angular i18n
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angular-i18n is a small Angular module in charge of internationalization and localization.
This module angular-i18n
has dependencies resolved with bower on:
- sptrinf ("sprintf")
This module has:
Load the javascript and add the module angular-i18n
in the dependencies
<script src="angular-internationalization.js"></script>
<script type="application/javascript">
var myapp = angular.module('myapp', ['angular-i18n']);
JSON files
The en-US.json file looks like this
"HELLO_WORLD" : "Hello World",
"NAME_AGE" : "My name is %s and i am %d years old."
The fr-FR.json file looks like this
"HELLO_WORLD" : "Bonjour Monde",
"NAME_AGE" : "Mon prenom est %s et j'ai %d ans."
Provider '$i18n'
| Property | Type | Description | Default |
| :------- | ---- | ----------- | ------- |
| allowPartialFileLoading | boolean | Set if you want to be able to load multiple files for a language | false
| baseHref | string | the base href as found by this library | ''
if not provided by html page |
| debug | boolean | debug mode | false
| defaultLanguage | string | The default language to use | 'en-US'
| fallback | JSON | The fallback translation object if the translation files failed to load | null
| fileURL | string|Array | Set the template URL(s) where translation files will be loaded from.| '/i18n/|LANG|_|PART|.json'
| fileURLLanguageToken | string | The token (string|regex) to look for in the fileURL which will be replaced with the current language string id (i.e en**_**US) to be loaded | /\|LANG\|/
| fileURLPartToken | string | The token (string|regex) to look for in the fileURL which will be replaced with the current section string id (i.e home) to be loaded | /\|PART\|/
| language | string | The language to use | null
| onTranslationFailed | Function | This function is called when the debug mode is on and the translation failed on filter or directives | null
| useBaseHrefTag | boolean | Should the library prepend the base tag url to the pathLanguageURL (this to help with relative links) | false
$i18nProvider.allowPartialFileLoading = true;
$i18nProvider.defaultLanguage = true;
$i18nProvider.defaultLanguage = 'fr-FR';
$i18nProvider.fallback = {'welcome': 'falback welcome home'};
$i18nProvider.fileURL = '/i18n/|LANG|.|PART|.json';
$i18nProvider.fileURLLanguageToken = /\|LANG\|/;
$i18nProvider.fileURLPartToken = /\|PART\|/;
$i18nProvider.language = 'en-GB';
$i18nProvider.onTranslationFailed = function(lang, translationID, section, placeholders) {...};
$i18nProvider.useBaseHrefTag = true;
Set if you want to be able to load multiple files for a language
Please check the partial loading section in this documentation.
The debug mode
The default language
The fallback translation object if the translation file(s) failed to load
Set the template URL(s) where the translation file(s) will be loaded from
The template URL contains a language token that will be replaced (using regex replace) with the current language id.
The URL can also contain a optional part token needed if you have set allowPartialFileLoading
to true
For more information the partial loading section in this documentation.
Note: the language id will have the the '-' replaced with '_' (i.e 'en-US' will become en_US).
e.g: if you have a language set to 'en-US' the file /i18n/en_US.json will be loaded.
The string or regex to look for which will be replaced with the current language string id (i.e en**_**US) to be loaded
This is the string or regular expression that will be looked for and replaced with the language id in the path template URL.
Note: the language id will have the the '-' replaced with '_' (i.e 'en-US' will become en_US).
So if you have a language set to 'en-US' the file /i18n/en_US.json will be loaded.
If you are using the RegExp object double backslash like new RegExp('\\|LANG\\|');
The string or regex to look for which will be replaced with the current section string id (i.e home) to be loaded
This is the string or regular expression that will be looked for and replaced with the section id in the path template URL.
For more information, please check the partial loading section in this documentation.
The explicitly defined language
Function called when the debug mode is on and when the translation failed for filters or directives.
Must return a string
$i18nProvider.onTranslationFailed = function(lang, translationID, section, placeholders) {
return '<span style="color: red">translationID</span>
The above function returns HTML and no plain text. To have Angular displays the HTML:
- with the i18n directive nothing has to be done.
- with the i18n filter you will have to do the following:
- use your filer inside an element and biding the filter value to ng-bind-html as
<span ng-bind-html="'translationID' | i18n:{section: ...}" />
So note that the value returned by this function will be $sce.trustAsHtml
Please check the sample app for examples.
