designcenter plugin
designcenter plugin
$ npm install -g @mulesoft/anypoint-cli-designcenter-plugin
$ anypoint-cli-designcenter-plugin COMMAND
running command...
$ anypoint-cli-designcenter-plugin (--version)
@mulesoft/anypoint-cli-designcenter-plugin/1.0.11 darwin-x64 node-v16.14.2
$ anypoint-cli-designcenter-plugin --help [COMMAND]
$ anypoint-cli-designcenter-plugin COMMAND
anypoint-cli-designcenter-plugin conf [KEY] [VALUE]
anypoint-cli-designcenter-plugin designcenter:project:create NAME
anypoint-cli-designcenter-plugin designcenter:project:delete NAME
anypoint-cli-designcenter-plugin designcenter:project:download NAME TARGETDIR
anypoint-cli-designcenter-plugin designcenter:project:list [SEARCHTEXT]
anypoint-cli-designcenter-plugin designcenter:project:publish NAME
anypoint-cli-designcenter-plugin designcenter:project:upload NAME PROJDIR
anypoint-cli-designcenter-plugin help [COMMAND]
anypoint-cli-designcenter-plugin version
anypoint-cli-designcenter-plugin conf [KEY] [VALUE]
Manage authentication credentials in a configuration file (config.json)
$ anypoint-cli-designcenter-plugin conf [KEY] [VALUE] [-h] [-k <value>] [-v <value>] [-d]
KEY key of the config
VALUE value of the config
-d, --delete delete config key
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-k, --key=<value> key of the config
-v, --value=<value> value of the config
Manage authentication credentials in a configuration file (config.json)
by adding and removing key value pairs. Set one key value pair per command execution.
CLI config file: ~/Library/Preferences/anypoint-cli-v4/config.json
$ anypoint-cli-designcenter-plugin conf username myuser
$ anypoint-cli-designcenter-plugin conf password mypwd
anypoint-cli-designcenter-plugin designcenter:project:create NAME
Create a new project
$ anypoint-cli-designcenter-plugin designcenter:project:create [NAME] [--password <value> [--username <value> | --client_id
<value> | ]] [--client_secret <value> ] [--bearer <value> | | ] [--organization <value>] [--environment <value>]
[--host <value>] [--collectMetrics] [-h] [-t <value>] [-f <value>] [-o <value>]
-f, --fragmentType=<value> Fragment type. Always use with --type raml-fragment, even for OAS 3.0 and JSON schema
fragments. This field is required if the type option was set as raml-fragment. Supported
values are: trait, resource_type, library, type, user_documentation, oas-components,
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-o, --output=<value> [default: table] Format for commands output. Supported values are table (default) and
-t, --type=<value> Project type. Supported values are: raml, raml-fragment.
--bearer=<value> Token Bearer. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_BEARER environment variable.
--client_id=<value> Client ID. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_ID environment variable.
--client_secret=<value> Client Secret. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_SECRET environment variable.
--collectMetrics collect metrics. You can define this in the COLLECT_METRICS environment variable.
--environment=<value> Environment Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ENV environment variable. [default:] Host URL. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_HOST
environment variable.
--organization=<value> Organization Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ORG environment variable.
--password=<value> Password. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_PASSWORD environment variable.
--username=<value> Username. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_USERNAME environment variable.
Create a new project
See code: src/commands/designcenter/project/create.ts
anypoint-cli-designcenter-plugin designcenter:project:delete NAME
Delete a project
$ anypoint-cli-designcenter-plugin designcenter:project:delete [NAME] [--password <value> [--username <value> | --client_id
<value> | ]] [--client_secret <value> ] [--bearer <value> | | ] [--organization <value>] [--environment <value>]
[--host <value>] [--collectMetrics] [-h] [-f]
-f, --force
-h, --help Show CLI help.
--bearer=<value> Token Bearer. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_BEARER environment variable.
--client_id=<value> Client ID. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_ID environment variable.
--client_secret=<value> Client Secret. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_SECRET environment variable.
--collectMetrics collect metrics. You can define this in the COLLECT_METRICS environment variable.
--environment=<value> Environment Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ENV environment variable. [default:] Host URL. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_HOST
environment variable.
--organization=<value> Organization Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ORG environment variable.
--password=<value> Password. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_PASSWORD environment variable.
--username=<value> Username. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_USERNAME environment variable.
Delete a project
See code: src/commands/designcenter/project/delete.ts
anypoint-cli-designcenter-plugin designcenter:project:download NAME TARGETDIR
Download the content of a project
$ anypoint-cli-designcenter-plugin designcenter:project:download [NAME] [TARGETDIR] [--password <value> [--username <value> |
--client_id <value> | ]] [--client_secret <value> ] [--bearer <value> | | ] [--organization <value>] [--environment
<value>] [--host <value>] [--collectMetrics] [-h] [-b <value>]
-b, --branch=<value>
-h, --help Show CLI help.
--bearer=<value> Token Bearer. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_BEARER environment variable.
--client_id=<value> Client ID. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_ID environment variable.
