [--bearer <value> | | ] [--organization <value>] [--environment
<value>] [--host <value>] [--collectMetrics] [--alpn-protocol h2|http/1.1] [--min-tls-version
TLSv1.1|TLSv1.2|TLSv1.3] [--max-tls-version TLSv1.1|TLSv1.2|TLSv1.3] [--keystore-id <value>] [--truststore-id
<value>] [--enable-client-cert-validation] [--skip-server-cert-validation] [-c <value>] [--expiration-date <value>]
[-o <value>] [-h]
-c, --cipher=<value>...
Cipher to be applied for the specified TLS version range. If no cipher is specified then the default ciphers for the
specified TLS version will be applied. For TLSv1.1, there are no default ciphers, hence atleast one TLSv1.1
compatible cipher must be specified, if TLSv1.1 is in the specified TLS version range. For TLSv1.3, default ciphers
will always apply and cannot be explicitly specified. Please see the Flex Gateway online documentation
[] for more details.
Following are the acceptable ciphers for TLSv1.2. The Ciphers tagged with "*" are the default ciphers:
Following are the acceptable ciphers for TLSv1.1:
-g, --group-id=<value>
(required) Secret group id.
-h, --help
Show CLI help.
-n, --name=<value>
(required) Name for the secret.
-o, --output=<value>
[default: table] Format for commands output. Supported values are table (default) and json
[default: h2,http/1.1] Alpn protocol. If multiple values are specified, then the preferred order will be from the
left to right.
<options: h2|http/1.1>
Token Bearer. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_BEARER environment variable.
Client ID. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_ID environment variable.
Client Secret. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_SECRET environment variable.
collect metrics. You can define this in the COLLECT_METRICS environment variable.
Enable client certificate validation.