Feather Icons components library for your Angular Applications
This package allows you to use the Feather Icons in your angular applications. The icons are designed by Cole Bemis. Import only the icons that you need.
1. Install the package
npm install angular-feather-icons
2. Generate a module to host the icons you'll import
ng generate module icons
3. Import assets
You need to import:
- FeatherModule, as it contains the
component - The SVGs that you need
We put this in IconsModule for modularity. See example below:
file: icon.module.ts
import { NgModule } from "@angular/core";
import { FeatherModule } from "angular-feather-icons";
import { Camera, Heart, Github } from "angular-feather-icons/icons";
// Select some icons (use an object, not an array)
const icons = {
imports: [FeatherModule.pick(icons)],
exports: [FeatherModule],
export class IconsModule {}
// 1. We add FeatherModule to the 'exports', since the <i-feather> component will be used in templates of parent module
// 2. Don't forget to pick some icons using FeatherModule.pick({ ... })
3. Use it in template
After importing the IconsModule in your feature or shared module, use the icons as follows:
<i-feather name="github" class="someclass"></i-feather>
<i-feather name="heart" style="color: green;"></i-feather>
<i-feather name="camera"></i-feather>
Styling icons
<i-feather name="heart" class="big fill-red"></i-feather>
.big {
height: 50px;
width: 50px;
.fill-red {
fill: red;
Available icons
Refer to the table below for the list of all available icons.
| | Symbol to import | HTML template |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------ | --------------------------------------------------- |
| | Activity
| <i-feather name="activity"></i-feather>
| | Airplay
| <i-feather name="airplay"></i-feather>
| | AlertCircle
| <i-feather name="alert-circle"></i-feather>
| | AlertOctagon
| <i-feather name="alert-octagon"></i-feather>
| | AlertTriangle
| <i-feather name="alert-triangle"></i-feather>
| | AlignCenter
| <i-feather name="align-center"></i-feather>
| | AlignJustify
| <i-feather name="align-justify"></i-feather>
| | AlignLeft
| <i-feather name="align-left"></i-feather>
| | AlignRight
| <i-feather name="align-right"></i-feather>
| | Anchor
| <i-feather name="anchor"></i-feather>
| | Aperture
| <i-feather name="aperture"></i-feather>
| | Archive
| <i-feather name="archive"></i-feather>
| | ArrowDownCircle
| <i-feather name="arrow-down-circle"></i-feather>
| | ArrowDownLeft
| <i-feather name="arrow-down-left"></i-feather>
| | ArrowDownRight
| <i-feather name="arrow-down-right"></i-feather>
| | ArrowDown
| <i-feather name="arrow-down"></i-feather>
| | ArrowLeftCircle
| <i-feather name="arrow-left-circle"></i-feather>
| | ArrowLeft
| <i-feather name="arrow-left"></i-feather>
| | ArrowRightCircle
| <i-feather name="arrow-right-circle"></i-feather>
| | ArrowRight
| <i-feather name="arrow-right"></i-feather>
| | ArrowUpCircle
| <i-feather name="arrow-up-circle"></i-feather>
| | ArrowUpLeft
| <i-feather name="arrow-up-left"></i-feather>
| | ArrowUpRight
| <i-feather name="arrow-up-right"></i-feather>
| | ArrowUp
| <i-feather name="arrow-up"></i-feather>
| | AtSign
| <i-feather name="at-sign"></i-feather>
| | Award
| <i-feather name="award"></i-feather>
| | BarChart2
| <i-feather name="bar-chart-2"></i-feather>
| | BarChart
| <i-feather name="bar-chart"></i-feather>
| | BatteryCharging
| <i-feather name="battery-charging"></i-feather>
| | Battery
| <i-feather name="battery"></i-feather>
| | BellOff
| <i-feather name="bell-off"></i-feather>
| | Bell
