Full sample application built with Angular 4 that follows all steps of the Style Guide with multiple integrations ready to use.
Getting Started
Full sample application built with Angular 4 that follows all steps of Angular Style Guide, include lazy loading of modules, Api rest configurations by environment, integrated with ngx-translate, backend mocked with json-server and faker.js, Bootstrap and Font-awsone integration including ngx-bootstrap library, Http interceptor system, configurable Login component implementing multiple authentication client like OAuth, Guards for check authentication and singleton module loading, custom UI and Form validations with control messages, customizable Logger systems and Error handlers, Cache of services, typicode/hotel integration for manage processes, visualization of Modal dialog and Alerts through services, Search component with RxJs.
- Get the Code
- Functionalities
- 1. How create new lazy module
- 2. How create new api config environment
- 3. How translate elements in a page
- 4. How to mock services
- 5. Bootstrap and Font-awsone integration
- 6. Dynamic nav bar
- 7. Http interceptor system
- 8. Login component configurable with different authentication service
- 9. Guards
- 10. Custom service validation and control messages
- 11. Customizable logger system
- 12. Incorporated automatic handle errors
- 13. Not found component
- 14. TSLint integration
- 15. Unit and Functional test
- 16. Cache Services
- Useful Commands
Get the Code
git clone
cd angular-full-sample
npm i
Just in Time (JiT) Compilation
Runs the TypeScript compiler and launches the app
npm start
Ahead of Time (AoT) Compilation
Runs the Angular AoT compiler, rollup, uglify for an optimized bundle, then launches the app
ng build --aot
1. How create new lazy module
- Install agular-cli globally:
npm install -g @angular/cli
- Create new module from the root of the app using command:
ng g module heroes
- Create new routing module in the folder of the module created before:
ng g module heroes/heroes-routing
- Define the routes and import them into the module as child routes:
export const heroesRoutes: Routes = <Routes>[{ path: '', component: HeroesComponent, children: [ { path: '', component: HeroListComponent }, { path: 'detail/:id', component: HeroDetailComponent }, { path: 'create', component: HeroCreateComponent } ] }]; @NgModule({ imports: [RouterModule.forChild(heroesRoutes)], exports: [RouterModule] })
- Export the module
export class HeroesRoutingModule {}
- Export the list of components used
export const heroesRoutedComponents = [ MyComponent, ...];
- Define the routes and import them into the module as child routes:
- Import the routing module and the routed components in the first module created:
@NgModule({ imports: [HeroesRoutingModule, ...], declarations: [heroesRoutedComponents] }) export class HeroesModule { }
- Add the new route /heroes to the list of menus defined in the file /assets/data/
[{ "title": "Heroes", "action": "/heroes", "icon": "fa-flash"}, ... ]
- Add the new route /heroes to the main routes defined in app-routing.module:
const routes: Routes = [..., {path: 'heroes', loadChildren: 'app/heroes/heroes.module#HeroesModule', canActivate: [AuthGuard]},...];
More Info:
2. How create new api config environment
Go to the folder environments and create a new file configuration:
Define the configuration to be used in this new environment:
export const environment = { appName: 'My Demo Application', production: false, envName: 'qa', buildVersion: '1.0.0-SNAPSHOT', buildTimestamp: new Date().toISOString(), defaultLanguage: 'en', apiConfig: { apiEnv: 'dev', timeExpired: 1200, credentials: { clientId: 'userClientId', clientSecret: 'pwdClient' }, apiUrls: [ {id: 'HEROES_SERVICE_URL', url: '', requireAuthBefore: true}, ... {id: 'OAUTH_SERVICE_URL', url: '', requireAuthBefore: false} ], authService: AuthTypes.OAUTH, authScheme: AuthScheme.BEARER, errorHandler: ErrorHandlerTypes.SIMPLE, loggerService: LoggerTypes.CONSOLE, } };
Note: If you want to use the OAuth Client during authentication, the ID of the url should be OAUTH_SERVICE_URL. Also, if your services use the basic authentication, define the property credentials like in the example below.There are other authentication scheme that can be used like BASIC, DIGEST, HOBA or AWS depending of the authentication system you need to integrate.
