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Hi, 👋, I’m Ryan Hefner  and I built this site for me, and you! The goal of this site was to provide an easy way for me to check the stats on my npm packages, both for prioritizing issues and updates, and to give me a little kick in the pants to keep up on stuff.

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Anod is a reactive Javascript library. It is based on research done by [Adam Haile]( in his libraries S.js and S-Array.





Anod is a reactive Javascript library. It is based on research done by Adam Haile in his libraries S.js and S-Array.

Getting started

Install with npm install anod.

You can also use it directly as a script tag by downloading anod.min.js from the dist folder and import methods from the global varible anod.

const { data, run /* ... */ } = window.anod;


Anod started out as a research project looking at fine grain data binding with conditional branching. Related research was initated by S.js with subclocks as a proposed solution. For some related discussion, see #1, #2, #3.


Anod is still a work in progress and there might be bugs. Focus right now is to increase test coverage.


Anod is based on S with a slightly different API.

Quick start

# Todo

Data signals

Signals hold a current value that can be read by computations, and once set, will notify any dependent computation to trigger an update.

Data signals offer two parallell syntax modes: functional and object oriented. Behind the scenes anod uses object oriented signals. Functions are merely wrappers on top of objects with a function get and set.

Functional signals

data<T>(val: T): () => T

data creates a basic data signal that can be read by computations. It returns a basic function that can be read or set by passing in a new value.

import { data } from 'anod';
const ds = data(1);
console.log(ds()); // prints "1"
ds(2); // notifies about incoming value 
console.log(ds()); // prints "2"
ds(2); // always notifies about change regardless of whether value is equal

value<T>(val: T, eq?: (T,T) => boolean): () => T

value creates a data signal that only propagates changes when the value changes. It optionally accepts a predicate function to determine equality.

import { value } from 'anod';
const ds = value(1);
ds(1); // nothing happens
ds(2); // notifies about change being made 

list<T>(val: T[]): List<T>

list creates an array signal which mirrors builtin Javascript array functions and adds a few more.

import { list } from 'anod';
const ds = list([1,2,3]);
console.log(ds.get()); // prints "1,2,3"
ds.push(4); // builtins behave like normal functions
ds.removeAt(2); // see API section for a complete list of array functions

Object oriented signals

Data signals can also be created by calling the constructor directly. Functional signals use object oriented ones internally, and basically wraps them in a functional getter/setter.


Data is accessed using a simple api: get() to read a value, and set(val) to set a value.

import { Data } from 'anod';
const ds = new Data(1);
console.log(ds.get()); // prints "1"
console.log(ds.get()); // prints "2"


Value extends data and accepts a predicate function like value.

import { Value } from 'anod';
const ds = new Value(1, (a,b) => a > b);
ds.set(0); // nothing happens
ds.set(2); // notifies about changes


The functional method list and the List constructor are identical as the List prototype holds methods. In other words, the two methods below are equal.

import { list, List } from 'anod';
const ds1 = list([1,2,3]);
const ds2 = new List([1,2,3]);


(fn|run)<T>(f: (seed: T) => T, seed?: T, flags?: number, disposer?: () => void): () => T

fn and run creates a dynamic computation node. By default, it will create dependencies on any signal read when f is called, and each time the computation updates, it will rebuild the dependency graph.

import { data, fn } from 'anod';
const ds1 = data(1);
const ds2 = data(2);
fn(() => {
	console.log(ds1() + ds2()); // prints "3"
ds1(3); // prints "5"
ds2(4); // prints "7"

Computations can also read other computations. fn is used when the resulting computation node is not needed to be read by others, whereas run returns a loggable computation that can be read by others.

import { data, fn, run } from 'anod';
const ds = data(1);
const cs = run(() => ds() + 1); 
fn(() => { console.log(cs() + 1); }); // prints "3"
ds(2); // prints "4"

(on|tie)<T>(src: Computation | Computation[], f: (seed: T) => T, seed?: T, flags?: number, dispose?: () => void): () => T

on and tie works like fn but accepts a static list of dependencies to track, and does not register dependencies during runtime.

