Angular component for Jodit Editor
angular-jodit is a streamlined and small project that allows you to use Jodit
within an angular project without compromise.
To allow angular users (including me) a quick approach to using it,
the jodit editor has been wrapped inside a component that allows you to manage the text in the editor in compiling and retrieving,
using the most classic angular reactive forms, specifically, it is sufficient to use a
The component is a standalone component that needs to be imported in order to be used, as it is done for example for the Angular CKD. The component uses Signal (default for Angular 17) for proper synchronization and refresh.
N.B. This project is a self-taught project aimed at helping those who use Jodit for Angular. We are not affiliated with the developers of Jodit, who we would like to thank for their excellent work.
| Jodit | Angular | angular-jodit | |-----------------|---------|---------------| | 4.0.0-beta.117+ | 17+ | 0.0.6+ | | 4.2.21+ | 18+ | 1.0.0+ |
Import this dependency into your project in the following way, use npm i --save angular-jodit
or npm i -D --save angular-jodit
whatever you prefer.
In TS File
export class MyComponent {
editorTextForm = this.formBuilder.nonNullable.control('');
private formBuilder: FormBuilder
) {
In HTML Template
<angular-jodit [formControl]="editorTextForm" [options]="joditConfig"></angular-jodit>
joditConfig is an object that contains the editor's configurations and it is the same object that you can find explained in the official jodit documentation.
Example of joditConfig
joditConfi: any = {
observer: {
timeout: 100
buttons: [
'fontsize', 'brush', '|',
'bold', 'italic', 'underline', 'strikethrough', '|',
textIcons: false,
spellcheck: true,
width: 'auto',
height: 'auto',
language: 'en',
toolbar: true,
showCharsCounter: false,
showWordsCounter: false,
showXPathInStatusbar: false,
toolbarButtonSize: "middle" as any,
theme: 'default',
useSplitMode: false,
colorPickerDefaultTab: 'color' as any,
removeButtons: [],
disablePlugins: [],
events: {}
Contact Information
Use the git channel for bugs and requests.
- V.0.0.1. First publication.
- V.0.0.2 - V.0.0.6 Minor Fix configuration.
- V.0.0.7 - Fix Signal Effect.
- V.0.1.0 - improved the cohesion between jodit and the reactive form + update dependencies.
- V.0.1.1 - Update angular dependencies to 17.1.0 (Remove axios vulnerability GIT).
- V.0.1.2 - Update angular dependencies to 17.1.1 (Remove vite vulnerability GIT).
- V.0.1.3 - V.0.1.4 - Improved event catching for update formControl.
- V.0.1.5 - Update angular dependencies to 17.2.1 (Remove NPM IP vulnerability GIT).
- V.0.1.6 - Update angular dependencies to 17.3.0 (Follow-redirects).
- V.0.1.7 - Update angular dependencies to 17.3.2 (Remove webpack-dev-middleware GIT).
- V.0.1.8 - Update angular dependencies to 17.3.4 (Remove vite vulnerability).
- V.1.0.0 - Update angular dependencies to 18.0.0.
- V.1.0.2 - Update WS for mitigation CWE-476.
- V.1.0.3 - Update angular dependencies to 18.2.3.