Edit the file .angular-cli.json, go to the environments property and add the new configuration:
{ "apps": [ "environments": { ..., "qa": "environments/" } ] }
Serve the application using the new environment:
ng serve --environment=qa
More Info:
3. How translate elements in a page
The application use the module ngx-translate for translation. The configuration of the TranslateModule is defined in the app.module.ts and exported from the SharedModule, so always be sure the module who expose the component to be translated import the SharedModule. The json files used during translation are stored in the folder /assets/i18n/ with the code of the specific language of translation (es. es.json, en.json, it.json ...).
// app.translate.factory.ts - custom TranslateLoader while using AoT compilation
export function createTranslateLoader(http: HttpClient) {
return new TranslateHttpLoader(http, './assets/i18n/', '.json');
// app.module.ts
imports: [...,
loader: {
provide: TranslateLoader,
useFactory: createTranslateLoader,
deps: [HttpClient]
], ...
export class AppModule { }
// shared/shared.module
imports: [..., TranslateModule, ...],
exports: [..., TranslateModule, ...]
export class SharedModule { }
// heroes/heroes.module
@NgModule({ imports: [SharedModule, ...] })
export class HeroesModule { }
i. Language initialization
When the app.component is instantiated set the following translation settings:
- Set the language to be used as a fallback when a translation isn't found in the current language based on the property 'defaultLanguage' defined in the current environment:
. - Set the language to use, if the lang isn't available. First take the language defined in the localStorage and if no value was defined will use the default language defined before:
translate.use(localStorage['language'] || defaultLanguage);
ii. Word translations
Now to translate our words in the HTML view:
- Create a pipe that we can use to translate our words:
<h2>{{ 'heroesList' | translate }}</h2>
- Add the translation ID used in our [language].json files:
// assets/i18n/en.json { ..., "heroesList": "List of Super heroes", ...} // assets/i18n/es.json { ..., "heroesList": "Lista de Super heroes", ...}
- Each time you change the language, that title will change.
iii. How to use the language selector
In the core module, there is a language-selector component that could be displayed anywhere to select the language for translation. On this sample application, was added in the header component.
The language-selector component could be initialized in two ways:
- With a list of custom languages:
<app-language-selector [languages]="languages"></app-language-selector>
- Without any predefined language:
In the second case, the languages will loaded from the file 'assets/data/languages.json'. The format of a language is:
"id": "en",
"title": "English",
"icon": "en-EN.png"
The icon should be stored in the 'assets/images/flags' folder to be displayed correctly in the component.
iv. How to define new language
- Add new json file in the folder 'assets/i18n' and copy the content from other json file already defined. Example:
- Translate all the properties of the new file 'fr.json'.
- Add new entry in the json file 'assets/data/languages.json':
{ "id": "fr", "title": "French", "icon": "fr-FR.png" }
- Download and store the flag icon for French in the folder 'assets/images/flags'.
- Restart the application
More Info:
4. How to mock services
Go to the prototype folder out of the app and define the list of elements for the new api request (/heroes) in the file 'prototype/apiMocks.js'. You can also use the faker.js module to generate massive amounts of fake data:
module.exports = function () { var faker = require("faker"); return { heroes: [...] } }
If the path of the request is different as the default (default: http://localhost:3000/token, expected: http://localhost:3000/oauth/token), redefine the route in the file routes.json:
{ ..., "/oauth/token": "/token", ... }
Start the mock server using the command:
npm run server:mocks
Start the application using the 'mock' environment:
npm run client:mocks
More Info:
5. Bootstrap and Font-awsone integration
The application has already installed the library 'font-awesome' and 'bootstrap', so you can create new responsive components with a pack of pre-defined icons. The application also incorporate the library 'ngx-bootstrap' that contains many modules like accordion, alerts, datepicker, progressbar, etc, that could be imported separately in the case you need it. See how to use it from
6. Dynamic nav bar
The application contains a 'nav' component in the core module that could be initialized in two ways:
- With a list of custom menu items:
<app-nav [items]="menuData"></app-nav>
- Without any predefined menu:
In the second case, the menus will loaded from the file 'assets/data/menu.json'. The format of a menu is:
"title": "Heroes",
"action": "/heroes",
"icon": "fa-flash"
The icon is a font-awsone icon. See some example from
7. Http interceptor system
The application include an 'Http Interceptor' used to capture HTTP errors, authentication and show loading after any HTTP requests. The class is defined as a provider of the shared module (/shared/http.interceptor.ts), in that way, will be imported for each new module automatically.
