An AngularJS UI component that can sort nested lists, provides drag & drop support and doesn't depend on jQuery
Angular UI Tree
Angular UI Tree is an AngularJS UI component that can sort nested lists, provides drag & drop support and doesn't depend on jQuery. If you are a user who uses angular-nestedSortable
, this is How to migrate From v1.x to v2.0.
Considering Contributing?
Read our contributing guidelines and become a contributing member of Angular UI Tree!
- Uses the native AngularJS scope for data binding
- Sorted and move items through the entire tree
- Prevent elements from accepting child nodes
Supported browsers
The Angular UI Tree is tested with the following browsers:
- Chrome (stable)
- Firefox
- IE 8, 9 and 10
For IE8 support, make sure you do the following:
- include an ES5 shim
- make your AngularJS application compatible with Internet Explorer
- use jQuery 1.x
Watch the Tree component in action on the demo page.
- Angularjs
Load CSS
Load the css file: angular-ui-tree.min.css
in your application:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="bower_components/angular-ui-tree/dist/angular-ui-tree.min.css">
Load Script
Load the script file: angular-ui-tree.js
or angular-ui-tree.min.js
in your application:
<script type="text/javascript" src="bower_components/angular-ui-tree/dist/angular-ui-tree.js"></script>
Add the sortable module as a dependency to your application module:
var myAppModule = angular.module('MyApp', ['ui.tree'])
Injecting ui.tree
, ui-tree-nodes
, ui-tree-node
, ui-tree-handle
to your html.
HTML View or Templates
<div ui-tree>
<ol ui-tree-nodes="" ng-model="list">
<li ng-repeat="item in list" ui-tree-node>
<div ui-tree-handle>
<ol ui-tree-nodes="" ng-model="item.items">
<li ng-repeat="subItem in item.items" ui-tree-node>
<div ui-tree-handle>
Developing Notes:
- Adding
to your root element of the tree. - Adding
to the elements which contain the
is required, and it should be an array, so that the directive knows which model to bind and update. - Adding
to your node element, it always follows theng-repeat
attribute. - Adding
to the element used to drag the object. - All
are necessary. And they can be nested. - If you don't add a
for a node, the entire node can be dragged.
Styling Notes:
- While an element is being dragged, it is temporarily removed from the DOM and injected just before closing
tag. When dropped, it returns to it's original place in the DOM's hierarchy. - The dragged element
, together with its parentui-tree-nodes
, are the only ones being injected. hence any styling that relies on a 'higher' parent, will not apply. - To target the dragged element use the class
, which is added to theui-tree-nodes
element. - While a node is being dragged, a new empty node is added into the tree to act as a placeholder. this node will have the class 'angular-ui-tree-placeholder'.
Unlimited nesting HTML View or Templates Example
<!-- Nested node template -->
<script type="text/ng-template" id="nodes_renderer.html">
<div ui-tree-handle>
<ol ui-tree-nodes="" ng-model="node.nodes">
<li ng-repeat="node in node.nodes" ui-tree-node ng-include="'nodes_renderer.html'">
<div ui-tree>
<ol ui-tree-nodes="" ng-model="data" id="tree-root">
<li ng-repeat="node in data" ui-tree-node ng-include="'nodes_renderer.html'"></li>
Structure of angular-ui-tree
ui-tree --> Root of tree
ui-tree-nodes --> Container of nodes
ui-tree-node --> One of the node of a tree
ui-tree-handle --> Handle
ui-tree-nodes --> Container of child-nodes
ui-tree-node --> Child node
ui-tree-handle --> Handle
ui-tree-node --> Child node
ui-tree-node --> Another node
ui-tree-handle --> Handle
Migrate From v1.x to v2.0
is the root scope for a tree
Prevent dropping of nodes into this tree. This applies to both nodes dragged within this tree and nodes from a connected tree.
Adding this attribute to the ui-tree
effectively makes the tree a drag source only.
To prevent a particular node from accepting children, add the attribute to the ui-tree-nodes
element instead (see below).
See the demo page for examples.
(default): turn offtrue
: turn on no drop
Turn on a dropzone that is always visible, even when tree is not empty.
(default): turn offtrue
: turn on dropzone
Turn on cloning of nodes. This will clone the source node to the destination when dragging between 2 trees.
(default): turn off clonetrue
: turn on clone
Turn on dragging and dropping of nodes.
(default): allow drag and dropfalse
: turn off drag and drop
Number of levels a nodes can be nested (default 0). 0 means no limit.
If you write your own $callbacks.accept method, you have to check data-max-depth
by yourself.
