A Backbone.Model inspired modellayer for AngularJS
ActiveRecord for AngularJS
angular-activerecord is a Backbone.Model inspired modellayer for AngularJS.
Differences compared to Backbone.Model
- No attributes property.
- Because the properties and methods are on the same level the ActiveRecord methods & config-properties are prefixed with "$" to prevent naming collisions.
- Stripped out functionality that is provided by angular)
- No getter/setter methods. (Angular has $scope.$watch)
- No event system. (Angular has $scope.$emit)
- No dependency on underscore. (angular.extend, angular.isFunction, etc)
- No dependency on jQuery. (Angular has $http)
- No Collection class. (Angular works with plain javascript array's)
- Added static fetchOne(id) and fetchAll() class-methods.
- Added read & write filtering of properties through angular filters.
Goals / Features (compared to ngResource)
- Extendable OOP designed models (instance methods per type)
- Enable parsing the response.
- Allow default values.
- Allow alternative backends.
- Allow alternative url schemes (like a .json suffix)
- Minimal configuration (only a $urlRoot), the json-object from the rest-api is the spec.
Defining a model
module('myApp', ['ActiveRecord']); // Add "ActiveRecord" as module dependency.
module('myApp').factory('Task', function (ActiveRecord) {
return ActiveRecord.extend({
// Rest API configuration for retrieving and saving tasks.
$urlRoot: '/api/tasks',
// Optional defaults
$defaults: {
title: 'Untitled',
estimate: ''
// optional named constructor (Shows "Task" as the type in a console.log)
$constructor: function Task(properties) {
this.$initialize.apply(this, arguments)
// An example method for task instances
* Return the estimate in hours
* @return {Number}
estimateInHours: function () {
var value = parseFloat(this.estimate);
if (isNaN(value)) {
return 0.0;
return value / 3600;
Fetching and saving data.
module('myApp').controller('TaskCtrl', function ($scope, Task, $document) {
Task.fetchOne(7).then(function (task7) { // Fetches '/api/tasks/7'
$scope.task = task7;
$document.title = task7.title + ' - MyApp';
* @param {Task} task
$scope.saveTask = function (task) {
$scope.spinnerVisible = true;
task.$save().then(function () {
$scope.successVisible = true;
}).catch(function (error) {
$scope.error = error;
}).finally(function () {
$scope.spinnerVisible = false;
Loading models via ngRoute
module('myApp', ['ngRoute']).config(function ($routeProvider) {
.when('/tasks', {
templateUrl: 'tasks.html',
controller: 'TaskListCtrl',
resolve: {
tasks: function (Task) {
return Task.fetchAll();
.when('/tasks/:taskId', {
templateUrl: 'task.html',
controller: 'TaskCtrl',
resolve: {
task: function ($routeParams, Task) {
return Task.fetchOne($routeParams.taskId);
module('myApp').controller('TaskCtrl', function ($scope, task) {
$scope.task = task;