| <i-feather name="bell"></i-feather>
| | Bluetooth
| <i-feather name="bluetooth"></i-feather>
| | Bold
| <i-feather name="bold"></i-feather>
| | BookOpen
| <i-feather name="book-open"></i-feather>
| | Book
| <i-feather name="book"></i-feather>
| | Bookmark
| <i-feather name="bookmark"></i-feather>
| | Box
| <i-feather name="box"></i-feather>
| | Briefcase
| <i-feather name="briefcase"></i-feather>
| | Calendar
| <i-feather name="calendar"></i-feather>
| | CameraOff
| <i-feather name="camera-off"></i-feather>
| | Camera
| <i-feather name="camera"></i-feather>
| | Cast
| <i-feather name="cast"></i-feather>
| | CheckCircle
| <i-feather name="check-circle"></i-feather>
| | CheckSquare
| <i-feather name="check-square"></i-feather>
| | Check
| <i-feather name="check"></i-feather>
| | ChevronDown
| <i-feather name="chevron-down"></i-feather>
| | ChevronLeft
| <i-feather name="chevron-left"></i-feather>
| | ChevronRight
| <i-feather name="chevron-right"></i-feather>
| | ChevronUp
| <i-feather name="chevron-up"></i-feather>
| | ChevronsDown
| <i-feather name="chevrons-down"></i-feather>
| | ChevronsLeft
| <i-feather name="chevrons-left"></i-feather>
| | ChevronsRight
| <i-feather name="chevrons-right"></i-feather>
| | ChevronsUp
| <i-feather name="chevrons-up"></i-feather>
| | Chrome
| <i-feather name="chrome"></i-feather>
| | Circle
| <i-feather name="circle"></i-feather>
| | Clipboard
| <i-feather name="clipboard"></i-feather>
| | Clock
| <i-feather name="clock"></i-feather>
| | CloudDrizzle
| <i-feather name="cloud-drizzle"></i-feather>
| | CloudLightning
| <i-feather name="cloud-lightning"></i-feather>
| | CloudOff
| <i-feather name="cloud-off"></i-feather>
| | CloudRain
| <i-feather name="cloud-rain"></i-feather>
| | CloudSnow
| <i-feather name="cloud-snow"></i-feather>
| | Cloud
| <i-feather name="cloud"></i-feather>
| | Code
| <i-feather name="code"></i-feather>
| | Codepen
| <i-feather name="codepen"></i-feather>
| | Codesandbox
| <i-feather name="codesandbox"></i-feather>
| | Coffee
| <i-feather name="coffee"></i-feather>
| | Columns
| <i-feather name="columns"></i-feather>
| | Command
| <i-feather name="command"></i-feather>
| | Compass
| <i-feather name="compass"></i-feather>
| | Copy
| <i-feather name="copy"></i-feather>
| | CornerDownLeft
| <i-feather name="corner-down-left"></i-feather>
| | CornerDownRight
| <i-feather name="corner-down-right"></i-feather>
| | CornerLeftDown
| <i-feather name="corner-left-down"></i-feather>
| | CornerLeftUp
| <i-feather name="corner-left-up"></i-feather>
| | CornerRightDown
| <i-feather name="corner-right-down"></i-feather>
| | CornerRightUp
| <i-feather name="corner-right-up"></i-feather>
| | CornerUpLeft
| <i-feather name="corner-up-left"></i-feather>
| | CornerUpRight
| <i-feather name="corner-up-right"></i-feather>
| | Cpu
| <i-feather name="cpu"></i-feather>
| | CreditCard
| <i-feather name="credit-card"></i-feather>
| | Crop
| <i-feather name="crop"></i-feather>
| | Crosshair
| <i-feather name="crosshair"></i-feather>
| | Database
| <i-feather name="database"></i-feather>
| | Delete
| <i-feather name="delete"></i-feather>
| | Disc
| <i-feather name="disc"></i-feather>
| | DivideCircle
| <i-feather name="divide-circle"></i-feather>
| | DivideSquare
| <i-feather name="divide-square"></i-feather>
| | Divide
| <i-feather name="divide"></i-feather>
| | DollarSign
| <i-feather name="dollar-sign"></i-feather>
| | DownloadCloud
| <i-feather name="download-cloud"></i-feather>
| | Download
| <i-feather name="download"></i-feather>
| | Dribbble
| <i-feather name="dribbble"></i-feather>
| | Droplet
