Super-simple templating for ansi-styles
A String.prototype friendly replacement for colors-tmpl
Workshopper use colors-tmpl to replace {red}
-like template commands with ansi colour / formatting codes.
It also uses chalk
for ad-hoc terminal formatting.
var ansi = require('ansi-template')
ansi('{red}Error{/red} don\'t hold much hope for the {underline}creedence tapes{/underline}')
// will return a strin with the {foo}'s replaced with the equivelant ansi-style code
This module is intended to be a simpler, chalk friendly alternative to colors-tmpl with no String.prototype noodling.
But then I found that colors/safe
as used by colors-tmpl doesn't have the same String.prototpye noodling horror.
So, a timely reminder to research before adding to the pile of code. Regardless, if you want super simple colors-tmpl style templatin
for crafting terminal messages from plain text without having to look at the madness that is ansi formatting codes, this'll do that.
Made possible by the clean seperation of concerns that is chalk and ansi-styles