Extends angular $log module
Angular Log Enhancer
Module for extending built in angular $log using $provide.decorator
How to install:
Using bower:
bower install angular-log-enhancer
Using node package manager:
npm install angular-log-enhancer
- Possibility to sign log messages for each of your modules
- Hiding/suppression any application log messages from browser console with regexp or using fragments of messages as id
- Possibility to set individual css style for group of messages.
- Using option quickStyle you may quickly set individual css styles for any log message
Please see description for each option below
How to use:
Connect module to your project and setup in code:
var app = angular.module('your_app', ['angularLogEnhancer'])
affectToAllLogs: true, //default value
showOnly: ['http-interceptor', /keychain/i],
//suppressOnly: [/authori?zation/i, 'queue-manager', 'something-else'],
quickStyle: true, //default false
time: true //default - false
And it will works as well:{
affectToAllLogs: true, //default value
showOnly: ['http-interceptor', /keychain/i],
//suppressOnly: [/authori?zation/i, 'queue-manager', 'something-else'],
quickStyle: true, //default false
time: true //default - false
More about features:
1. Possibility to sign log messages for each of your modules
Just add next code at the top of your module
$log = $log.getInstance('db-connector');
and all $log functions will print signed messages from this module like that:
[db-connector]> my debug message
[db-connector]> my log message
log without sign from another module
sync process finished..
another action logged successfully
[db-connector]> db connector log message again
2. Hiding/suppression any application log messages from browser console with regexp or using fragments of messages as id
Let's suppose that we have next log messages
[db-manager]> db loaded successfully
[syncronisation]> may be something wrong? I have no params..
[another-module]> strange message. it is completely not should be here
[db-manager]> tables successfully created
! warning - we loaded
For hiding some log messages set arrays for options showOnly or suppressOnly with desired regexp or text fragments, like that:
showOnly: ['some-marker', /another-marker/i]
*sorry writing readme is in process