A lightweight, modern, extendable dom library, written in typescript!
A lightweight, modern, extendable dom library, written in typescript!
- ⚡️ lightweight, only 3 kb ungzipped
- ✨ modern, no legacy code
- 🎨 extendable, easily write your plugin
- 📦️ written in typescript
quick start
- install dependency
// node
npm install anselector
// or browser esm
import $ from '//'
- coding
// utils
// select element(s)
$(".title") // css selector
$("<div>content</div>") // no in dom tree
$(document.body) // html element
$.version // v1.0.0
$.fn // prototype of core class
$.use // extends $ or $.fn
es // the elements
el // the (first) element
on('click', fn, options) // listen once with `once: true` option
off('click', fn, options) // remove
click() // trigger click
click(fn, options) // short for on('click', fn, options)
css() // get css
css('color: red;') // append css
css({ color: 'red' }) // append css with object
css.set('color: red') // replace css
class() // get classname
class('name') // add classname
class.has('name') // contains classname
class.set('name') // set classname
class.remove('name') // remove classname
class.toggle('name') // toggle classname
text() // get inner text
text('value') // replace text
html() // get inner html
html('value') // set inner html
attr('key') // get attribute
attr('key', 'value') // set attribute
attr({}) // set attributes with object
parent() // return $parent
parent('.title') // append to parent by css selector
parent(el) // append to parent by html element
parent($el) // append to parent by $ element
parent(null) // remove from parent
parent.prepend() // prepend to parent
$('.title') // find child with css selector