An angularJS approach to dynamic grid
What is this?
angular-dynamic-layout is an AngularJS dynamic grid layout. It is inspired from the successfull jQuery isotope library and its underlying masonry layout.
Including jQuery isotope into AngularJS directives gets easily hacky, this library reproduces the layout behavior while taking advantage of ngRepeat
filtering and ordering as well as ngAnimate
It is meant to be a very light and customizable frame leaving a lot of freedom to the user, especially regarding templates, animations and overall design and responsiveness.
This is a beta version and not production-ready.
bower install angular-dynamic-layout
npm install angular-dynamic-layout
# Usage
$ = [ { template : "app/partials/aboutMe.html", }, { template : "app/partials/businessCard.html", } ];
Items must have a template property, this template will be dynamically included using the ng-include
Content: the templates' HTML content is entirely up to you.
Controller: each card can have a specific controller, you can also have a common controller for all cards. For example:
<!-- aboutMe.html -->
<div ng-controller="aboutMeController">
My Card
External Scope: to reach the directive's parent controller you can use
in the cards' template.Data: you can provide any data to your templates from the list of cards, for example:
$ = [
template : "app/partials/work1.html",
tabs : ["home", "work"],
data : {
"position" : "Web Developer",
"company" : "Hacker Inc."
added : 1414871272105,
template : "app/partials/work1.html",
tabs : ["home", "work"],
data : {
"position" : "Data Scientist",
"company" : "Big Data Inc."
added : 1423871272105,
To make your layout responsive just create a set of media queries that ajust the size of your cards and of the container. dynamic-layout will find the container and cards widths on its own. A layout will be triggered when the screen's size changes.
The animations are based on the ngAnimate
module, they are entirely up to you and set in the CSS.
Here are the available animations:
: use this class to animate the movement of the cards between two positions, for example:
transition-property: left, top;
transition-duration: 1s;
transition-timing-function: ease-in-out;
: you can animate the entering and leaving of your cards in the grid, for example when applying filters:{
transition: .5s ease-in-out;
transition: .5s ease-in-out;
You can provide and update a list of filters like this:
<div dynamic-layout items="cards" filters="filters"></div>
Those filters needs to be in the Conjuctive Normal Form. Basically a list of and groups composed of or groups. Each statement contains the property to be evaluated, a comparator and the value(s) allowed. For example:
var filters = [ // an AND goup compose of OR groups
[ // an OR group compose of statements
['color', '=', 'grey'], // A statement
['color', '=', 'black']
[ // a second OR goup composed of statements
['atomicNumber', '<', 3]
The list of comparators available are:
['=', '<', '>', '<=', '>=', '!=', 'in', 'not in', 'contains']
Custom filters
You can make your own filters by providing any function that takes the item as input and returns a boolean. For example:
var myCustomFilter = function(item){
if(item.color != 'red')
return true;
return false;
filters = [
You can provide and update a list of rankers like this:
<div dynamic-layout items="cards" rankers="rankers"></div>
Each ranker contains the property to be evaluated and the order. If two items are the same regarding the first ranker, the second one is used to part them, etc.
var rankers = [
["color", "asc"],
["atomicNumber", "desc"]
Custom rankers
You can make your own ranker by providing any function that takes the item as input and returns a value to be evaluated. For example:
var myCustomGetter = function(item){
if(item.atomicNumber > 5) return 1;
else return 0;
rankers = [
[myCustomGetter, "asc"]
Adding and removing items
You can add or remove any items from the cards list controller and the dynamicLayout directive will detect it. For example:
$, 1);
Triggering layout and callback
If a card is modified in any way (expanded for example) you can trigger a layout by broacasting in the $rootScope
. Once the animations are completed the callback will be executed.
$scope.toggleText = function(){
$scope.showingMoreText = !$scope.showingMoreText;
// We need to broacast the layout on the next digest once the text
// is actually shown
$rootScope.$broadcast("layout", function(){
// The layout animations have completed