RxJs Subjects to work with AWS Amplify and Amplify Datastore.
RxJs Subjects to work with AWS Amplify and Amplify Datastore.
Table of Contents
- RxJS Suject helps with loading paginating data
- Subscribing to data change and re-fetching subsciption event
- AWS Amplify Datastore adapter for fetching and subscription
- SDK custom adapter for subscription and re-retching (wotks with amplify generated graphql API)
- Contains helper to work with the list with infinitive scroll using Ionic
- Contains helper with trackBy using
property for angular lists - Sujects are having trigger functions that can be used for logging or customizable the process.
In order to use amplify datastore:
- Amplify datastore Model configured on server site
- AWS/Amplify Configuration already setup in the frontend project:
npm install amplify-datastore-rxjs
Library is simplified fetching and subscription enclosing it in the RxJS BehaviorSubject.
- There are 2 classes for the BehaviorSubject:
for the single data record fetched by idDataQuerySuject
for the list of the data records fetched by the criteria using batches
- There is default object (
) serve before the first time data is fetched from the source. - After calling
the data is fetched and subscription to the data changes is setup. - After subscription notify for the changes the data is re-fetch from the source and the RxJS pipe is pushed with the next data.
- Adapter in the constructor for customizing data source get/query/subscribe/parse operation.
- There are adapters and classes with encapsulating this adapters for Amplify datasource and Custom SDK source (that could be used for custom graphQL, REST, RPC, SOAP, SDK/lib ...).
adapters for Amplify datasource.DataStoreGetSuject
BehaviorSujects for Amplify datasource (with wrapped adapters).SdkGetApiAdapter
adapters for Custom SDK.SdkGetSuject
BehaviorSujects for Custom SDK (with wrapped adapters).GetApiAdapter
interfaces for the adapters.AbstractGetApiAdapter
partly pre-implemented classes for building custom adapters.
- There are helpfull methods in
can be used for ifinitive scroll (with ion-scroll from Ionic) of by throwing an event for fetching next batch of the data.trackBy
can be used to speedup display large set of data records in Angular using conbination ofid
(if exists) data properties.
- There are trigger functions that can be setup to infiltrate data flow (for logs, data manipulation in the process, event interceptions, ...).
infiltrating raw data in the process fetched from the source. Can be used for logs or modification of the data from the source that is too specific for having/modifing custom adapter for the data souce.postFetchTrigger
trigger after new data has been set into the RxJS pipe. Can be used for custom view refresh triggered if not detected autmaticly.dataChangedTrigger
only onDataQuerySuject
triger after subscription to the data has been triggered but more than first batch of data has been feteched already. The data is NOT automaticly refreshed. It can be used to showing to the used that viewing data set has been mutated and can be refreshed manually (usinginit
method). If only one batch of data has been fetched the data is automaticly refreshed andpostFetchTrigger
can be used for infitrating instead.
Amplify datastore Test model taken as an example for datastore and api angular service generated from the model used for Custom SDK usage.
The Test schema.graphql
for the amplify example:
type Test @model {
id: ID!
text: String
type Subscription {
onMutateTest(id: ID): Test @aws_subscribe(mutations: ["createTest", "updateTest", "deleteTest"])
The subscription part is used only for SdkGetSuject
and SdkQuerySuject
Amplify Datastore
import { Test } from 'src/models'; // Model generated from **amplify codegen**
import { DataGetSuject, DataStoreGetSuject } from 'amplify-datastore-rxjs';
// declare suject with model
// amplify datastore model is used to determinate how to fetch/subscribe data from the source
const test$: DataGetSuject<Test> = new DataStoreGetSuject(Test);
// if the id of the data is known already the initialization can be done by:
// new DataStoreGetSuject(Test, 'TEST_RECORD_ID')
// if the value before fetching (or befor initialization) should be different than null it can be placed as third parameter in the constructor:
// new DataStoreGetSuject(Test, 'TEST_RECORD_ID', initialTestObj) or new DataStoreGetSuject(Test, null, initialTestObj)
Can be placed when id of the data record is known or has been changed. Even if id is set this method needs to be called for start initial fetch.