| <i-feather name="droplet"></i-feather>
| | Edit2
| <i-feather name="edit-2"></i-feather>
| | Edit3
| <i-feather name="edit-3"></i-feather>
| | Edit
| <i-feather name="edit"></i-feather>
| | ExternalLink
| <i-feather name="external-link"></i-feather>
| | EyeOff
| <i-feather name="eye-off"></i-feather>
| | Eye
| <i-feather name="eye"></i-feather>
| | Facebook
| <i-feather name="facebook"></i-feather>
| | FastForward
| <i-feather name="fast-forward"></i-feather>
| | Feather
| <i-feather name="feather"></i-feather>
| | Figma
| <i-feather name="figma"></i-feather>
| | FileMinus
| <i-feather name="file-minus"></i-feather>
| | FilePlus
| <i-feather name="file-plus"></i-feather>
| | FileText
| <i-feather name="file-text"></i-feather>
| | File
| <i-feather name="file"></i-feather>
| | Film
| <i-feather name="film"></i-feather>
| | Filter
| <i-feather name="filter"></i-feather>
| | Flag
| <i-feather name="flag"></i-feather>
| | FolderMinus
| <i-feather name="folder-minus"></i-feather>
| | FolderPlus
| <i-feather name="folder-plus"></i-feather>
| | Folder
| <i-feather name="folder"></i-feather>
| | Framer
| <i-feather name="framer"></i-feather>
| | Frown
| <i-feather name="frown"></i-feather>
| | Gift
| <i-feather name="gift"></i-feather>
| | GitBranch
| <i-feather name="git-branch"></i-feather>
| | GitCommit
| <i-feather name="git-commit"></i-feather>
| | GitMerge
| <i-feather name="git-merge"></i-feather>
| | GitPullRequest
| <i-feather name="git-pull-request"></i-feather>
| | Github
| <i-feather name="github"></i-feather>
| | Gitlab
| <i-feather name="gitlab"></i-feather>
| | Globe
| <i-feather name="globe"></i-feather>
| | Grid
| <i-feather name="grid"></i-feather>
| | HardDrive
| <i-feather name="hard-drive"></i-feather>
| | Hash
| <i-feather name="hash"></i-feather>
| | Headphones
| <i-feather name="headphones"></i-feather>
| | Heart
| <i-feather name="heart"></i-feather>
| | HelpCircle
| <i-feather name="help-circle"></i-feather>
| | Hexagon
| <i-feather name="hexagon"></i-feather>
| | Home
| <i-feather name="home"></i-feather>
| | Image
| <i-feather name="image"></i-feather>
| | Inbox
| <i-feather name="inbox"></i-feather>
| | Info
| <i-feather name="info"></i-feather>
| | Instagram
| <i-feather name="instagram"></i-feather>
| | Italic
| <i-feather name="italic"></i-feather>
| | Key
| <i-feather name="key"></i-feather>
| | Layers
| <i-feather name="layers"></i-feather>
| | Layout
| <i-feather name="layout"></i-feather>
| | LifeBuoy
| <i-feather name="life-buoy"></i-feather>
| | Link2
| <i-feather name="link-2"></i-feather>
| | Link
| <i-feather name="link"></i-feather>
| | Linkedin
| <i-feather name="linkedin"></i-feather>
| | List
| <i-feather name="list"></i-feather>
| | Loader
| <i-feather name="loader"></i-feather>
| | Lock
| <i-feather name="lock"></i-feather>
| | LogIn
| <i-feather name="log-in"></i-feather>
| | LogOut
| <i-feather name="log-out"></i-feather>
| | Mail
| <i-feather name="mail"></i-feather>
| | MapPin
| <i-feather name="map-pin"></i-feather>
| | Map
| <i-feather name="map"></i-feather>
| | Maximize2
| <i-feather name="maximize-2"></i-feather>
| | Maximize
| <i-feather name="maximize"></i-feather>
| | Meh
| <i-feather name="meh"></i-feather>
| | Menu
| <i-feather name="menu"></i-feather>
| | MessageCircle
| <i-feather name="message-circle"></i-feather>
| | MessageSquare
| <i-feather name="message-square"></i-feather>
| | MicOff
| <i-feather name="mic-off"></i-feather>
| | Mic
| <i-feather name="mic"></i-feather>
| | Minimize2
| <i-feather name="minimize-2"></i-feather>
| | Minimize
| <i-feather name="minimize"></i-feather>