import { data, on } from 'anod';
const ds1 = data(1);
const ds2 = data(2);
on(ds1, () => { console.log(ds2()); }); // prints "2"
ds1(3); // prints "3"
ds2(4); // does not print


Any computation created inside the scope of another is owned by that parent computation. Whenever the parent computation is updated or disposed, the child computation is automatically disposed.

root<T>(node: Computation<T> | () => T, f?: () => T): Computation<T>

root creates a root computation that lives until manually disposed. That means, a root computation created inside the scope of another computation will not be automatically disposed.

import { data, fn, root } from 'anod';
const ds = data(1);
let roots = [];
let seed = 0;
fn(() => {
	let id = seed++;
	roots[id] = root(() => {
		fn(() => { console.log(id); });
ds(2); // prints "0", "1"
ds(3); // prints "0", "1", "2"
roots.forEach(r => r.dispose());
ds(4); // prints "3"

root also accepts a computation node as first argument. This way, one may extend existing root computation nodes with additional computations to be owned by that root. Any computation created inside this scope will be disposed once the provided root computation is disposed.


cleanup(f: () => void): void

cleanup adds cleanup logic to a computation node. Whenever a node is updated, f will be run. cleanup is run finally once when a computation node is disposed.

disposer: () => void

Computation nodes optionally accept a last parameter disposer. This function will run once a computation node is disposed.

Batching changes

freeze<T>(f: () => T): T

freeze pauses execution until f has run, and then applies any changes in a single commit. This is especially useful when computations are bound to multiple data signals and you only want them to update once despite updating multiple signals.


Anod offers a few different flags contained by the enum Flag that modifies how computations behave.


This is only meaningful when passed in to on/tie. It behaves as onchanges in S.js, i.e. computations will use provided seed value and update once any dependency change.


One of the strongest features of Anod is tracing computations. When a computation is marked as tracing it will not notify changes to downstream computations unless its value has changed since last round.

import { data, fn, Flag, run } from 'anod';
const ds = data(1);
const cs = run(() => ds() > 2, 0, Flag.Trace);
fn(() => { console.log(cs()); }); // prints "false"
ds(2); // does not print as value of cs has not changed
ds(3); // prints "true"
ds(4); // does not print as value is now stable again

Anod uses this functionality extensively for list operations. For instance, any method that returns a functional value traces its value.

import { list, fn } from 'anod';
const ls = list([1,2,3]);
const es = ls.find(x => x === 5);
fn(() => { console.log(es()); }) // prints "undefined"
ls.push(4); // does not print, value is still not found
ls.push(5); // prints "5"
ls.unshift(5); // as value is unchanged even though at a new index, we do not trigger an update 


tie and fn will reconstruct the dependency tree each time they update. This means that if dependencies change during execution, it will correctly bind to only active dependencies each run. However, if we do not know exactly which dependencies will be triggered, but once run do not change, we can mark the computation as static. This means that once the computation node has registered the dependencies after its initial run, it stabilizes and does not recompute the values until disposed.

import { data, fn, Flag } from 'anod';
const ds1 = data(1);
const ds2 = data(2);
const ds3 = data(3);
fn(() => {
	if (ds1() > 0) {
		if (ds2() < 0) {
}, undefined, Flag.Static);  
ds2(-1); // prints "ran" 
ds3(4); // does not print as we did not bind it the initial round


Per default, tie and fn creates a static dependency tree. If however the computations passed as src have branching logic inside them, we can override this behavior and rebuild the dependency tree on each run by passing in this flag.

import { data, Flag, on } from 'anod';
const ds1 = data(1);
const ds2 = data(2);
 * In order to correctly bind this computation, 
 * we pass in Flag.Dynamic which correctly binds
 * either data signal each cycle.
const gt = () => Math.random() > 0.5 ? ds1() : ds2();
on(gt, () => { console.log('ran'); }, undefined, Flag.Dynamic); 