Number of milliseconds a click must be held to start a drag. (default 0)
If a tree is empty, there will be an empty placeholder which is used to drop node from other trees by default.
(default): display an empty placeholder if the tree is emptyfalse
: do not display an empty placeholder
- turn on/off drag and drop.
- Limit depth to 5
- 500 milliseconds delay
<div ui-tree data-drag-enabled="tree.enabled" data-max-depth="5" data-drag-delay="500">
Collapse all it's child nodes.
Expand all it's child nodes.
Methods of scope
$callbacks (type: Object)
is a very important property for angular-ui-tree
When some special events trigger, the functions in $callbacks
are called.
The callbacks can be passed through the directive.
myAppModule.controller('MyController', function($scope) {
$scope.treeOptions = {
accept: function(sourceNodeScope, destNodesScope, destIndex) {
return true;
<div ui-tree="treeOptions">
<ol ui-tree-nodes ng-model="nodes">
<li ng-repeat="node in nodes" ui-tree-node>{{node.title}}</li>
Methods in $callbacks
accept(sourceNodeScope, destNodesScope, destIndex)
Check if the current dragging node can be dropped in the ui-tree-nodes
: The scope of source node which is dragging.destNodesScope
: The scope ofui-tree-nodes
which you want to drop in.destIndex
: The position you want to drop in.
Return If the nodes accept the current dragging node.
Allow it to drop.false
Not allow.
Check if the current selected node can be dragged.
: The scope of source node which is selected.
Return If current node is draggable.
Allow it to drag.false
Not allow.
If a node is removed, the removed
callback will be called.
: The node that was removed
If a node moves it's position after dropped, the nodeDropped
callback will be called.
: Event arguments, it's an object.source
: Source objectnodeScope
: The scope of source node which was dragged.nodesScope
: The scope of the parent nodes of source node when it began to drag.index
: The position when it began to drag.cloneModel
: Given data-clone-enabled is true, holds the model of the cloned node that is to be inserted, this can be edited before drop without affecting the source node.
: Destination objectnodesScope
: The scope ofui-tree-nodes
which you just dropped in.index
: The position you dropped in.
: The dragging relative elements.placeholder
: The placeholder element.dragging
: The dragging element.
: Position object.
To change the node being dropped before
The dragStart
function is called when the user starts to drag the node.
Same as Parameters of dropped.
The dragMove
function is called when the user moves the node.
Parameters: Same as Parameters of dropped.
The dragStop
function is called when the user stop dragging the node.
Parameters: Same as Parameters of dropped.
The beforeDrop
function is called before the dragging node is dropped. If you implement this callback, the return value determines whether the drop event is allowed to proceed.
Parameters: Same as Parameters of dropped.
Callback Return Values
Resolved Promise or truthy: Allow the node to be dropped
Rejected Promise or false: Disallow the node drop and return the dragged node to its original position
toggle(collapsed, sourceNodeScope)
The toggle
function is called after the node is toggled
: Boolean value with state of the node.sourceNodeScope
: The scope of source node which is toggled.
is the container of nodes.
Every ui-tree-node
should have a ui-tree-nodes
as it's container, a ui-tree-nodes
can have multiple child nodes.
Prevent nodes from being dropped into this node container. This prevents nodes from being dropped directly into the container with the attribute but not into children that contain additional containers. See the demo page for examples.
Number of levels a nodes can be nested (default 0). 0 means no limit. It can override the data-max-depth
in ui-tree
If you write your own $callbacks.accept method, you have to check data-nodrop-enabled
and data-max-depth
by yourself.
Example: turn off drop.
<ol ui-tree-nodes ng-model="nodes" data-nodrop-enabled="true">
<li ng-repeat="node in nodes" ui-tree-node>{{node.title}}</li>
Properties of scope
$element (type: AngularElement)
The html element which bind with the ui-tree-nodes
$modelValue (type: Object)
The data which bind with the scope.
$nodes (type: Array)
All it's child nodes. The type of child node is scope of ui-tree-node
$nodeScope (type: Scope of ui-tree-node)
The scope of node which current ui-tree-nodes
belongs to.
For example:
ui-tree-nodes --> nodes 1
ui-tree-node --> node 1.1
ui-tree-nodes --> nodes 1.1
ui-tree-node --> node 1.1.1
ui-tree-node --> node 1.1.2
ui-tree-node --> node 1.2
The property $nodeScope of
nodes 1.1
is node 1.1
. The property $nodes
of nodes 1.1
is [node 1.1.1
, node 1.1.2
Number of levels a node can be nested. It bases on the attribute data-max-depth.
