This package allows easy and light implementation of linear or curved animation in javascript. (Especially suitable in a development environment on web components or canvas.)
This package allows easy and light implementation of linear or curved animation in javascript. Especially suitable in a development environment on web components or canvas
The resource of this package amounts to
when compressed with gzip under the assumption of using all features.
This is package mainly used when using canvas element, which is controlled using js, an environment where css is not available. And by default, This package does not work in
browser environments.
High Performance
countless animations can be implemented in a runtime environment.
Install by npm
To install this package in your project, enter the following command.
When you want to update this package, enter
npm update animatable-js --save
in the terminal to run it.
npm install animatable-js
How to make an animation?
The code below shows how to use the most commonly used class, a Animation
import { Animation, AnimationStatus } from "animable-js";
const animation = new Animation(duration, curve?, initialValue?);
animation.addListener(value => {
// A current animation value.
// This controller is raw animation controller that
// the [Animation] object dependence on.
const parent = animation.parent;
// Relative value are always returned from 0 to 1.
// Progress value are always returned from 0 to 1, and no subtraction.
// This always means that the value increases from 0 to 1.
animation.addStatusListener(status => {
if (status == AniamtionStatus.FORWARDED) console.log("is forwarded");
if (status == AnimationStatus.BACKWARDED) console.log("is backwarded");
// This animation value will smoothly transition from 0 to 1.
// This animation value will smoothly transition from 1 to 2.
// (e.g. If the current animation value is 1 and the factor
// value is given as 1, it is animated from 1 to 2.)
// This animation value will repeating smoothly transition from 0 to 1.
animation.repeat(0, 1);
Constants of Animation Status
refer to animatable.ts/AnimationStatus for detail.
| Name | Value | ------ | ------ | NONE | "none" | FORWARD | "forward" | FORWARDED | "forwarded" | BACKWARD | "backward" | BACKWARDED | "backwarded"
How to make curve-animation?
const a = new Animation(duration, Curve.Ease);
const b = new Cubic(x1, y1, x2, y2).createAnimation(duration);
const c = Curve.Ease.createAnimation(duration);
What is a curve?
In this package, the curve means an instance of a cubic object.
Can use the Cubic instances that are provided by default in Curve of cubic.ts
// ... cubic.js
export const Curve = {
Linear: new Cubic(0, 0, 1, 1),
Ease: new Cubic(0.25, 0.1, 0.25, 1),
EaseIn: new Cubic(0.42, 0, 1, 1),
EaseOut: new Cubic(0, 0, 0.58, 1),
EaseInOut: new Cubic(0.42, 0, 0.58, 1),
EaseInSine: new Cubic(0.12, 0, 0.39, 0),
EaseOutSine: new Cubic(0.61, 1, 0.88, 1),
EaseInQuad: new Cubic(0.11, 0, 0.5, 0),
EaseOutQuad: new Cubic(0.5, 1, 0.89, 1),
EaseInOutQuad: new Cubic(0.45, 0, 0.55, 1),
EaseInOutSine: new Cubic(0.37, 0, 0.63, 1),
EaseInCubic: new Cubic(0.32, 0, 0.67, 0),
EaseOutCubic: new Cubic(0.33, 1, 0.68, 1),
EaseInOutCubic: new Cubic(0.65, 0, 0.35, 1),
EaseInQuart: new Cubic(0.5, 0, 0.75, 0),
EaseOutQuart: new Cubic(0.25, 1, 0.5, 1),
EaseInOutQuart: new Cubic(0.76, 0, 0.24, 1),
EaseInQuint: new Cubic(0.64, 0, 0.78, 0),
EaseOutQuint: new Cubic(0.22, 1, 0.36, 1),
EaseInOutQuint: new Cubic(0.83, 0, 0.17, 1),
EaseInExpo: new Cubic(0.7, 0, 0.84, 0),
EaseOutExpo: new Cubic(0.16, 1, 0.3, 1),
EaseInOutExpo: new Cubic(0.87, 0, 0.13, 1),
EaseInCirc: new Cubic(0.55, 0, 1, 0.45),
EaseOutCirc: new Cubic(0, 0.55, 0.45, 1),
EaseInOutCirc: new Cubic(0.85, 0, 0.15, 1),
EaseInBack: new Cubic(0.36, 0, 0.66, -0.56),
EaseOutBack: new Cubic(0.34, 1.56, 0.64, 1),
EaseInOutBack: new Cubic(0.68, -0.6, 0.32, 1.6),
What is a cubic? (cubic-bezier)
The cubic animation provides a feature where the rate of change in animation values is not constant, but accelerates or decelerates over time.
refer to Wikipedia for detail.
How to make cubic object?
const curve = new Cubic(x1, y1, x2, y2, start?, end?);
const curve = Cubic.var("--variable-name", scope?);
const curve = Cubic.parse("cubic-bezier(x1,y1,x2,y2)");
// ... skip
going to for making.
How to flip cubic?
const easeFlipped = Curve.Ease.flipped;
How to make color tween animation?
Please utilize the Color
and ColorTween
// or new Color.parse("#FF0000"); (is skipable prefix #)
const red = new Color(255, 0, 0, alpha?);
const blue = new Color.var("--blue", scope?);
// new ColorTween(start, end);
const colorTween = new ColorTween(red, blue);
animation.addListener(value => {
const color = colorTween.transform(value);
// ... skip
How to use raw-animation?
The code below shows how to use the class AnimationController
, which is the base and foundation for implementing the animation.
I decided to say this is a raw animation-controller.
const controller = new AnimationController(
duration, // Milliseconds
lowerValue = 0,
upperValue = 1,
controller.addListener(value => ...);
controller.addStatusListener(status => ...);
What is Ticker?
Provides the ability to perform want tasks when the frame is updated, and measures the time interval between frames and is used to make smooth animation.
Used to define a elapsed duration between a previous frame and the current frame when a frame updated.
// The elapsed between the previous frame and the current frame is given.
const activeTicker = new Ticker(deltaElpased => {
// Dispose or clean up all relevant tasks and instances on memory.