Should the library prepend the base tag url to the fileURL(s) (this to help with relative links)
Factory '$18n'
The correct language to display is determine by the provider, based on the language of the browser, the default language set or the current language set (if any) as follow: language || $window.navigator.userLanguage || $window.navigator.language || defaultLanguage;
The factory can use all the previous method described in the provider section plus the following:
| Property | Type | Description | Default |
| :------- | ---- | ----------- | ------- |
| language | string | The language to use | null |
| debug | boolean | reference the provider debug property | false
| onTranslationFailed | Function | Reference the provider onTranslationFailed property | null
Returns the current language.
The returned value check first the language property (can be set at runtime), then browser language and finally the default language (can be set at config and run time)
| Events | Description |
| :----- | ----------- |
| i18n.file.loaded | Dispatched when a translation file has been loaded |
Dispatched when a translation file has been loaded
The arguments passed are:
- lang: the language used
- section: the section loaded (if any otherwise 'all')
- data: the data received.
| Methods | Description |
| :-------| ----------- |
| addTranslation(lang, json, section) | add a translation object directly to i18n |
| removeTranslation(lang, section) | remove a translation object added or loaded to the library |
| loadTranslation(lang, section) | To explicitly start loading translation file(s) for the current language using the URL and regexp provided at config time |
| switchTranslation(lang, section) | If you already loaded a language, you can explicitly switch to other and refresh all translations |
| hasTranslation(lang, section, key) | Check if a translation exist. When omiting the key, check if there is a translation object for this section.
| isTranslationLoaded(lang, section) | Check if the translation file has been loaded or the translation object has been added successfully
| translate(value, section, placeholders) | Return a promise. THIS IS the function you want to use on the factory |
addTranslation(lang: string, json: string, section?: string)
add a translation directly to the library.
- lang: the language to add
- json: the json string
- (section): the section for the language file
This can prove useful if you want to retrieve the translation object(s) yourself and then add them to this library.
removeTranslation(lang: string, section?: string)
remove a translation from the library
- lang: the language to remove
- (section): the section to remove
Note: a section can only be provided if $i18nProvider.
has been set to true
loadTranslation(lang: string, section?: string)
To explicitly start loading translation file(s) for the current language using the URL and regexp provided at config time
- lang: the language to load
- (section): the section to load
Note: a section can only be provided if $i18nProvider.
has been set to true
switchTranslation(lang: string, section?: string)
To switch translation from the current language to other and refresh all translations made
- lang: the language to load
- (section): the section to load
Note: a section can only be provided if $i18nProvider.
has been set to true
hasTranslation(lang: string, section?: string, key?: string)
Check if a translation exist.
- lang: the language to check exists
- (section): the section to check exists
- (key): the key to check exists
When omitting the key, check if there is a translation object for this section.
You HAVE TO pass null to the section when not using allowPartialFileLoading
Note: a section can only be provided if $i18nProvider.
has been set to true
isTranslationLoaded(lang: string, section?: string)
Check if the translation file has been loaded or the translation object has been added successfully.
- lang: the language to check translation has been loaded
- (section): the section to check translation has been loaded
Note: a section can only be provided if $i18nProvider.
has been set to true
translate(value: string, section?: string, placeholders?: Array)
Return a promise. THIS IS the function you want to use
- value: the translation ID
- (section): the section this translation ID belongs to
- (placeholders): array of value to replace sprintf string placeholders
The placeholders array is the value that are going to replace the sprintf placeholders.
Note: a section can only be provided if $i18nProvider.
has been set to true
Filter 'i18n'
{{ 'TRANSLATION_ID' | i18n:{section:'sectionName', placeholders:['value1', 0]} }}
note that the object parameter is optional as well as the section and placeholders property of the object.
Directive 'i18n'
<span i18n="TRANSLATION_ID"></span>
or if using partial loading<span i18n="TRANSLATION_ID" i18n-parameters="{section: 'PART_ID', placeholders: ['value1', 0] }"></span>
Using partial loading
'Partial loading' means being able to load translations stored in multiple files for a set language.
This is useful if you don't want to download the WHOLE translation file for your WHOLE application but just the ones
for the sections (or areas) of your application the user is accessing.
Setting up partial loading
- set
- (optional) set the
. Default is the regex/\|LANG\|/
- (optional) set the
. Default is the regex/\|PART\|/
- (optional) set the
to have both the language and part token in it. Default is'/i18n/|LANG|_|PART|.json'
The token|PART|
will be replace by the 'section' name. Remember that the fileURL can still define an array of URLs. - when using the factory, filter or directive you can pass the 'section' the translation is loaded for, like for instance:
{{ 'myTranslationID' | i18n:'home' }}
i18n.translate('myTranslationID', 'home')
<span i18n="TRANSLATION_ID" i18n-section="home"></span>
will be loaded and the keymyTranslationID
retreived from it
Please note that each 'section' file will be stored independently. This means the same key can appear in different file.