 * A signal is the foundation of Anod, and 
 * any object that can be read extends this interface,
 * regardless of whether it logs changes or not.
export interface Signal<T = unknown> {
	get(): T;

export interface Data<T = unknown> extends Signal<T> {
	set(next: T): T;

export interface Value<T = unknown> extends Data<T> { }

export interface List<T = unknown> extends Data<T[]>, IEnumerable<T> {
	 * Inserts item at specific index
	 * @param index Index to insert
	 * @param item Item to insert
	insertAt(index: number, item: T): void;
	 * Inserts range starting at specified index
	 * @param index Index to start inserting
	 * @param items Items to insert
	insertRange(index: number, items: T[]): void;
	 * Moves an item from `from` to `to`
	 * If an index is negative, `move` will
	 * count backwards. -1 is the last index
	 * of the array and then counting.
	 * If an index lies beyond the range of 
	 * the array, the last or first index 
	 * will be used respectively.
	 * @param from From index
	 * @param to To index
	move(from: number, to: number): void;
	 * Removes an element from the end of the array
	 * If the array is empty, this method will 
	 * dispatch a void changeset.
	pop(): void;
	 * Adds an element at the end of the array
	 * @param item Item to be inserted
	push(item: T): void;
	 * Removes an item at specified index
	 * If provided index is negative, `removeAt`
	 * will start counting backwards. -1 is the last
	 * index of the array and then counting.
	 * When removing at first or last index, this 
	 * method will dispatch a `shift` or `pop` 
	 * changeset respectively. 
	 * @param index Index at which to remove
	removeAt(index: number): void;
	 * Removes a range, starting at index
	 * @param index Index to start removing
	 * @param count Number of items to remove
	removeRange(index: number, count: number): void;
	 * Replace sets an item at a specific index. 
	 * It is the equivalent of setting an array 
	 * index in a normal manner, `list[index] = item`.
	 * @param index 
	 * @param item 
	replace(index: number, item: T): void;
	 * Removes an item from beginning of array.
	 * If the array is empty, this method will
	 * dispatch a void changeset.
	shift(): void;
	 * Swaps location between item located at
	 * index `i1` and `i2`
	 * If provided index is negative, `swap` will
	 * start counting backwards. -1 is
	 * the last index of the array and then counting.
	 * If an index lies beyond the range 
	 * of the array, it will truncate to the last
	 * or first index.
	 * @param i1 Index of first item to swap
	 * @param i2 Index of second item to swap
	swap(i1: number, i2: number): void;
	 * Adds an item to the beginning of the array
	 * @param item Item to add
	unshift(item: T): void;

export interface Computation<T = unknown> extends Signal<T> {
	dispose(): void;

export interface IEnumerable<T = unknown> extends Signal<T[]> {
	readonly cs: Changeset<T>;
	 * Determines whether all elements meet the condition of provided callback.
	 * It does not propagate changes unless the computed value changes.
	 * @example
	 * const d1 = array([1,2,3]);
	 * const c1 = d1.every(x => x !== 4);
	 * const c2 = on(c1, () => { console.log("called"); });
	 * d1.pop(); // does not print
	 * d1.push(4); // prints "called"
	 * @param callback Predicate function to evaluate against each element
	every(callback: (currentValue: T, index?: number) => boolean): () => boolean;
	 * Returns an IEnumerable filtered for elements that meet the condition of provided callback
	 * @example
	 * const d1 = array([1,2,3])
	 * const c1 = d1.filter(x => x > 1);
	 * console.log(c1.val()); // prints "[2,3]"
	 * @param callback Predicate function to evaluate against each element
	filter(callback: (currentValue: T, index?: number) => boolean): IEnumerable<T>;
	 * Searches the *first* element in the array that meet the condition, otherwise undefined
	 * @param callback Predicate function to evaluate against each element
	 * @returns 
	find(callback: (element: T, index?: number) => boolean): () => T;
	 * Searches the *first* index that meet the condition, otherwise -1
	 * @param callback Predicate function to evaluate against each element
	findIndex(callback: (element: T, index?: number) => boolean): () => number;
	 * @param callback 
	forEach(callback: (currentValue: T, index?: number) => boolean): void;
	 * @param valueToFind 
	 * @param fromIndex 
	includes(valueToFind: T, fromIndex?: number): () => boolean;
	 * @param searchElement 
	 * @param fromIndex 
	indexOf(searchElement: T, fromIndex?: number): () => number;
	 * Creates and returns a string procedure by concatenating 
	 * all elements of the underlying enumerable. If the underlying 
	 * enumerable has not changed, `join` will not trigger dependent
	 * computation nodes.
	 * @example
	 * const d1 = array([1,2,3]);
	 * const c1 = d1.join(";");
	 * console.log(c1()); // prints "1;2;3"
	 * @param separator If omitted, array elements are separated with a comma (",")
	join(separator?: string): () => string;
	 * @param searchElement 
	 * @param fromIndex 
	lastIndexOf(searchElement: T, fromIndex?: number): () => number;
	 * @param fn 
	map<U>(fn: (currentValue: T, index?: number) => U): IEnumerable<U>;
	 * @param callback 
	 * @param initialValue 
	reduce<U>(callback: (accumulator: U, currentValue: T, index?: number) => U, initialValue?: U): () => U;
	 * @param callback 
	 * @param initialValue 
	reduceRight<U>(callback: (accumulator: U, currentValue: T, index?: number) => U, initialValue?: U): () => U;
	reverse(): IEnumerable<T>;
	 * @param start 
	 * @param end 
	slice(start?: number, end?: number): IEnumerable<T>;
	 * @param callback 
	some(callback: (element: T, index?: number) => boolean): () => boolean;
	 * @param compareFunction 
	sort(compareFunction?: (firstEl: T, secondEl: T) => number): IEnumerable<T>;

