Pinterest like responsive masonry grid system for angular.
Pinterest like responsive masonry grid system for angular
Demo url :
Documentation url :
##Updates ###Release 0.6.0 : UMD Support Added
Released on npm
npm install angulargrid --save
###Release 0.5.0 (Major Enhancements) :
- Implemented #14 (Performant scroll)
- Added agPerformantScroll options, if enabled non visible element (from viewport) will be removed, and there watchers will be disabled.
- Implemented #31
- Added infinite scroll feature.
agular-grid-id and angular-grid-options deprecated, use ag-id and ag-options instead.
Added namespace "ag" on all options (ex : ag-grid-width) to avoid directive name conflict. Older options are deprecated. Note: This is only on templates, inside agOptions you must give options without ag namespace (ex : gridWidth);
###Release 0.4.0 (Major Enhancements) :
- Implemented #9
- Support bootstrap or any grid system, enable cssGrid option to true, and then plugin will listen grid system (All items need to be of same grid style)
- Implemented #10
- Added direction option which handle direction of grid placement. Default to "ltor" . You can also define "rtol" if you want grid to be placed from right to left.
- Implemented #12, #13
- Added gridNo option to define no of grids at a particular time . (If gridNo is defined plugin does not consider gridWidth option)
- All options are now dynamic, which can be changed after initialization
- Added angularGridOptions attribute so that options can be given as single object, or can be defined on controller.
- Destroying instance and unbinding events on destroy of scope.