Angular4 library
HttpClient wrapper.
Install npm i angular4-http-warpper.
A wrapper for HttpClient .Thiis lib free you from learning the HttpCleint .It handle the error occur in the call and throw an Observable object.
Syntax for calling http get, post , put , delete and pactch.
1.public get( url: string, httpParams:HttpParams|{}=null, httpHeadres:HttpHeaders|{}=null, isFullResponse:boolean = false ): Observable Expect url ,all are optional. url:The relative url or full url if base_ur not supplied at the module import as given below. httpParams:use HttpParams directly or just JSON object like {"name":"serial" }. httpHeadres:use HttpHeaders or js object like {"Cached-Content" :"true"}, isFullResponse:If you want to receive the response after full fetch. eg.Declare httpService: HttpWrapperService in your data service class. Supposse modal like following your ar expecting. class User{
} 1.httpService.get("/getId?a=1"); 2.httpService.get("/getId",{"a":"1"}); 3.httpService.get("/getId",{"name":"raj"},{ "Cached-Content","true","Storage-type":"local","Cache-key":"user-details"});
2.public post(
url: string, body: any,
httpHeadres:HttpHeaders =null,
isFullResponse:boolean = false
): Observable<T>.
Expect url and body ,all are optional.
1.url:The relative url or full url if base_ur not supplied at the module import as given below. 2.body:JSON or string. 3.httpHeadres:use HttpHeaders or js object like {"Cached-Content" :"true"}, 4.isFullResponse:If you want to receive the response after full fetch. eg.Declare httpService: HttpWrapperService in your data service class.And suppose , you are expecting a modal like user described above."/getId",{"name":"raj","id":1});"/getId",{"name":"raj","id":1},{ "Cached-Content","true","Storage-type":"local","Cache-key":"user-details"});
3.public put(
url: string, body: any,
httpHeadres:HttpHeaders =null,
isFullResponse:boolean = false
): Observable<T>.
Expect url and body ,all are optional.
1.url:The relative url or full url if base_ur not supplied at the module import as given below. 2.body:JSON or string. 3.httpHeadres:use HttpHeaders or js object like {"Cached-Content" :"true"}, 4.isFullResponse:If you want to receive the response after full fetch. eg.Declare httpService: HttpWrapperService in your data service class.And suppose , you are expecting a modal like user described above. 1.httpService.put("/getId",{"name":"raj","id":1});
2.httpService.put("/getId",{"name":"raj","id":1},{ "Cached-Content","true","Storage-type":"local","Cache-key":"user-details"});
public delete( url: string, httpParams:HttpParams=null, httpHeadres:HttpHeaders=null, isFullResponse:boolean = false
): Observable<T>
Expect url ,all are optional.
- public patch( url: string, body: any, httpHeadres:HttpHeaders, isFullResponse:boolean = false ): Observable {
Expect url ,all are optional.
First include HttpWrapperModule.forRoot() in your module. It has four optional parameter.This parameter should be supplied if need to be used. 1.API_BASE_URL:the base url for all the API call . 2.TOKEN_KEY:if auth-key value should be put in the header for the remote http call , give the header value "TOKEN_KEY" . 3.TOKEN_STORAGE : toekn storgae : session or local . 4.TOKEN_HEADER_KEY:The key name used for remote authorization . 5.PREFIX_TOKEN_KEY : Any prefix to be used with key value :eg "Bear" before toekn key in header. use relative URL for all call. 6.LOG_TIME:If need to log the time time to console, set value as true.
This support the result storage in Session or Local storage based on the header value supplied . Usage :set following values in the header. Cached-Content : true storage-type : session or local. Cache-key : Key used for store in session or local storage.