export interface Enumerable<T = unknown> extends Computation<T>, IEnumerable<T> { }

export const enum Flag {
	 * Used to flag that a procedure should not
	 * be invoced until next computation cycle. 
	 * @see {on}
	Wait = 1,
	 * Used to flag that a procedure should
	 * only propagate changes when the computed
	 * value changes from previous round.
	 * @see {fn}
	 * @see {on}
	Trace = 2,
	 * Used to flag that a procedure uses
	 * dynamic dependency tracking. This means that
	 * each time the node is updated, the dependency 
	 * tree is truncated and rebuild. This behavior
	 * is default for `fn` and `run`, but can be overriden
	 * for `on` and `bind` in case they have conditional
	 * dependency trees.
	 * @see {fn}
	 * @see {on}
	Dynamic = 4,
	 * Used to flag that a procedure uses
	 * static dependency tracking. This means that 
	 * the dependency tree is computed once and then
	 * never rebuilt. This behavior is default for 
	 * `on` and `bind`, but can be overriden for `fn`
	 * and `run` in case we know that any dependency
	 * read during first invocation will stay static 
	 * during the lifetime of the computation node.
	Static = 8,

export const enum Mod {
	Index = 1,
	Value = 2,
	Range = 4,
	Head = 8,
	Tail = 16,
	Add = 32,
	Delete = 64,
	Reorder = 128,
	InsertAt = 256 | Mod.Index | Mod.Value | Mod.Add,
	InsertRange = 512 | Mod.Index | Mod.Value | Mod.Range | Mod.Add,
	Move = 1024 | Mod.Index | Mod.Reorder,
	Pop = 2048 | Mod.Tail | Mod.Delete,
	Push = 4096 | Mod.Value | Mod.Tail | Mod.Add,
	RemoveAt = 8192 | Mod.Index | Mod.Delete,
	RemoveRange = 16384 | Mod.Index | Mod.Range | Mod.Delete,
	Replace = 32768 | Mod.Index | Mod.Value | Mod.Add | Mod.Delete,
	Shift = 65536 | Mod.Head | Mod.Delete,
	Swap = 131072 | Mod.Index | Mod.Reorder,
	Unshift = 262144 | Mod.Add | Mod.Value | Mod.Head,
	Void = 524288,
	Type = 524032,

 * Creates a data signal that can be read by computation nodes.
 * When passed a new value, it always trigger dependent computation nodes.
 * @example
 * const d = data(1);
 * run(() => { console.log(d1()); });
 * d(2); // prints "2"
 * d(3); // prints "3"
 * @param val Initial value. If omitted, `undefined` is used as initial value.
export function data<T>(val: T): (next?: T) => T;

