Ember Concurrency's ideas, but for Angular
Angular Concurrency
Most everyone using Ember.js today loves Ember Concurrency. This project allows similar functionality in Angular. I am essentially adding functionality as I need it.
I am using this code in production on a couple projects, but it is still a work in progress. See the examples below for the things you get out of the box.
Because of Typescript limitations, there are two ways that you can create a task. One is simpler (and uses a decorator), and works fine if you only reference the task inside your HTML template. The other is more verbose, but will type-check properly if you refer to the task inside your class (if you invoke it from another function or something). I believe a future version of TS (after decorators are stage 4 in JS) will allow me to use only the simple version. I am not sure though.
There are no plans (yet) to make this work with Observables. Yielding a promise will wait for it to resolve before continuing, and yielding anything else will not transform the yielded data in any way.
- Zero added dependencies (all peer dependencies should come with Angular)
- Automatically cancels all tasks when a component is destroyed (known bug for this feature)
- Schedule tasks' concurrency types using 'concurrent' (default), 'drop', 'restart', and 'enqueue'
- Access derived state of your tasks:
PRs welcome. :wink:
Love to you all!
I am not necessarily interested in feature-pairity with EC. Feature requests are welcome. I will, however, eventually be sure that any terminology is comparable, but I have not taken the time to do that just yet.
Things I would like to do:
- Add documentation
- Add live examples inside an actual Anguar app.
import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import { createTask, Task, Schedule, TaskObject, timeout } from 'angular-concurrency';
selector: 'app-concurrency-test',
templateUrl: './concurrency-test.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./concurrency-test.component.scss'],
export class ConcurrencyTestComponent {
basicTaskText = 'nothing';
droppingTaskText = 'nothing';
cancelTaskSeconds = 0;
restartTaskSeconds = 0;
basicTask = createTask(this, function* (this: ConcurrencyTestComponent, myTiming: number = 500) {
this.basicTaskText = 'waiting.';
yield timeout(myTiming);
this.basicTaskText = 'waiting..';
yield timeout(myTiming);
this.basicTaskText = 'waiting...';
yield timeout(myTiming);
return this.basicTaskText = 'BLAMMO';
droppingTask = function* (this: ConcurrencyTestComponent) {
this.droppingTaskText = 'waiting.';
yield timeout(500);
this.droppingTaskText = 'waiting..';
yield timeout(500);
this.droppingTaskText = 'waiting...';
yield timeout(500);
return this.droppingTaskText = 'BLAMMO';
} as any as TaskObject; // Needs to be forced into a TaskObject when using the @Task decorator.
onChange: function () { console.log('changed', this); },
cancelTask = function* (this: ConcurrencyTestComponent) {
let i = 0;
while (true) {
this.cancelTaskSeconds = ++i;
yield timeout(1000);
} as any as TaskObject;
@Task('restart') restartTask: TaskObject = function* (this: ConcurrencyTestComponent) {
let i = 0;
while (true) {
this.restartTaskSeconds = ++i;
console.log('is running', this.restartTask.isRunning);
yield timeout(1000);
} as any as TaskObject;
<h3>unrestricted (concurrent)</h3>
<div>is running: {{basicTask.isRunning}}</div>
<div>count: {{basicTask.count}}</div>
<button (click)="basicTask.perform()">Perform</button>
<button (click)="basicTask.perform(250)">Perform Faster</button>
<h3>cancel example</h3>
<div>is running: {{cancelTask.isRunning}}</div>
<div>count: {{cancelTask.count}}</div>
<button (click)="cancelTask.perform()">Perform</button>
<button (click)="cancelTask.cancelAll()">Cancel</button>
<div>is running: {{droppingTask.isRunning}}</div>
<div>count: {{droppingTask.count}}</div>
<button (click)="droppingTask.perform()" [disabled]="droppingTask.isRunning">Perform</button>
<h3>restartable example</h3>
<div>is running: {{restartTask.isRunning}}</div>
<div>count: {{restartTask.count}}</div>
<button (click)="restartTask.perform()">Perform</button>
<button (click)="restartTask.cancelAll()">Cancel</button>