Turn off drop on nodes. It bases on the attribute data-nodrop-enabled.
Methods of scope
Get the depth.
Check if depth limit has reached
Check if the nodes is the parent of the target node. Parameters:
: The target node which is used to check with the current nodes.
A node of a tree. Every ui-tree-node
should have a ui-tree-nodes
as it's container.
data-nodrag (type: boolean)
Turn off drag of node. Example: turn off drag.
<ol ui-tree-nodes ng-model="nodes">
<li ng-repeat="node in nodes" ui-tree-node data-nodrag>{{node.title}}</li>
data-collapsed (type: boolean)
Collapse the node.
data-expand-on-hover (type: boolean, number)
Causes the node to expand (if it contains child nodes and was collapsed) when dragging a node over it.
This lets users drag and drop items into a nested tree in a single drag operation, instead of having to expand all the nodes to the destination first.
The target node will immediately expand when true
is provided.
When a number (in milliseconds) is specified, the target node will expand after the specified amount of milliseconds.
data-scroll-container (type: string)
Causes drag-scrolling to happen within a customisable container, as opposed to the default document body. Accepts any selector string that document.querySelector accepts. Example:
<div ui-tree style="height: 300px; overflow:scroll;" class="wrapper">
<ul ui-tree-nodes style="height: 600px;">
<li ui-tree-node ng-repeat="item in items" data-scroll-container=".wrapper">
Properties of scope
$element (type: AngularElement)
The html element which bind with the ui-tree-nodes
$modelValue (type: Object)
The data which bind with the scope.
collapsed (type: boolean)
If the node is collapsed
: Current node is collapsed;false
: Current node is expanded.
$parentNodeScope (type: Scope of ui-tree-node)
The scope of parent node.
$childNodesScope (type: Scope of ui-tree-nodes)
The scope of it's ui-tree-nodes
$parentNodesScope (type: Scope of ui-tree-nodes)
The scope of it's parent ui-tree-nodes
For example:
ui-tree-nodes --> nodes 1
ui-tree-node --> node 1.1
ui-tree-nodes --> nodes 1.1
ui-tree-node --> node 1.1.1
ui-tree-node --> node 1.1.2
ui-tree-node --> node 1.2
node 1.1.1
isnode 1.1
.node 1.1
isnodes 1.1
.node 1.1
isnodes 1
Methods of scope
Collapse current node.
Expand current node.
Toggle current node.
Remove current node.
Get the depth of the node.
Get the max depth of all the child nodes. If there is no child nodes, return 0.
Check if the current node is sibling with the target node. Parameters:
: The target node which is used to check with the current node.
Check if the current node is a child of the target node. Parameters:
: The target node which is used to check with the current node.
Use the ui-tree-handle
to specify an element used to drag the object.
If you don't add a ui-tree-handle
for a node, the entire node can be dragged.
Runtime Configuration
Use the treeConfig
service to configure the tree defaults at runtime.
With this you can customize the classes applied to various tree elements
, emptyTreeClass
, hiddenClass
, nodesClass
, handleClass
, dragClass
In addition, you can modify whether or not nodes are collapsed by default
: default false).
You can also modify whether or not dragging a node over a parent node will insert the node as a child
: default true).
For example:
module.config(function(treeConfig) {
treeConfig.defaultCollapsed = true; // collapse nodes by default
treeConfig.appendChildOnHover = true; // append dragged nodes as children by default
NgModules Link
Development environment setup
- Node Package Manager (NPM)
- Git
Run the commands below in the project root directory.
1. Install Gulp and Bower
$ sudo npm install -g gulp bower
2. Install project dependencies
$ npm install
$ ./node_modules/protractor/bin/webdriver-manager update
$ bower install
Useful commands
Running a Local Development Web Server
To debug code and run end-to-end tests, it is often useful to have a local HTTP server. For this purpose, we have made available a local web server based on Node.js.
To start the web server, run:
$ gulp serve
To access the local server, enter the following URL into your web browser:
By default, it serves the contents of the examples
Building angular-ui-tree
To build angular-ui-tree, you use the following command.
$ gulp build
This will generate non-minified and minified JavaScript files in the dist
Run tests
You can run the unit test using a separate task.
$ gulp test
The E2E-tests can be executed using
$ gulp test:e2e
> Note: make sure you have the example website running on port `9000` (using the `$ gulp serve` command)
Windows: If your e2e tests are failing, run the command prompt as an administrator. (See symlink issue)
Deploy examples
$ gulp deploy