 * Creates a data signal that can be read by computation ndoes.
 * When passed a new value, it trigger dependent computation nodes if 
 * the new value is not equal to current value. 
 * @example
 * const d = value(1, (a,b) => a > b);
 * run(() => { console.log(d()); });
 * d(2); // does not print
 * d(0); // prints "0"
 * @param val Initial value. If omitted, `undefined` is used as initial value.
 * @param eq A custom equal function. If omitted, strict equality, i.e. `a === b` is used.
export function value<T>(val: T, eq?: (a: T, b: T) => boolean): (next?: T) => T;

 * Creates an array signal that can be read by computation nodes.
 * Unlike data signals, values are read and set by calling `.val(next?: T[])`.
 * @param val Initial value used by underlying data array.
 * @throws {Error} When val is a non array-like object
export function list<T>(val: T[]): List<T>;

 * `on` creates a computation node with a static dependency tree.
 * This function will be more performant than `tie`, and it is advisable to 
 * use it unless requiring reading the resulting computation node. 
 * @see tie
 * @param src Dependent signals
 * @param f Function to execute when `src` changes
 * @param seed Initial value passed to `f`
 * @param flags Flags to override. Possible values are `Flag.Wait` and `Flag.Dynamic`.
export function on<T>(src: (() => any) | (() => any)[], f: (seed: T) => T, seed?: T, flags?: number, dispose?: () => void): () => T;

 * `fn` creates a dynamic computation node.
 * This function will be more performant than `run`, and it is advisable to 
 * use it unless requiring reading the resulting computation node. 
 * @param f Function to execute
 * @param seed Initial value passed to `f`
 * @param flags Flags to override. Possible value is `Flag.Static`.
export function fn<T>(f: (seed: T) => T, seed?: T, flags?: number, dispose?: () => void): () => T;

 * `tie` creates a static computation node and returns a procedural function. 
 * It does so by constructing the initial dependency tree,
 * but unlike dynamic computation nodes does not recompute the dependency tree on each update cycle. 
 * This means that if the `src` signals are themselves conditional branches,
 * this will not by default be registered. This behavior can be overriden by passing in `Flag.Dynamic` in flags parameter.
 * If `Flag.Wait` is passed, the function is evaluated once any of `src` change, and until then, seed is used 
 * as initial value.
 * @example
 * const d1 = data(1);
 * const d2 = data(2);
 * const c1 = tie(d1, () => { console.log(d2()); });
 * freeze(() => { d1(2); d2(3); }); // prints "3"
 * d2(4); // does not print
 * @example
 * const d1 = data(1);
 * const d2 = data(2);
 * const c1 = () => { return d1() > 1 ? d2() : null; };
 * const c2 = tie(c1, () => { console.log("c2")}, void 0, Flag.Wait);
 * const c3 = tie(c1, () => { console.log("c3"); }, void 0, Flag.Wait | Flag.Dynamic);
 * d1(2); // prints "c2", "c3"
 * d2(2); // prints "c3"
 * @param src Dependent signals
 * @param f Function to execute when `src` changes
 * @param seed Initial value passed to `f`
 * @param flags Flags to override. Possible values are `Flag.Wait` and `Flag.Dynamic`.
export function tie<T>(src: (() => any) | (() => any)[], f: (seed: T) => T, seed?: T, flags?: number, dispose?: () => void): void;

 * `run` creates a dynamic computation node and returns a procedural function.
 * @see fn
 * @param f Function to execute
 * @param seed Initial value passed to `f`
 * @param flags Flags to override. Possible value is `Flag.Static`.
export function run<T>(f: (seed: T) => T, seed?: T, flags?: number, dispose?: () => void): void;

 * `cleanup` accepts a function that is run each time a computation
 * node is updated. When the node is about to be disposed, `final`
 * in callback function switches to true.
 * @example
 * root(() => {
 * 	let d1 = data(0);
 * 	let d2 = data(0);
 * 	on(d1, () => {
 * 		on(d2, () => {
 * 			cleanup(final => { console.log(final); });
 * 		});
 * 	});
 * 	d2(); // prints "false"
 * 	d1(); // prints "true"
 * });
 * @param f Callback to run during update
export function cleanup(f: () => void): void;

