A (user-modified) collection of utilities and annotations that make it easier to write Angular 2 style code in AngularJS 1.x
angular-decorators is a library of ES7 decorators for writing Angular 2 style code in AngularJS.
Installation via npm
npm install angular-decorators --save
Installation via jspm
jspm install angular-decorators
The standard angular.module
does not understand the metadata attached to your classes from this library's decorators. Use the provided Module function to create decorator-friendly Angular modules:
import {Module} from 'angular-decorators';
// Create a new module:
let myModule = Module('my-module', ['ui.bootrap', 'ui.router']);
// Reference a pre-existing module:
let otherModule = Module('my-module');
All decorated classes are added to the module using add
import {Service, Module} from 'angular-decorators';
class MyService{ }
Module('my-module', []).add(MyService);
If you need the raw angular.module
, use the publish
let angularModule = myModule.add(AnnotatedClass).publish();
Modules alias config
and run
blocks to the internal angular-module
Module('example', []).config(...).run(...);
Module Dependencies
You do not need to publish a module to add it as a dependency to another module:
let myModule = Module('my-module', []);
let otherModule = Module('other-module', [ myModule ]);
This works for vanilla AngularJS modules as well:
let otherModule = angular.module('other-module', []);
let myModule = Module('my-module', [ otherModule ]);
let lastModule = angular.module('last-module', [ ]);
The decorators provided in this package follow this proposal. They work by adding metadata to your classes under the $ng-decs
namespace using the reflect-metadata polyfill.
The @Inject
decorator lets you specify dependencies:
@Inject('$q', '$http')
class MyService{
constructor($q, $http){
When inheriting from a decorated class, child dependencies are specified before parent dependencies letting you capture parent dependencies using a rest parameter:
@Inject('$q', '$http')
class Parent{
constructor($q, $http){
class Child extends Parent{
constructor($timeout, ...parentDependencies){
The @Component
decorator lets you create components in AngularJS by wrapping the directive API and setting you up with sensible defaults:
import {Component, Inject, Module} from 'angular-decorators';
@Component({ selector : 'my-component' })
class MyComponentCtrl{
constructor($q){ ... }
export default Module('my-component-module', []).add(MyComponentCtrl);
The directive definition object generated for the above component is:
controller: ['$q', MyComponentCtrl],
controllerAs: 'myComponent',
bindToController: true,
scope: {},
restrict: 'E'
Binding Element Attributes to the Controller
Supply an array of properties key of your config object using Angular 2 property syntax:
selector: 'my-component',
properties: [
'myProp: =renamedProp',
class MyComponentCtrl
This becomes:
.directive('myComponent', function(){
return {
restrict: 'E',
controller: function MyComponentCtrl{ },
controllerAs: 'myComponent',
scope: {},
bindToController: {
'myProp' : '=renamedProp',
'anotherAttribute' : '@'
For information on attribute binding, view the AngularJS docs on scopes.
Note: the above uses the new bindToController
syntax introduced in AngularJS 1.4. For AngularJS 1.3, use bind
in your @Component
config instead of properties
import {Component} from 'angular-decorators';
selector: 'my-component',
bind: {
myProp: '=renamedProp',
anotherAttribute: '@'
class MyComponentCtrl{ ... }
Renaming controllerAs
By default, the controllerAs
property is a camelCased version of your selector (i.e. my-own-component
's controllerAs
would be myOwnComponent
'). You can override this by specifying a new name in the @Component
config object:
selector: 'my-component',
controllerAs: 'vm'
Changing Scope
By default, components create new, isolate scopes but this can be manually set in the component config object:
selector: 'my-component',
scope: false
Setting the Template
Templates are added with the @View
decorator. Pass in a config object with either an inline template
or a templateUrl
import {Component, View} from 'angular-decorators';
@Component({ selector: 'my-component' })
@View({ template: `<h1>My Component Template</h1>` })
class MyComponentCtrl{ ... }
@Component({ selector: 'another-component' })
@View({ templateUrl: '/path/to/template.html' })
class AnotherComponentCtrl{ ... }
Requiring Other Directives
Use the @Require
decorator to require directive controllers and access them using the static link function:
import {Component, Require} from 'angular-decorators';
@Component({ selector : 'my-component' })
@Require('^parent', 'myComponent')
class MyComponent{
static link(scope, element, attrs, controllers){
let [parent, self] = controllers;
self.parent = parent;
Use the @Transclude
decorator to setup transclusion for your component:
import {Component, Transclude} from 'angular-decorators';
@Component({ selector: 'my-component' })
class MyComponent{ ... }
Unlike @Component
, @Directive
does not create a new isolate scope by default nor does it expose your directive's controller on the scope. It can only be used for directives that you want to restrict to a class name or attribute:
import {Directive} from 'angular-decorators';
@Directive({ selector: '[my-attr]' })
class MyAttrCtrl{
@Directive({ selector: '.my-class' })
class MyClassCtrl{
The @Filter
decorator lets you write class-based filters similar to Angular 2's Pipes:
import {Filter, Module} from 'angular-decorators';
class TrimFilter{
// Implementing a supports function is encouraged but optional
return (typeof input === 'string');
transform(input, param){
return input.trim();
export default Module('trim-filter', []).add(TrimFilter);
The supports
function is an optional test against the input. If the supports
function returns false the generated filter will throw an error instead of applying the transform.