| | MinusCircle
| <i-feather name="minus-circle"></i-feather>
| | MinusSquare
| <i-feather name="minus-square"></i-feather>
| | Minus
| <i-feather name="minus"></i-feather>
| | Monitor
| <i-feather name="monitor"></i-feather>
| | Moon
| <i-feather name="moon"></i-feather>
| | MoreHorizontal
| <i-feather name="more-horizontal"></i-feather>
| | MoreVertical
| <i-feather name="more-vertical"></i-feather>
| | MousePointer
| <i-feather name="mouse-pointer"></i-feather>
| | Move
| <i-feather name="move"></i-feather>
| | Music
| <i-feather name="music"></i-feather>
| | Navigation2
| <i-feather name="navigation-2"></i-feather>
| | Navigation
| <i-feather name="navigation"></i-feather>
| | Octagon
| <i-feather name="octagon"></i-feather>
| | Package
| <i-feather name="package"></i-feather>
| | Paperclip
| <i-feather name="paperclip"></i-feather>
| | PauseCircle
| <i-feather name="pause-circle"></i-feather>
| | Pause
| <i-feather name="pause"></i-feather>
| | PenTool
| <i-feather name="pen-tool"></i-feather>
| | Percent
| <i-feather name="percent"></i-feather>
| | PhoneCall
| <i-feather name="phone-call"></i-feather>
| | PhoneForwarded
| <i-feather name="phone-forwarded"></i-feather>
| | PhoneIncoming
| <i-feather name="phone-incoming"></i-feather>
| | PhoneMissed
| <i-feather name="phone-missed"></i-feather>
| | PhoneOff
| <i-feather name="phone-off"></i-feather>
| | PhoneOutgoing
| <i-feather name="phone-outgoing"></i-feather>
| | Phone
| <i-feather name="phone"></i-feather>
| | PieChart
| <i-feather name="pie-chart"></i-feather>
| | PlayCircle
| <i-feather name="play-circle"></i-feather>
| | Play
| <i-feather name="play"></i-feather>
| | PlusCircle
| <i-feather name="plus-circle"></i-feather>
| | PlusSquare
| <i-feather name="plus-square"></i-feather>
| | Plus
| <i-feather name="plus"></i-feather>
| | Pocket
| <i-feather name="pocket"></i-feather>
| | Power
| <i-feather name="power"></i-feather>
| | Printer
| <i-feather name="printer"></i-feather>
| | Radio
| <i-feather name="radio"></i-feather>
| | RefreshCcw
| <i-feather name="refresh-ccw"></i-feather>
| | RefreshCw
| <i-feather name="refresh-cw"></i-feather>
| | Repeat
| <i-feather name="repeat"></i-feather>
| | Rewind
| <i-feather name="rewind"></i-feather>
| | RotateCcw
| <i-feather name="rotate-ccw"></i-feather>
| | RotateCw
| <i-feather name="rotate-cw"></i-feather>
| | Rss
| <i-feather name="rss"></i-feather>
| | Save
| <i-feather name="save"></i-feather>
| | Scissors
| <i-feather name="scissors"></i-feather>
| | Search
| <i-feather name="search"></i-feather>
| | Send
| <i-feather name="send"></i-feather>
| | Server
| <i-feather name="server"></i-feather>
| | Settings
| <i-feather name="settings"></i-feather>
| | Share2
| <i-feather name="share-2"></i-feather>
| | Share
| <i-feather name="share"></i-feather>
| | ShieldOff
| <i-feather name="shield-off"></i-feather>
| | Shield
| <i-feather name="shield"></i-feather>
| | ShoppingBag
| <i-feather name="shopping-bag"></i-feather>
| | ShoppingCart
| <i-feather name="shopping-cart"></i-feather>
| | Shuffle
| <i-feather name="shuffle"></i-feather>
| | Sidebar
| <i-feather name="sidebar"></i-feather>
| | SkipBack
| <i-feather name="skip-back"></i-feather>
| | SkipForward
| <i-feather name="skip-forward"></i-feather>
| | Slack
| <i-feather name="slack"></i-feather>
| | Slash
| <i-feather name="slash"></i-feather>
| | Sliders
| <i-feather name="sliders"></i-feather>
| | Smartphone
| <i-feather name="smartphone"></i-feather>
| | Smile
| <i-feather name="smile"></i-feather>
| | Speaker
| <i-feather name="speaker"></i-feather>