More Info:
8. Login component configurable with different authentication service
The application include a login component that could be integrated with any authentication service that implements the interface AuthService present in the core module. The application already includes:
- OAuth Service client to be integrated with an OAuth2 server (/core/services/oauth.service.ts).
- Skyp Service that allow to display the application without to use the login component (/core/services/skyp-auth.service.ts).
How to create new Authentication service
Create new class that implement the interface AuthService. The BaseAuthService is an abstract class that contains some util functionalities like adding or removing user and token info from and to the cookie.
@Injectable() export class LDAPService extends BaseAuthService implements AuthService {...}
Go to the authFactory function defined in the core module in '/core/factories/auth.factory.ts' and replace the instance created using the new class:
export function authFactory(http: Http): AuthService { return new LDAPService(...); }
Restart the application
9. Guards
The application have implemented multiple guards (auth, login, module-import) to protect routes and module loading. All the guards are registered using providers in the 'Core' module.
- auth.guard: Is used to check if the user was already logged before to continue or redirect him to the login page if a Login system is enable. Note: If you are using the SkypAuthentication service, no login is enable so you always will be able to continue without to be redirected to the login page.
- login.guard: Is used to check if the user wants to go to the login page after he was logged in the application. In that case will be redirected to the home page (/).
- module-import.guard: This is another kind of guard that check that the 'Core' module is imported just one time in all the application otherwise will rise an error.
More Info:
10. Custom service validation and control messages
There is a new module 'ui-elements' that contains a list of basic ui components (like input text, password text, number picker, datepicker, select...) with validation support. This 'ui-elements' module is imported and exported in the SharedModule with the objective of use it from all parts of the application. The project provide a list of predefined directives that are used to validates the ui elements (dateValidator, emailValidator, hexadecimal, maxDateToday, numeric and passwordValidator
). Also the directives already defined by angular like required, minLength or maxLength
can be used.
How to create new ui component
- Create new component using angular-cli
ng g component ui-timepicker
. - Extends your class from UIElementBase and define the generic type that will be returned as value:
selector: 'ui-timepicker',
templateUrl: './ui-timepicker.html',
providers: [{
useExisting: UITimePickerComponent,
multi: true,
export class UITimePickerComponent extends UIElementBase<string> {
@Input() placeholder = '';
constructor(@Optional() @Inject(NG_VALIDATORS) validators: Array<any>,
@Optional() @Inject(NG_ASYNC_VALIDATORS) asyncValidators: Array<any>,
validationService: ValidationService) {
super(validators, asyncValidators, validationService);
- Define the html content including the ui-messages-validation component to be displayed in case of error validations:
<div *ngIf="mode !== Mode.VIEW">
<label class="control-label col-sm-3" [attr.for]="id">{{ title }}{{mandatoryLabel}}:</label>
<div class="col-sm-5">
<timepicker [(ngModel)]="value" [ngClass]="{invalid: (invalid | async)}" [id]="id"></timepicker>
<div class="col-sm-4">
*ngIf="invalid | async"
[messages]="failures | async">
<div *ngIf="mode === Mode.VIEW">
<!-- to display the component in read only mode -->
<ui-review [title]="title" [value]="value"></ui-review>
- Include the new component in the 'ui-elements' module:
declarations: [..., UITimePickerComponent],
exports: [..., UITimePickerComponent]
export class UIElementsModule {}
- Use the new component from any other module, include the directive validation you need and set the custom error message you want to display:
<form #frmName="ngForm" id="frmName" novalidate (ngSubmit)="onSubmit()" novalidate>
<div class="row">
<ui-timepicker required
dataErrorRequired="The time field is mandatory"
title="{{'fields.time.title' | translate}}"
[ngModelOptions]="{standalone: true}">
- The form that include the component should extends from the class UIFormComponent that include the validate() method. If the whould form is not valid then you can't proceed:
export class MyFormComponent extends UIFormComponent {
constructor(..., validation: ValidationService) {
onSubmit() {
if (this.validate()) {
// ... continue saving data
Note: The component will display the invalid field with a red border and all the validator will be activated when you click on the field and leave it.