await test$.init('TEST_RECORD_ID');
subscription (independend from initialization)
// subscribe to see the changes (can be called before init - initial value is null)
const subscription = test$.subscribe(async test: Test => {
// logic when initial/new version of the Test occured
if (!!test) { // in case subscribe was before init`got test with id:${test?.id} version:${test?._version}`);
unsubscription (onDestroy)
// when changes intercepting is not needed anymore
Full Angular test.component.ts example
taken id from query parameters
import { ChangeDetectorRef, ChangeDetectionStrategy, Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';
import { ActivatedRoute } from '@angular/router';
import { DataStoreGetSuject, DataGetSuject } from 'amplify-datastore-rxjs';
import { Observable } from 'rxjs';
import { Test } from 'src/models';
selector: 'test',
templateUrl: './test.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./test.component.scss'],
changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush,
export class TestComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy {
testID$: Observable<string> = this.route.queryParamMap.pipe(map(paramMap => paramMap.get('test')));
testIDSubscription: any = null;
test$: DataGetSuject<Test> = new DataStoreGetSuject(Test);
private route: ActivatedRoute,
private ref: ChangeDetectorRef,
) {
this.test$.setPostFetchTrigger(() => {
this.ref.detectChanges();`loaded test`);
this.test$.setPostDataUpdateTrigger(async (test: Test): Promise<Test> => {`fetched test with id:${}|_version:${test._version}`);
return test;
async ngOnInit() {
this.testIDSubscription = this.testID$.subscribe(async testID => {
if (!!testID) {
await this.test$.init(testID);
} else {
console.warn(`there is no test in the parameters: ${testID}`);
ngOnDestroy(): void {
Full Angular (Ionic) test.component.html example
angular async pipe manage unsubscription with unsubscription from amplify datastore
<ion-toolbar color="primary">
<ion-title>{{ 'Test' }}</ion-title>
<ion-content class="animated fadeIn">
<ion-card class="ion-no-margin" *ngIf="test$ | async as test">
<ion-card-content><ion-text color="primary">{{ test.text }}</ion-text color="primary"></ion-card-content>
import { Test } from 'src/models'; // Model generated from **amplify codegen**
import { DataQuerySuject, DataStoreQuerySuject } from 'amplify-datastore-rxjs';
// declare suject with model
// amplify datastore model is used to determinate how to fetch/subscribe data from the source
const tests$: DataQuerySuject<Test> = new DataStoreQuerySuject(Test);
// if the critria of the data filtering is known already the initialization can be done by:
// new DataStoreGetSuject(Test, testCriteria)
// if the value before fetching (or befor initialization) should be different than [] it can be placed as third parameter in the constructor:
// new DataStoreGetSuject(Test, testCriteria, initialTestList) or new DataStoreGetSuject(Test, null, initialTestList)
Can be placed when criteria of the data record is known or has been changed. Even if criteria is set this method needs to be called for start initial fetch. If criteria is not set ALL is the default strategy.
await tests$.init();
subscription (independend from initialization)
// subscribe to see the changes (can be called before init - initial value is null)
const subscription = tests$.subscribe(async tests: Test[] => {
// logic when initial/new version/new batch of the Test occured
if (!!tests) { // in case subscribe was before init`got new ${tests.length} tests in the batch.`);
unsubscription (onDestroy)
// when changes intercepting is not needed anymore
Full Angular tests.component.ts example
taken id from query parameters
import { ChangeDetectorRef, ChangeDetectionStrategy, Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';
import { DataStoreQuerySuject, DataQuerySuject } from 'amplify-datastore-rxjs';
import { Test } from 'src/models';
selector: 'tests',
templateUrl: './tests.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./tests.component.scss'],
changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush,
export class TestsComponent implements OnInit {
tests$: DataQuerySuject<Test> = new DataStoreQuerySuject(Test);
private ref: ChangeDetectorRef,
) {
this.tests$.setPostFetchTrigger(() => {
this.ref.detectChanges();`loaded batch of tests`);
this.tests$.setDataChangedTrigger(async () => {`data changed in tests => re-init`);
await this.tests$.init(); // reset all sets of data and load the first batch
this.tests$.setPostDataBatchTrigger(async (tests: Test[]): Promise<Test[]> => {`got new ${tests.length} tests in the batch.`);
return tests;
async ngOnInit() {
await this.tests$.init();
Full Angular (Ionic) tests.component.html example
angular async pipe manage unsubscription with unsubscription from amplify datastore. trackBy method is used for the display helper. scrollNextEvent method is used for the infinitive scoll.