| | Square
| <i-feather name="square"></i-feather>
| | Star
| <i-feather name="star"></i-feather>
| | StopCircle
| <i-feather name="stop-circle"></i-feather>
| | Sun
| <i-feather name="sun"></i-feather>
| | Sunrise
| <i-feather name="sunrise"></i-feather>
| | Sunset
| <i-feather name="sunset"></i-feather>
| | Table
| <i-feather name="table"></i-feather>
| | Tablet
| <i-feather name="tablet"></i-feather>
| | Tag
| <i-feather name="tag"></i-feather>
| | Target
| <i-feather name="target"></i-feather>
| | Terminal
| <i-feather name="terminal"></i-feather>
| | Thermometer
| <i-feather name="thermometer"></i-feather>
| | ThumbsDown
| <i-feather name="thumbs-down"></i-feather>
| | ThumbsUp
| <i-feather name="thumbs-up"></i-feather>
| | ToggleLeft
| <i-feather name="toggle-left"></i-feather>
| | ToggleRight
| <i-feather name="toggle-right"></i-feather>
| | Tool
| <i-feather name="tool"></i-feather>
| | Trash2
| <i-feather name="trash-2"></i-feather>
| | Trash
| <i-feather name="trash"></i-feather>
| | Trello
| <i-feather name="trello"></i-feather>
| | TrendingDown
| <i-feather name="trending-down"></i-feather>
| | TrendingUp
| <i-feather name="trending-up"></i-feather>
| | Triangle
| <i-feather name="triangle"></i-feather>
| | Truck
| <i-feather name="truck"></i-feather>
| | Tv
| <i-feather name="tv"></i-feather>
| | Twitch
| <i-feather name="twitch"></i-feather>
| | Twitter
| <i-feather name="twitter"></i-feather>
| | Type
| <i-feather name="type"></i-feather>
| | Umbrella
| <i-feather name="umbrella"></i-feather>
| | Underline
| <i-feather name="underline"></i-feather>
| | Unlock
| <i-feather name="unlock"></i-feather>
| | UploadCloud
| <i-feather name="upload-cloud"></i-feather>
| | Upload
| <i-feather name="upload"></i-feather>
| | UserCheck
| <i-feather name="user-check"></i-feather>
| | UserMinus
| <i-feather name="user-minus"></i-feather>
| | UserPlus
| <i-feather name="user-plus"></i-feather>
| | UserX
| <i-feather name="user-x"></i-feather>
| | User
| <i-feather name="user"></i-feather>
| | Users
| <i-feather name="users"></i-feather>
| | VideoOff
| <i-feather name="video-off"></i-feather>
| | Video
| <i-feather name="video"></i-feather>
| | Voicemail
| <i-feather name="voicemail"></i-feather>
| | Volume1
| <i-feather name="volume-1"></i-feather>
| | Volume2
| <i-feather name="volume-2"></i-feather>
| | VolumeX
| <i-feather name="volume-x"></i-feather>
| | Volume
| <i-feather name="volume"></i-feather>
| | Watch
| <i-feather name="watch"></i-feather>
| | WifiOff
| <i-feather name="wifi-off"></i-feather>
| | Wifi
| <i-feather name="wifi"></i-feather>
| | Wind
| <i-feather name="wind"></i-feather>
| | XCircle
| <i-feather name="x-circle"></i-feather>
| | XOctagon
| <i-feather name="x-octagon"></i-feather>
| | XSquare
| <i-feather name="x-square"></i-feather>
| | X
| <i-feather name="x"></i-feather>
| | Youtube
| <i-feather name="youtube"></i-feather>
| | ZapOff
| <i-feather name="zap-off"></i-feather>
| | Zap
| <i-feather name="zap"></i-feather>
| | ZoomIn
| <i-feather name="zoom-in"></i-feather>
| | ZoomOut
| <i-feather name="zoom-out"></i-feather>
1. Is there a way to pick all the icons at once?
Yes, by importing allIcons
from 'angular-feather-icons/icons'
import { allIcons } from "angular-feather-icons/icons";
imports: [FeatherModule.pick(allIcons)],
exports: [FeatherModule],
export class IconsModule {}
However, keep in mind that by doing this, all icons will end up in your application bundle. While this may not be much of an issue for prototyping, it is not recommended for any application that you plan to release.