ui-uploader is a single/multiple and high customizable file uploader and the most important is very easy to implement.
ui-uploader is a single/multiple and high customizable file uploader and the most important is very easy to implement.
- Upload multiple or single files
- Cancel or remove upload when you want.
- Allows concurrent Upload
- Totally cutomizable
You can use with html5, jquery or every library or framework:
The main objective of ui-uploader is to have a user control, clean, simple, customizable, and above all very easy to implement.
Try the demo.
Because this project uses FormData, it does not work on IE9 or earlier.
- AngularJS
You can get it from Bower
bower install angular-ui-uploader
Load the script files in your application:
<script type="text/javascript" src="bower_components/angular/angular.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="bower_components/angular-ui-uploader/dist/uploader.js"></script>
Add the specific module to your dependencies:
angular.module('myApp', ['ui.uploader', ...])
Now you can use the ui-uploader methods.
Configure ui-uploader callbacks and start!
url: '',
concurrency: 2,
onProgress: function(file) {
// file contains a File object
onUploadSuccess: function(file) {
// file contains a File object
onCompleted: function(file, responseText, status) {
// file contains a File object
// responseText contains the server response as text
// status contains the status of the response
onCompletedAll: function(files) {
// files is an array of File objects
Perform CORS AJAX requests by setting the options.withCredentials flag to true!
url: '',
options: {
withCredentials: true
onProgress: function(file) {
// do stuff
onUploadSuccess: function(file) {
// do stuff
onCompleted: function(file, responseText, status) {
// do stuff
onCompletedAll: function(files) {
// do stuff
Configure custom request headers by options.headers field
url: '',
concurrency: 2,
headers: {
'Accept': 'application/json'
onCompletedAll: function(files) {
// files is an array of File objects
We use Karma and jshint to ensure the quality of the code. The easiest way to run these checks is to use grunt:
npm install -g gulp-cli
npm install && bower install
The karma task will try to open Firefox and Chrome as browser in which to run the tests. Make sure this is available or change the configuration in karma.conf.js
Gulp watch
gulp watch
will automatically test your code and build a release whenever source files change.
How to release
Use gulp to bump version, build and create a tag. Then push to GitHub:
gulp release [--patch|--minor|--major]
git push --tags origin master # push everything to GitHub
Travis will take care of testing and publishing to npm's registry (bower will pick up the change automatically). Finally create a release on GitHub from the tag created by Travis.