Angular validation directive with validation rules and error messages.
Angular validation directive with many validation rules and custom error messages. Validation rules are simmilar to mongoose validation rules!
1. Installation
npm install angular-form-validator
2. Description
This is angular module which gives you angular directive for HTML form validation.
- easy to integrate in your existing angular 1.4+ project
- many default validation rules inspired by mongoose validation
- validation on almost all jQuery events: 'change', 'keyup', 'click', 'blur' ...etc
- developer can create custom validation rules
- developer can define custom error messages
- not dependant on any CSS framework (Bootstrap, Foundation, Material, ...etc) or any JS library like jQuery
- 100% native angular
It's not only validator but corrector. For example date will be automatically converted to Sat Dec 01 2001 00:00:00 GMT+0100 (CET) format.
3. Integration
If you use browserify in your angular project
var clientApp = angular.module('clientApp', [
If you use compiled version (/dist/ folder) include it in HTML file
<script src="... /angular-form-validator/dist/js/ngFormValidator.js"></script>
Also don't forget to include CSS file.
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="./dist/css/ngFormValidator.css">
4. Angular Directive
Directive is ngformValidator and must be applied as a tag attribute. Config (rules and error messages) are defined inside config object.
<input type="text" list="countrylist" class="form-control"
ngform-validator="{type: 'number', min: ['Number must be min 45', 45]}"
ngform-validator-options="{validateOn: 'keyup'}">
<p class="help-block" ng-cloak>{{errMsg.firstName}}</p> <!-- error output -->
5. Validation rules
- string - accepts any string value
- number - accepts integer or float numbers (12 , 12.23, 1.2e-21)
- date - accept valid date formats mm/dd/yy , mm/d/yyy hh:mm:ss , m.d.yy , mm.dd.hh and converts it automatically
- boolean - Any string or 'true' converts to boolean true. String 'false' converts to boolean false. (This is corrector, not validator!)
- min - If type:'number' then it will compare two numbers (input >= number). If type:'string' will validate number of characters.
- max - If type:'number' then it will compare two numbers (input <= number). If type:'string' will validate number of characters.
- between - If type:'number' (number1 <= input <= number2). If type:'string' will validate number of characters.
- alpha - letters only
- alphanumeric - letters with numbers only (special characters are not allowed)
- lowercase - letters must be lowercase, if not it will be converted automatically
- uppercase - letters must be uppercase, if not it will be converted automatically
- ucfirst - capitalize first letter
- int - check if number is integer (52) and if not it will make correction
- float - check if number is float (52.123) and if not it will make correction
- email - Validate inserted email ([email protected])
- url - check if input is valid URL (http://... or https://...)
- tel - check if input is valid phone number ((123) 456-7890, +(123) 456-7890, 123-456-7890, 123.456.7890, 1234567890, +31636363634, 075-63546725)
- sameAs - compare two input fields (for example 'Password' and 'Repeat password')
- emptySpaces - clear empty spaces in a string (validator and corrector)
- regex - test input against regular expression
- enum - limit input string to offered values
- price - must be Number (type:'Number'), round number to 2 decimals. This is corrector, not validator.
(You are wellcome to make pull request and add extra validator functions.)
6. Custom validator
Beside built-in validators you can use custom validators. Use attribute ngform-validator-custom and define function inside it.
<div ng-class="{'form-group': true, 'has-error': errMsg.cstm}">
<label for="cstm" class="col-sm-5 control-label">3+ chars <small>(string, validate onKeyup)</small></label>
<div class="col-sm-5">
<input type="text" id="cstm" class="form-control"
ngform-validator="{type: 'string'}"
ngform-validator-custom="function (input) {
var err = (input.length >= 3) ? '' : 'Insert 3+ characters!';
return err;
ngform-validator-options="{validateOn: 'keyup'}">
<p class="help-block" ng-cloak>{{errMsg.cstm}}</p>
7. Options
ngform-validator-options="{validateOn: 'keyup'}"
- validateOn: 'change' | 'keyup' (or any other jQuery event ) defines on which JS event field validation will take effect
Notice: 'required' validation is onBlur by default and can't be changed.
8. Disabling form fields and buttons
Submit button or input field can be disable on specific form field errors.
//submit button is disable only when 'eml' or 'maxstr' have bad validations. Use ng-disabled dirctive.
<button type="button" class="btn btn-primary" ng-click="mySubmit()" ng-disabled="errMsg.eml || errMsg.maxstr">Submit</button>
9. Reseting form
To reset whole form and clear all errors use ngform-validator-reset directive. Reset will be activted on click.
<button type="button" class="btn btn-warning" ngform-validator-reset>Reset</button>
10. Multilevel scope objects
Scope object can have up to 5 levels, like ng-model="" .
//code example
<input type="text" size="21"
ngform-validator="{type: 'string', email: 'Email is not valid.'}"
ngform-validator-options="{validateOn: 'keyup'}">
<span style="color:Maroon;font-size:smaller" ng-cloak>{{}}</span>
11. Licence
Copyright (c) 2016 Saša Mikodanić
Licensed under MIT .
(Freely you received, freely give. , Mt10:8)