Analytics dashboard charts
Versions Supported
This library is compatible with Angular version 16.0.1+
This project uses:
To install:
npm i analytics-dashboard
In your module where you want to use this application, import the dashboard module and add it to your imports:
import { DashboardModule } from 'analytics-dashboard';
Usable components
Valid components can be found in src/dashboards/components.
- lib bar
- Input values:
- [labels]="array of strings or numbers" - required
- [datasets]="array of type DataSet" - required
- [tenant]="sag or healthineers from TenantType" - required
- [theme]="light or dark from ThemeType" - required
- [aspectRatio]="number representing the scale of chart" - required
- [title]="title of chart of type string" - required
- Input values:
- lib-doughnut
- Input values:
- [labels]="array of strings or numbers" - required
- [datasets]="array of type DataSetDoughnut" - required
- [tenant]="sag or healthineers from TenantType" - required
- [theme]="light or dark from ThemeType" - required
- [aspectRatio]="number representing the scale of chart" - required
- [title]="title of chart of type string" - required
- Input values:
- lib-geo
- Input values:
- [labels]="array of strings" - required
- [stateData]="Type StateData"
- [tenant]="sag or healthineers from TenantType" - required
- [theme]="light or dark from ThemeType" - required
- [aspectRatio]="number representing the scale of chart" - required
- [title]="title of chart of type string" - required
- Input values:
- lib-geo-world
- Input values:
- [labels]="array of strings" - required
- [countryData]="type CountryData"
- [tenant]="sag or healthineers from TenantType" - required
- [theme]="light or dark from ThemeType" - required
- [aspectRatio]="number representing the scale of chart" - required
- [title]="title of chart of type string" - required
- Input values:
Example usage
Bar Chart
Example input values:
public title = 'Bar Chart';
public tenant = TenantType.sag;
public theme = ThemeType.dark;
public labels: string[] = ['2022-05-10', '2022-05-11', '2022-05-12', '2022-05-13', '2022-05-14', '2022-05-15', '2022-05-16', '2022-05-17'];
public datasets = [
label: 'Sales',
data: ['467', '576', '572', '79', '92', '574', '573', '576'],
public aspectRatio = 5;
Relevant Interfaces and Types
export interface DataSet {
label: string;
data: string[] | number[];
backgroundColor?: string;
export interface DataSetDoughnut {
data: number[] | string[];
backgroundColor?: string[];
hoverOffset?: number
export enum GeoTypes {
USA = 'USA',
World = 'World'
export interface Theme {
bgPrimary: string;
primaryColor: string;
secondaryColor: string;
tertiaryColor: string;
quaternaryColor: string;
primaryColorRgba100: string;
primaryColorRgba80: string;
primaryColorRgba60: string;
primaryColorRgba40: string;
primaryColorRgba20: string;
textColor: string;
borderColor: string;
export enum TenantType {
healthineers = 'healthineers',
sag = 'sag',
export enum ThemeType {
dark = 'dark',
light = 'light',
export interface StateData {
state: string;
value: number;
export interface CountryData {
country: string;
value: number;