Command line script to lint style rules in Angular templates and automatically correct them
Command line script to lint style rules in Angular templates and automatically correct them. Can be used on any HTML file, not just Angular templates.
Corrects missing end-tags
Corrects inconsistent text case
npm install angular-enforcer -g
On a specific file
enforce [file path] [options]
where [file path] is a path to a file to enforce
cat [file path] | enforce -i
Simply pipe some file into the enforce command
On a glob
enforce -g [glob string] [options]
where [glob string] node-glob is a string to search for files using
Ex: enforce -g src/folder/**/*.tpl
On every html file in this folder and all child folders
enforce -g [options]
This will run the angular-enforcer program on every html file in this folder and all child folders
From node
You can also import angular-enforcer and use it as you want.
import ngEnforcer from 'angular-enforcer';
import 'fs';
const file = fs.readFileSync('file');
const output = ngEnforcer(file, {
lineLength: 150
The ngEnforce function takes a string of HTML and options and returns formatted HTML. Linting is not available when using this method.
Formatting options: --tab-length : the number of spaces to consider a tab. Default is 4. --spaces : If true (default), converts spaces to tabs, using the specified tab length. Otherwise it does the reverse, converting tabs to spaces. --line-length : max line length. Default is 100. --closing-slash : if true, convert to . Default is false. --short-tags : comma separated list of additional tags that have no associated end tag --expr-padding : add a space before and after angular expressions (and a space after the "::" in one-time binded expressions). Default is true. --attr-newline : If an html start tag is over the specified line-length, start each attribute on it's own line, indenting by one. Default is true. --empty-tag-same-line : Empty DOM nodes will end their tags on the same line if it's within the max line length. --short-text-nodes : DOM nodes with just text that can fit on one line will do so. Default is true. If this is false, the text nodes will be indented. --attr-obj-indent: Indent JS objects inside attributes, ex: inside ng-class. True by default. --double-quotes : If true, use double quotes for attributes, otherwise use single quotes. --reorder-attrs : If true, alphabetize HTML attributes in each tag --block-spacing : If true, add an empty line in between each HTML block --text-wrap : If true, break long text nodes so that indentation + length of text <= line-length. Defaults to true. --wrap-ignored-tags : comma separated list of tags to ignore long text nodes inside --remove-comments : if true, enforcer will remove all HTML comments
CLI-only options: --config -c : path to the formatting config file. Default is .enforcer.json --save -S : report and correct all problems, overwriting all affected files --glob -g : Glob strings to look for files --stdin -i : read from STDIN instead of giving a file path. --verbose -v : more verbose reporting, including locations of problems. --quite -q : silences all output, even when using --diff or --verbose. --diff -d : print a colored diff of the changes
.enforcer.json JSON file
All options can be specified in an .enforcer.json file. All options are in camelCase.
"tabLength": 2,
"lineLength": 120
Option load order:
- command line options
- .enforcer.json file in current directory (if it exists)
- .enforcer.json file in home directory (if it exists)
- specify file extension to look for
- add a -s option to save files, disable by default
- add linting features
- lint when using HTML tags in an invalid way
- add formatter options
- tab length
- option to start new attributes lined up with the first attribute:
<input class="foobar" bar="baz">
- max line length
- Angular expression spaces
- attribute spacing
- attribute value formatting
- self-closing tags
- new line between code blocks
- encoding of characters
- better parsing of angular attributes:
- order attributes
- build in angular directive's preferred order
- unit tests