<ion-toolbar color="primary">
<ion-title>{{ 'Tests' }}</ion-title>
<ion-content class="animated fadeIn">
<ion-list class="ion-no-padding" *ngIf="tests$ | async as tests" >
<ion-item tappable *ngFor="let test of tests; trackBy: tests$.trackBy">
<ion-label><ion-text color="primary">{{ test.text }}</ion-text></ion-label>
<ion-infinite-scroll threshold="100px" position="bottom" (ionInfinite)="tests$.scrollNextEvent($event)">
loadingText="Loading more data...">
Custom SDK
The only differece is in the declaration part where setting methods for a custom adapter for the data source, so the example will show with context of full angular file. The example is using API service that was generated by Amplify codegen that is wrapper for custom graphQL calls with types declaration.
Full Angular test.component.ts example
import { ChangeDetectorRef, ChangeDetectionStrategy, Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';
import { ActivatedRoute } from '@angular/router';
import { SdkGetSuject, DataGetSuject } from 'amplify-datastore-rxjs';
import { Observable } from 'rxjs';
import { APIService, GetTestQuery } from 'src/app/API.service';
selector: 'test',
templateUrl: './test.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./test.component.scss'],
changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush,
export class TestComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy {
testID$: Observable<string> = this.route.queryParamMap.pipe(map(paramMap => paramMap.get('test')));
testIDSubscription: any = null;
test$: DataGetSuject<GetTestQuery> = new SdkGetSuject(
* If data type fetched from the server
* (ex. GetTestQueryServer - GetTestQuery would be iside item)
* would be different from the one used in the app (GetTestQuery):
* test$: DataGetSuject<GetTestQuery, GetTestQueryServer> = new SdkGetSuject(
* this.api.GetTest.bind(this.api),
* this.api.OnMutateTestListener.bind(this.api),
* data => data.item,
* );
private route: ActivatedRoute,
private ref: ChangeDetectorRef,
private api: APIService,
) {
this.test$.setPostFetchTrigger(() => {
this.ref.detectChanges();`loaded test`);
this.test$.setPostDataUpdateTrigger(async (test: Test): Promise<Test> => {`fetched test with id:${}|_version:${test._version}`);
return test;
async ngOnInit() {
this.testIDSubscription = this.testID$.subscribe(async testID => {
if (!!testID) {
await this.test$.init(testID);
} else {
console.warn(`there is no test in the parameters: ${testID}`);
ngOnDestroy(): void {
Full Angular tests.component.ts example
import { ChangeDetectorRef, ChangeDetectionStrategy, Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';
import { SdkQuerySuject, DataQuerySuject } from 'amplify-datastore-rxjs';
import { APIService, GetTestQuery, ListTestsQuery, ModelTestFilterInput } from 'src/app/API.service';
selector: 'tests',
templateUrl: './tests.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./tests.component.scss'],
changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush,
export class TestsComponent implements OnInit {
tests$: DataQuerySuject<GetTestQuery, ModelTestFilterInput, ListTestsQuery> = new SdkQuerySuject(
(criteria, options) => this.api.ListTests(criteria, options?.limit, options?.nextToken),
data => data?.items,
data => data?.nextToken, // if this is not set or null, the pagination is taken by pages/limit
//data => data?.currentToken, <- use this if currentToken is given by the API
private ref: ChangeDetectorRef,
private api: APIService,
) {
this.tests$.setPostFetchTrigger(() => {
this.ref.detectChanges();`loaded batch of tests`);
this.tests$.setDataChangedTrigger(async () => {`data changed in tests => re-init`);
await this.tests$.init(); // reset all sets of data and load the first batch
this.tests$.setPostDataBatchTrigger(async (tests: Test[]): Promise<Test[]> => {`got new ${tests.length} tests in the batch.`);
return tests;
async ngOnInit() {
await this.tests$.init();
DataStore object
In order not to install @aws-amplify/datastore
in your project again there is a DataStore
re-exported for the custom usage:
import { DataStore, Predicates } from 'amplify-datastore-rxjs';
Tomasz Górka
© 2021 Tomasz Górka
MIT licensed.
Have fun with using amplify-datastore-rxjs