More Info:
11. Customizable logger system
The application include a 'Logger' service in the 'Core' module that could be implemented in different ways: Using just the console or using other system like logs into a file. To enable the application to use one or other system you have to change the class to be instanciated in the factory '/core/factories/logger.factory.ts'.
How to create a new Logger system:
- Create a new class that implement the interface '/core/services/logger.service'.
@Injectable() export class FileLoggerService implements LoggerService { log(msg: string) {...} error(msg: string) {...} warn(msg: string) {...} }
- Go to the factory '/core/factories/logger.factory.ts' and change the class to be used during initialization:
export function loggerFactory(): LoggerService { return new FileLoggerService(...); }
- Restart the server
12. Incorporated automatic handle errors
The 'Core' module contains also a 'Simple Error Handler' that implements the interface 'ErrorHandler' present in the package '@angular/core'. Each http call that fails, automatically will call the method handleError() of the handler. In 'Simple Error Handler' the errors are displayed in different ways depending of the HTTP status code (if is a server, authentication or request errors...).
How to create a new ErrorHandler:
Create a new class that implement the angular interface 'ErrorHandler'.
import { Injectable, Injector, ErrorHandler } from '@angular/core'; @Injectable() export class CustomErrorHandler implements ErrorHandler {...}
Go to the factory '/core/factories/error-handler.factory.ts' and change the class to be used during initialization:
export function errorHandlerFactory(): ErrorHandler { return new CustomErrorHandler(...); }
Restart the server
More Info:
13. Not found component
The application include a 'Not-Found' component inside the 'Shared' module that will be displayed in the case the user type an invalid route in the browser.
14. TSLint integration
To check if the application have quality errors execute the following command:
npm run lint
More Info:
15. Unit and Functional test
The project have some predefined unit tests defined in the files '.spec' related of each service and component and the functional test should be implemented in the 'e2e' folder outside of the app.
- To run then unit tests execute the command:
npm run test
- To run then functional tests execute the command:
npm run e2e
More Info:
16. Cache Services
The application include a 'Cache Service' defined in /core/services/cached.service.ts
that fetch information just the first time and the rest of the time return the cached information. If I want to define a service that cache the information returned, just extends your service from the 'CacheService' class:
export class EditorialService extends CachedService<Editorial> {
constructor(protected http: Http, @Inject('api.config') protected apiConfig: ApiConfig) {
super(http, apiConfig);
public getServiceUrl(): string {
return CommonUtil.getApiUrl('EDITORIAL_SERVICE_URL', this.apiConfig);
More Info:
Useful Commands
Application execution
- npm start: starts the application, starts the mock server and opens a browser.
- npm run start:mocks: starts the mock server.
- npm run start:application: starts the application and opens a browser.
Management Console
- npm run management:console:start: starts the management console which is accessible from http://server:2000
- npm run management:console:stop: sopts the management console
- npm run build:prod: builds the application for production environment.
- npm run documentation:gentoc: generates the table of contents of the file.