--client_secret=<value> Client Secret. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_SECRET environment variable.
--collectMetrics collect metrics. You can define this in the COLLECT_METRICS environment variable.
--environment=<value> Environment Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ENV environment variable. [default:] Host URL. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_HOST
environment variable.
--organization=<value> Organization Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ORG environment variable.
--password=<value> Password. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_PASSWORD environment variable.
--resolveDependenciesTimeout=<value> Dependency Resolution Timeout [Minutes]. Sets amount of minutes before timeout occurs when resolving Exchange Dependencies. Default 2.
--username=<value> Username. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_USERNAME environment variable.
Download the content of a project
See code: src/commands/designcenter/project/download.ts
anypoint-cli-designcenter-plugin designcenter:project:list [SEARCHTEXT]
List all projects
$ anypoint-cli-designcenter-plugin designcenter:project:list [SEARCHTEXT] [--password <value> [--username <value> |
--client_id <value> | ]] [--client_secret <value> ] [--bearer <value> | | ] [--organization <value>] [--environment
<value>] [--host <value>] [--collectMetrics] [-h] [--pageIndex <value>] [--pageSize <value>] [-o <value>]
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-o, --output=<value> [default: table] Format for commands output. Supported values are table (default) and
--bearer=<value> Token Bearer. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_BEARER environment variable.
--client_id=<value> Client ID. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_ID environment variable.
--client_secret=<value> Client Secret. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_SECRET environment variable.
--collectMetrics collect metrics. You can define this in the COLLECT_METRICS environment variable.
--environment=<value> Environment Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ENV environment variable. [default:] Host URL. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_HOST
environment variable.
--organization=<value> Organization Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ORG environment variable.
--pageSize=<value> [default: 10]
--password=<value> Password. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_PASSWORD environment variable.
--username=<value> Username. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_USERNAME environment variable.
List all projects
See code: src/commands/designcenter/project/list.ts
anypoint-cli-designcenter-plugin designcenter:project:publish NAME
Publish a project to Exchange. Options that are not specified are extracted from exchange.json
$ anypoint-cli-designcenter-plugin designcenter:project:publish [NAME] [--password <value> [--username <value> | --client_id
<value> | ]] [--client_secret <value> ] [--bearer <value> | | ] [--organization <value>] [--environment <value>]
[--host <value>] [--collectMetrics] [-h] [--name <value>] [--main <value>] [--apiVersion <value>] [--groupId
<value>] [--assetId <value>] [--version <value>] [-b <value>]
-b, --branch=<value>
-h, --help Show CLI help.
--bearer=<value> Token Bearer. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_BEARER environment variable.
--client_id=<value> Client ID. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_ID environment variable.
--client_secret=<value> Client Secret. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_SECRET environment variable.
--collectMetrics collect metrics. You can define this in the COLLECT_METRICS environment variable.
--environment=<value> Environment Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ENV environment variable.
--groupId=<value> [default:] Host URL. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_HOST
environment variable.
--organization=<value> Organization Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ORG environment variable.
--password=<value> Password. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_PASSWORD environment variable.
--username=<value> Username. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_USERNAME environment variable.
Publish a project to Exchange. Options that are not specified are extracted from `exchange.json`
See code: src/commands/designcenter/project/publish.ts
anypoint-cli-designcenter-plugin designcenter:project:upload NAME PROJDIR
Upload the content of a project. File/folder names starting with a dot are excluded unless --include-dot-files
is passed
$ anypoint-cli-designcenter-plugin designcenter:project:upload [NAME] [PROJDIR] [--password <value> [--username <value> |
--client_id <value> | ]] [--client_secret <value> ] [--bearer <value> | | ] [--organization <value>] [--environment
<value>] [--host <value>] [--collectMetrics] [-h] [-i] [-b <value>]
-b, --branch=<value>
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-i, --include-dot-files
--bearer=<value> Token Bearer. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_BEARER environment variable.
--client_id=<value> Client ID. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_ID environment variable.
--client_secret=<value> Client Secret. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_SECRET environment variable.
--collectMetrics collect metrics. You can define this in the COLLECT_METRICS environment variable.
--environment=<value> Environment Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ENV environment variable. [default:] Host URL. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_HOST
environment variable.
--organization=<value> Organization Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ORG environment variable.
--password=<value> Password. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_PASSWORD environment variable.
--username=<value> Username. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_USERNAME environment variable.
Upload the content of a project. File/folder names starting with a dot are excluded unless `--include-dot-files` is
See code: src/commands/designcenter/project/upload.ts
anypoint-cli-designcenter-plugin help [COMMAND]
Display help for anypoint-cli-designcenter-plugin.
$ anypoint-cli-designcenter-plugin help [COMMAND] [-n]
COMMAND Command to show help for.
-n, --nested-commands Include all nested commands in the output.
Display help for anypoint-cli-designcenter-plugin.
See code: @oclif/plugin-help
anypoint-cli-designcenter-plugin version
$ anypoint-cli-designcenter-plugin version
See code: @oclif/plugin-version