NPM package of angular-gridster2 for AngularJS
Angularjs 1.x version Demo
Angular 5.x library is master branch
Angular 4.x library is 4.x branch (no longer maintained)
Angular 2.x library is 2.4.x branch (no longer maintained)
AngularJS >=1.5.x library is 1.x branch
npm install angular-gridster2-1 --save
bower install angular-gridster2-1 --save
Then import the following in your HTML:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="node_modules/angular-gridster2/dist/gridster.css"/>
<script src="node_modules/angular-gridster2/dist/gridster.js"></script>
Include 'angular-gridster2' as a dependency of your module like this:
var module = angular.module("app", ["angular-gridster2"]);
Default usage:
<gridster options="vm.options">
<gridster-item item="item" ng-repeat="item in vm.dashboard"></gridster-item>
Initialize a simple dashboard:
var vm = this;
vm.options = {
gridType: 'fit',
itemChangeCallback: itemChange,
margin: 10,
outerMargin: true,
draggable: {
enabled: true,
stop: eventStop
resizable: {
enabled: true,
stop: eventStop
vm.dashboard = [
{cols: 2, rows: 1, y: 0, x: 0},
{cols: 2, rows: 2, y: 0, x: 2}
Note: The gridster will take all the available space from the parent. It will not size depending on content. The parent of the component needs to have a size.
Default Grid Options:
var GridsterConfigService = {
gridType: 'fit', // 'fit' will fit the items in the container without scroll;
// 'scrollVertical' will fit on width and height of the items will be the same as the width
// 'scrollHorizontal' will fit on height and width of the items will be the same as the height
// 'fixed' will set the rows and columns dimensions based on fixedColWidth and fixedRowHeight options
// 'verticalFixed' will set the rows to fixedRowHeight and columns width will fit the space available
// 'horizontalFixed' will set the columns to fixedColWidth and rows height will fit the space available
fixedColWidth: 250, // fixed col width for gridType: 'fixed'
fixedRowHeight: 250, // fixed row height for gridType: 'fixed'
keepFixedHeightInMobile: false, // keep the height from fixed gridType in mobile layout
keepFixedWidthInMobile: false, // keep the width from fixed gridType in mobile layout
compactType: 'none', // compact items: 'none' | 'compactUp' | 'compactLeft' | 'compactUp&Left' | 'compactLeft&Up'
mobileBreakpoint: 640, // if the screen is not wider that this, remove the grid layout and stack the items
minCols: 1, // minimum amount of columns in the grid
maxCols: 100, // maximum amount of columns in the grid
minRows: 1, // minimum amount of rows in the grid
maxRows: 100, // maximum amount of rows in the grid
defaultItemCols: 1, // default width of an item in columns
defaultItemRows: 1, // default height of an item in rows
maxItemCols: 50, // max item number of cols
maxItemRows: 50, // max item number of rows
minItemCols: 1, // min item number of columns
minItemRows: 1, // min item number of rows
minItemArea: 1, // min item area: cols * rows
maxItemArea: 2500, // max item area: cols * rows
margin: 10, // margin between grid items
outerMargin: true, // if margins will apply to the sides of the container
scrollSensitivity: 10, // margin of the dashboard where to start scrolling
scrollSpeed: 20, // how much to scroll each mouse move when in the scrollSensitivity zone
initCallback: undefined, // callback to call after grid has initialized. Arguments: gridsterComponent
destroyCallback: undefined, // callback to call after grid has destroyed. Arguments: gridsterComponent
itemChangeCallback: undefined, // callback to call for each item when is changes x, y, rows, cols.
// Arguments: gridsterItem, gridsterItemComponent
itemResizeCallback: undefined, // callback to call for each item when width/height changes.
// Arguments: gridsterItem, gridsterItemComponent
itemInitCallback: undefined, // callback to call for each item when is initialized.
// Arguments: gridsterItem, gridsterItemComponent
itemRemovedCallback: undefined, // callback to call for each item when is removed.