 * `freeze` allows batching updates so that setting multiple
 * data signals only trigger a single update cycle.
 * @example
 * root(() => {
 * 	let d1 = data(0);
 * 	let d2 = data(0);
 * 	fn(() => { console.log(d1(), d2()); });
 * 	freeze(() => {
 * 		d1(1);
 * 		d2(2);
 * 	}); // prints "1,2"
 * });
 * @param f Callback to execute before running updates
export function freeze<T>(f: () => T): T;

 * `root` creates a root computation node that lives until
 * `dispose` is called manually. It means, if created inside
 * the scope of a parent, it will outlive this parent.
 * @example
 * let ds = data(0);
 * let roots;
 * fn(() => {
 * 	ds();
 * 	roots[roots.length] = root(() => {
 * 		cleanup(() => { console.log('disposed'); });
 * 	});
 * });
 * ds(1);
 * ds(2);
 * roots.forEach(r => r.dispose()); // prints "disposed" three times
 * @param f Callback to setup computation node with
export function root<T>(f: () => T): Computation<T>;

 * `root` accepts an existing computation node and extends it.
 * That is, any cleanup or computation created inside `f` will 
 * be owned by `node` and added to its lifecycle.
 * @see root
 * @param node Computation node to extend
 * @param f Callback to extend node with
export function root<T>(node: Computation<T>, f: () => T): T;

 * `sample` runs provided callback without creating a dependency 
 * on any signals read during invocation.
 * @param f
export function sample<T>(f: () => T): T;

export const Data: DataConstructor;
export const Value: ValueConstructor;
export const List: ListConstructor;
export const Computation: ComputationConstructor;
export const Enumerable: EnumerableConstructor;

export const Void: {};

 export interface Log<T> {
	readonly node1: T;
	readonly slot1: number;
	readonly nodes: T[];
	readonly slots: number[];

export interface Changeset<T> {
	readonly type: number;
	readonly index?: number;
	readonly count?: number;
	readonly value?: T | T[];

export interface DataProto<T = unknown> extends Data<T> {
	readonly val: T;
	readonly log: Log<Computation>;
	readonly flag: number;
	readonly pval: {} | T;

	update(): void;

export interface DataConstructor {
	new <T>(): Data<T>;
	readonly prototype: DataProto<unknown>;

export interface ValueProto<T = unknown> extends DataProto<T> {
	readonly eq?: (a: T, b: T) => boolean;


export interface ValueConstructor {
	new <T>(): Value<T>;
	readonly prototype: ValueProto<unknown>;

export interface ListProto<T> extends List<T>, DataProto<T> {
	readonly pcs: Changeset<T> | Changeset<T>[];

	update(): void;

export interface ListConstructor {
	new <T>(): ListProto<T>;
	readonly prototype: ListProto<unknown>;

export interface ComputationProto<T = unknown> extends Computation<T> {
	readonly val: T;
	readonly log: Log<Computation> | null;
	readonly flag: number;
	readonly fn: (seed: T) => T | null;
	readonly age: number;
	readonly src: Log<Signal> | null;
	readonly owner: Computation | null;
	readonly traces: number[] | null;
	readonly owned: Computation[] | null;
	readonly cleanups: (() => void)[] | null;
	readonly disposer: (() => void) | null;

	update(): void;

export interface ComputationConstructor {
	new(log: Log | null): Computation<T>;
	make: <T>(log?: boolean) => Computation<T>;
	setup: <T>(node: Computation<T>, f: (seed: T) => T, seed?: T, flags?: Flag) => Computation<T>;
	readonly prototype: Computation<unknown>;

export interface Enumerable<T = unknown> extends Enumerable<T>, ComputationProto<T> {
	readonly roots: Computation[];

export interface EnumerableConstructor {
	new <T>(): Enumerable<T>;
	setup<T>(node: Enumerable<T>, source: IEnumerable, f: (seed: T) => T): Enumerable<T>;
	readonly prototype: Enumerable<unknown>;