A simple autocomplete component for Angular and Bootstrap
A simple autocomplete component for Angular and Bootstrap
Getting started
1. As of now, you can either clone the component from the Github repository:
git clone
or install via NPM:
npm install angular-bootstrap-autocomplete --save
2. Import/Include the BootstrapAutocompleteModule
3. Add the component wherever you need it:
Configure it!
The angular-bootstrap-autocomplete component has several @Input()
properties that you need and/or can use:
1. @Input() entries: Array<any>
The array that will populate the autocomplete options
<bootstrap-autocomplete [entries]="myAwesomeArrayOfAwesomeStuff"></bootstrap-autocomplete>
2. @Input() entryProperty: string
Use this if you need to display/filter by a specific property of an object
myAwesomeArrayOfAwesomeStuff = [{name: "Cyborg Duck", powerLevel: "Unlimited" }]
<bootstrap-autocomplete [entries]="myAwesomeArrayOfAwesomeStuff" entryProperty="name"></bootstrap-autocomplete>
This will filter the entries by the name
property and display the name in the options and input field.
3. @Input() inputPlaceholder: string
(Default: "Search...", optional):
Text for the input field placeholder
<bootstrap-autocomplete inputPlaceholder="Filter the things!"></bootstrap-autocomplete>
4. @Input() inputId: string | number
(Default: 0, optional if there's only one instance of the component, required if there are 2 or more):
Modifies the id
of the input field and dropdown menu. Should be used when having more than one <bootstrap-autocomplete></bootstrap-autocomplete>
on a page (TODO: Should be replaced by an element reference);
<bootstrap-autocomplete inputId="0"></bootstrap-autocomplete>
<bootstrap-autocomplete inputId="1"></bootstrap-autocomplete>
<bootstrap-autocomplete inputId="iCouldBeJustARandomString"></bootstrap-autocomplete>
Selection event
There is also one event fired on selecting an option from the dropdown menu:
@Output() onEntrySelected = new EventEmitter();
<bootstrap-autocomplete (onEntrySelected)="doSomeStuffWithTheSelection($event)"></bootstrap-autocomplete>
You can style the component by using regular Bootstrap dropdown menu and input field classes and the added classes:
- The wrapping container that sets the position to relative
- Additional styles for the input field
- Sets the positioning for the dropdown menu inside the container