// Arguments: gridsterItem, gridsterItemComponent
enableEmptyCellClick: false, // enable empty cell click events
enableEmptyCellContextMenu: false, // enable empty cell context menu (right click) events
enableEmptyCellDrop: false, // enable empty cell drop events
enableEmptyCellDrag: false, // enable empty cell drag events
emptyCellClickCallback: undefined, // empty cell click callback
emptyCellContextMenuCallback: undefined, // empty cell context menu (right click) callback
emptyCellDropCallback: undefined, // empty cell drag drop callback. HTML5 Drag & Drop
emptyCellDragCallback: undefined, // empty cell drag and create item like excel cell selection
// Arguments: event, gridsterItem{x, y, rows: defaultItemRows, cols: defaultItemCols}
emptyCellDragMaxCols: 50, // limit empty cell drag max cols
emptyCellDragMaxRows: 50, // limit empty cell drag max rows
draggable: {
delayStart: 0, // milliseconds to delay the start of resize, useful for touch interaction
enabled: false, // enable/disable draggable items
ignoreContentClass: 'gridster-item-content', // default content class to ignore the drag event from
ignoreContent: false, // if true drag will start only from elements from `dragHandleClass`
dragHandleClass: 'drag-handler', // drag event only from this class. If `ignoreContent` is true.
stop: undefined, // callback when dragging an item stops. Accepts Promise return to cancel/approve drag.
start: undefined // callback when dragging an item starts.
// Arguments: item, gridsterItem, event
resizable: {
delayStart: 0, // milliseconds to delay the start of resize, useful for touch interaction
enabled: false, // enable/disable resizable items
handles: {
s: true,
e: true,
n: true,
w: true,
se: true,
ne: true,
sw: true,
nw: true
}, // resizable edges of an item
stop: undefined, // callback when resizing an item stops. Accepts Promise return to cancel/approve resize.
start: undefined // callback when resizing an item starts.
// Arguments: item, gridsterItem, event
swap: true, // allow items to switch position if drop on top of another
pushItems: false, // push items when resizing and dragging
disablePushOnDrag: false, // disable push on drag
disablePushOnResize: false, // disable push on resize
pushDirections: {north: true, east: true, south: true, west: true}, // control the directions items are pushed
pushResizeItems: false, // on resize of item will shrink adjacent items
displayGrid: 'onDrag&Resize', // display background grid of rows and columns. Options: 'always' | 'onDrag&Resize' | 'none'
disableWindowResize: false, // disable the window on resize listener. This will stop grid to recalculate on window resize.
disableWarnings: false // disable console log warnings about misplacement of grid items
Gridster options api
this.options.api.resize(); // call if size of container changes. Grid will auto resize on window resize.
this.options.api.optionsChanged(); // call on change of options after initialization
this.options.api.getNextPossiblePosition(item: GridsterItem); // call to get a viable position for item. Returns true if found
// if you want to push items from code use the GridsterPush service
import {GridsterItemComponent, GridsterPush, GridsterPushResize, GridsterSwap} from 'gridster'
myMethod(gridsterItemComponent: GridsterItemComponent) {
const push = new GridsterPush(gridsterItemComponent); // init the service
gridsterItemComponent.$item.rows += 1; // move your item
push.pushItems(push.fromEast); // push items from a direction
push.setPushedItems(); // save the items pushed
push.restoreItems(); // restore to initial state the pushed items
push.checkPushBack(); // check for items restore to original position
// same for GridsterPushResize and GridsterSwap
Gridster item options:
export interface GridsterItem {
x?: number; // x position if missing will auto position
y?: number; // y position if missing will auto position
rows?: number; // number of rows if missing will use grid option defaultItemRows
cols?: number; // number of columns if missing will use grid option defaultItemCols
initCallback?: Function; // initialization callback. Argument: GridsterItem, GridsterItemComponent
dragEnabled?: boolean; // override grid option draggable.enabled
resizeEnabled?: boolean; // override grid option resizable.enabled
compactEnabled?: boolean; // disable compact
maxItemRows?: number; // override grid option maxItemRows
minItemRows?: number; // override grid option minItemRows
maxItemCols?: number; // override grid option maxItemCols
minItemCols?: number; // override grid option minItemCols
minItemArea?: number; // override grid option minItemArea
maxItemArea?: number; // override grid option maxItemArea
Gridster Item Events
broadcasts 'gridster-item-change'
// triggered when a item cols,rows, x ,y changed
broadcasts 'gridster-item-resize'
// triggered when a item width/height changed
Note: When a item changes cols/rows both events get triggered
Via Constant
You can also override the default configuration by modifying the gridsterConfig
angular.module('app').run(['gridsterConfig', function(GridsterConfig) {
GridsterConfig.gridType = 'fit';
Install dependencies
npm install
Please respect the formatting in .editorconfig and .eslintrc
Gulp task
gulp serve
angular-gridster2 inspired by angular-gridster
The MIT License
Copyright (c) 2017 Tiberiu Zuld