provides utility methods for traversing a JSON object and performing checks or returning values from leaf nodes
any-leaf provides utility methods for traversing a JSON object and performing checks or returning values from leaf nodes. This library has not dependencies
npm install --save any-leaf
import { getLeaves } from "any-leaf";
const test = {
a: {
i: {
p: [ 'value1', { test: 'value2'}]
q: {
x: 12,
y: null
b: [
{ i: 'value3' },
{ i: 'value4', j: ['value5']}
const result = getLeaves
// {
// "path": "a.i.p.0",
// "value": "value1"
// },
// {
// "path": "a.i.p.1.test",
// "value": "value2"
// },
// {
// "path": "a.i.q.x",
// "value": 12
// },
// {
// "path": "a.i.q.y",
// "value": null
// },
// {
// "path": "b.0.i",
// "value": "value3"
// },
// {
// "path": "b.1.i",
// "value": "value4"
// },
// {
// "path": "b.1.j.0",
// "value": "value5"
// }
In addition to the documenation below, each method takes in an optional include ([string]) and exclude ([string]) parameter used to include or exclude subtree sections of the subject object.
const include = [ 'a.i.p', 'b'] // same for exclude, will exclude all nodes under the listed paths
anyLeaf(value: object, fn: function): boolean
performs the check defined by fn on all leaf nodes and returns true if any leaf node passes the check (similar to Array.prototype.some). The fn callback will be called with each value in the format: { path: string, value: any }
anyLeaf(test, leaf => leaf.value === 'value1') // true
anyLeaf(test, leaf => leaf.value === 'someValNotALeaf') // false
allLeaves(value: object, fn: function): boolean
same as anyLeaf except all leaves must pass the check defined by the callback fn
allLeaves(test, leaf => leaf.value === 'value1') // false
allLeaves(test, leaf => leaf.value !== undefined) // true
anyLeafTruthy(value: object): boolean
same as anyLeaf with a callback fn specified as leaf => !!leaf.value
anyLeafTruthy(test) // true
allLeavesTruthy(value: object): boolean
same as allLeaves with a callback fn specified as leaf => !!leaf.value
allLeavesTruthy(test) // false, a.i.q.y === null
anyLeafFalsey(value: object): boolean
same as anyLeaf with a callback fn specified as leaf => !leaf.value
anyLeafFalsey(test) // true, a.i.q.y === null
allLeavesFalsey(value: object): boolean
same as allLeaves with a callback fn specified as leaf => !leaf.value
allLeavesFalsey(test) // false
getLeaves(value: object): [{path: string, value: any}]
same as getLeaves with a callback fn specified as leaf => leaf
getLeaves(test) // false
mapLeaves(value: object, fn: function): [any]
visits each leaf node in the object and runs the callback function on each leaf node in the object and returns an array of values containing the mapped objects
mapLeaves(test, leaf => ( myProp: 'my ' + leaf.value ))
visitLeaves(value: object, fn: function)
visits each leaf node in the object and runs the callback function on each leaf node in the object
const myArray = []
visitLeaves(test, leaf => myArray.push(leaf))