A Rich table for React
Project Title: Andrea table
This project is a reusable and customizable table component built for React applications. It provides advanced features such as sorting, filtering, pagination, CRUD operations, and remote data fetching. This component is designed to be flexible, scalable, and easily integrable into any React project. kindly star ⭐ and share my repo on github: Andrea Table GitHub Repository . And if you are very generous and want to appreciate my work sponsor or subscribe with github sponsor.
Table of Contents
- Project Title: Andrea Table
- Overview
- Features
- Installation
- Usage
- Props
- CRUD Operations
- Example Data Fetching Function
- Custom Button and Additional Features
- State Management
- Customization Options
- License
- Remote Data Fetching: Fetch table data from a remote server using a custom fetch function.
- Sorting: Columns can be sorted both ascending and descending.
- Filtering: Supports multiple types of filters, including text search, boolean, and calendar-based filters.
- Pagination: Limit and paginate the data displayed in the table.
- CRUD Operations: Supports Create, Read, Update, and Delete operations directly from the table.
- Customization:
- Dynamic table headings and column visibility.
- Customizable table button names and colors.
- Control over which features to display (e.g., filters, sorting, pagination, buttons).
- State Management: Includes built-in state management for remote data, body data, filters, sorting configuration, and more.
Install the project dependencies:
npm install andrea-table
Github Repo For Example Usage
Table Component Example
Setup File
/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars */
/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any */
import { ColumnT, ColumnElementT HeadingT, TableDataT, } from "andrea-table";
const Address: React.FC<ColumnElementT<any>> = ({ columnData }) => {
const address = columnData.address
return (
<div>Address: {address.address}</div>
<div>City: {}</div>
<div>State: {address.state}</div>
<div>Postal Code: {address.postalCode}</div>
<div>Country: {}</div>
const ActionHeader:React.FC<ColumnElementT<any>> = ({ columnData, onDeleteSuccess }) => {
console.log({columnData, onDeleteSuccess})
const handleClick = () => {};
const handleDelete = async (id: string) => {
return (
<div className="">
onClick={() => {
/* dispatch(hideMiniLayout()); */
className="btn-primary h-[5px] p-[6px] text-[14px]"
// to={`/user/${}/edit`}
onClick={() => {
/* dispatch(hideMiniLayout()); */
className="btn-secondary m-2 p-[6px] text-[14px]"
// to={`/user/${}/view`}
onClick={() => {
async function fetchData({url, baseUrl}:{url: string, baseUrl: string}) {
try {
const c =await fetch(baseUrl+url);
// const c = axiosInstance;
const response =await c.json();
return response.users;
} catch (error) {
const extraColumn: columnT<any>[] = [
_address: <Address columnData={""} crud={{}} />,
action: <ActionHeader columnData={""} crud={{}} />,
const header: HeadingT<any>[] = [
key: "id",
name: "id",
canSort: true,
isHeader: true,
canFilter: false,
canCopy: true,
key: "firstName",
name: "first name",
canSort: true,
isHeader: true,
canFilter: false,
key: "lastName",
name: "last name",
canSort: true,
isHeader: true,
canFilter: false,
key: "email",
name: "email",
canSort: true,
isHeader: true,
canCopy: true,
canFilter: true,
key: "_address",
name: "address",
canFilter: true,
canSort: true,
isHeader: true,
filters: ["true", "false"],
isSearchFilter: true,
key: "calendarFilter",
name: "calendar",
canSort: false,
isHeader: false,
canFilter: true,
key: "action",
name: "action",
canSort: false,
isHeader: true,
canFilter: false,
export const userTableData: TableDataT<any> = {
baseUrl: "",
fn: {
fetchFn: fetchData,
crud: {},
heading: header,
column: extraColumn,
query: {pageName:"skip"},
show: { seeMore: true, tableName:true, customButton:true },
refresh: { intervalInSec: 100, status: false },
subUrl: "/users",
tableName: "user",
color: { primary: "red", secondary: "black", tertiary: "green",background:"black", cellBackground:"black", filterBackground:"black", exportBackground:"black" },
Calling the setup file
import { NewTable } from 'andrea-table';
import { userTableData } from "../functions";
export function ViewUsers() {
userTableData.fn.addFn = () =>""; = true;
return (
{" "}
<div className="">
<NewTable data={userTableData} />
Incoming Data Structure
- Table Heading
export type HeadingT<T> = {
name: string;
key:keyof T| string|any;
isHeader?: boolean; // default is true
canSort?: boolean;// default is false
canFilter: boolean;// default is false
canCopy?: boolean;// default is false
isSearchFilter?: boolean;// default is false
filters?: string[];// default is false
- Table Data Interface
export interface TableDataI<T> {
tableName: string;
baseUrl: string;
subUrl: string;
heading: HeadingT<T>[];
column?: columnT<T>[];
query: { pageName?: string; limitName?: string };
color?: {
primary?: string;
secondary?: string;
tertiary?: string;
background?: string;
cellBackground?: string;
filterBackground?: string;
exportBackground?: string;
refresh?: { status: boolean; intervalInSec: number };
fn: {
fetchFn: (url: string, baseUrl: string) => Promise<any>;
addFn?: () => void;
gotoFn?: () => any;
customFn?: () => void;
buttonName?: { customButton?: string };
show: {
filters?: boolean;
pagination?: boolean;
search?: boolean;
select?: boolean;
sort?: boolean;
table?: boolean;
exports?: boolean;
addButton?: boolean;
checkBox?: boolean;
customButton?: boolean;
seeMore?: boolean;
tableName?: boolean;
crud: {
add?: boolean;
edit?: boolean;
custom?: boolean;
delete?: boolean;
view?: boolean;
export?: boolean;
CRUD Operations
This table supports creating, editing, viewing, and deleting records. You can customize how these actions are handled using the crud
object within the table data.
const crud = {
add: true,
edit: true,
delete: true,
view: true,
Example Data Fetching Function
async function fetchData({url: string, baseUrl: string}) {
const response = await fetch(`${baseUrl}${url}`);
const data = await response.json();
return data;
Custom Button and Additional Features
You can add custom buttons to the table and define other actions like "See More" or "Custom Button" through the show
show: { seeMore: true, customButton: true, addButton: true, pagination: true },
State Management
The table comes with built-in state management for handling data, filters, and UI components. The state includes:
- remoteData: Data fetched from a remote source.
- bodyData: Local data used in the body of the table.
- filterValues: Active filters applied to the table.
- sortConfig: Sorting configuration for the columns.
- columnVisibility: Visibility state for each column.
- loading: Loading state to indicate when data is being fetched.
Customization Options
The component can be easily customized by providing your own styles, color scheme, or functionality through props.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.
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