The @Service
decorator turns your class into a service:
import {Service, Inject, Module} from 'angular-decorators';
class MyService{
this.$q = $q;
export default Module('my-service', []).add(MyService);
The @Factory
decorator is a complex decorator that assumes you have a class that requires more parameters on instantiation than what will be provided by AngularJS's injector. For example, if you had a class that looked like this:
class Post{
constructor($http, title, content){
and you wanted to make a factory that created a new Post
with a parameters for title and content, you would use @Factory
import {Factory, Inject, Module} from 'angular-decorators';
class Post{
constructor($http, title, content){
export default Module('post-factory', []).add(Post);
When injected elsewhere use the factory like this:
import {Inject, Service, Module} from 'angular-decorators';
import PostFactory from './post-factory';
class SomeService{
let post = PostFactory('Title', 'Some content');
export default Module('some-service', [PostFactory]).add(SomeService);
You can override the default factory function by implementing a static create function:
import {Factory, Inject, Module} from 'angular-decorators';
@Inject('$http', '$q')
class Comment{
constructor($http, $q, postID, comment){
static create(dependencies, post, comment){
return new Comment(...dependencies,, comment);
export default Module('comment-factory', []).add(Comment);
Create raw providers using the @Provider
decorator. For easily injecting dependencies to the $get
function, enable ES7 property initializers in your compiler:
import {Provider, Module} from 'angular-decorators';
class SomeServiceProvider{
this.greeting = 'hello';
this.greeting = newGreeting;
$get = ['$timeout', $timeout => name => $timeout(() => console.log(`${this.greeting} ${name}`))];
export default Module('some-service-provider', []).add(SomeServiceProvider);
Create animations using the @Animation
decorator. Requires ngAnimate
to be included in your module:
import {Animation, Inject, Module} from 'angular-decorators';
import ngAnimate from 'angular-animate';
class MyAnimation{
this.$q = $q;
return this.$q((resolve, reject) => { ... });
export default Module('my-animation', [ngAnimate]).add(MyAnimation);
Extending angular-decrators
Adding Your Own Providers
You can register your own providers using Module.addProvider
. For instance, if you want to add a new decorator called @RouteableComponent
that hooked up a component to the upcoming router, you would start by creating a decorator that set a provider name and type on a class:
import {providerWriter} from 'angular-decorators/writers';
export default const RouteableComponent = name => targetClass => {
providerWriter.set('type', 'routeable-component', targetClass);
providerWriter.set('name', name, targetClass);
Then you'll need to register your custom parser:
import Module from 'angular-decorators/module';
Module.addProvider('routeable-component', (provider, name, injectables, ngModule) => {
// implement parsing logic here, adding necessary config/directives/etc to the raw ngModule
Your parser will be called each time a provider is added to a Module
that has the provider type you've specified.
Extending the Directive Parser
The directive definiton object is derived from all key/value pairs set with the componentWriter
. Here is an example of creating a priority decorator that sets a directive's priority:
import {componentWriter} from 'angular-decorators/writers';
export const Priority = level => target => componentWriter.set('priority', level, target);
No other configuration is required. Simply using @Priority
in tandem with @Component
or @Directive
will work.