Data Routing Helpers for AMQP
Utility for AMQP Message Routing
Describe AMQP exchange and routing keys in a compact way (and as templates). Purpose is to allow compact (and external, e.g. via configuration strings) declaration of AMQP Exchange and routing keys, and to create routing key based on message data.
npm install amqp-route
Basic Usage
Create a template with require("amqp-route").template(tplString)
. Then make a
routing key by using fill
method with data objects.
var route = require("amqp-route").template("MyExchange/route.key.{str}"); // "MyExchange"
route.fill({str: "foo"}); // ""
route.fill({}); // "route.key" (strips dots)
route.fill({skip: "here"}, {str: "hereIam"}) // fallback list of data objects
var route2 = require("amqp-route").template("route.key.{str}"); // "" (Exchange is optional)
Exchange Options
Generate a subset of available options for
var route = require("amqp-route").template("MyExchange?dc-a/{routingKey}")
route.exchangeOpts; // {durable: true, confirm: true, autoDelete: false}
Options are a single letter (to set to true), prefixed by a -
(to set to
- a: autoDelete
- c: confirm
- d: durable
- n: noDeclare
- p: passive
Publishing Options
Generate a subset of available options for
node-amqp exchange.publish()
var route = require("amqp-route").template("{routingKey}?mip")
route.pubOpts; // {mandatory: true, immediate: true, deliveryMode: 2}
Simlar to Exchange Options (single letter, optional -
). The exception is p
(for "persistent", which sets deliveryMode
- m: mandatory
- i: immediate
- p: deliveryMode
- "p" sets "deliveryMode=2" (persistent)
- "-p" sets "deliveryMode=1" (non-persistent)
Template object returned from require("amqp-route").template()
: exchange nameexchangeOpts
: parsed options suitable for
: routing key template used in (template.fill())[#template-fill]pubOpts
: publishing options suitable for node-amqpexchange.publish()
template.fill(object[, object...])
Creates a routing key for some data by replacing all strings in curly braces with value from the first object having that property. Any leading, trailing, or double work separators (dots) are removed.
var route = require("amqp-route").template("{a}.{b}.{c}.{d}")
var rk = route.fill({a: "A"}); // "A"
rk = route.fill({a: "A"}, {a: "X", c: "C"}); // "A.C"
rk = route.fill({a: "A", b: "B", d: "D, c: null}); // "A.B.D"
Publisher builds on Template, setting up an Exchange with options and always calling the callback, even when the Exchange is not in confirm mode. It also uses the publishing options from the Template.
var amqpRoute = require("amqp-route");
var amqpConn = require("amqp").createConnection(connectionOpts);
// create a publisher in confirm mode, durable and no autoDelete
amqpRoute.publisher(amqpConn, "My-Exchange?-acd/{routing}.{template}", function(err, pub){
var routingKeySources = [{routing: "sample"}, {template: "key"}];
var message = {important: "data"};
pub.publish(routingKeySources, message, function(err){
// message published with routing key "sample.key", confirm mode
// when NOT using confirm mode, this is called via process.nextTick()
Additionally, you can include further Exchange options.
var tpl = "My-Exchange?-acd/{routing}.{template}";
amqpRoute.publisher(amqpConn, tpl, {type: "direct"}, function(err, pub){
// now we are using a Direct exchange instead of topic
publisher.publish(routeFillers, message[, pubOpts[, callback]])
Publish a message, additional options are passed to
node-amqp exchange.publish()
and any
passed callback will be called regardless of confirm mode.
is an array of sources to create routing key from Template. It
corresponds to arguments passed in Template.fill()