A sync wrapper for Backbone.sync and ampersand-sync that implements optimistic concurrency in HTTP.
A wrapper for Backbone.sync and ampersand-sync that implements optimistic concurrency over HTTP.
Not sure what optimistic concurrency is? You can read a bit more about it and implementing it in HTTP here.
How do I use it?
Default Behavior
For the default behavior, just extend like so:
var Model = require('ampersand-model'); // or require('backbone').Model;
var syncMixin = require('ampersand-optimistic-sync');
module.exports = Model.extend(syncMixin(Model));
Now your model will check for the ETag header on every request to the server.
If it exists, the ETag will be set on the model as _version and a sync:version (args: model, version) event will fire.
On updates, sync will now automatically include the _version value as an If-Match header.
If the update is successful, the new ETag that the server sends will be set as _version.
If the update request returns a 412 error, a sync:invalid-version (args: model, version, data)
event is fired.
Customizing Behavior
The mixin takes an optional second config argument that can be used to modify behavior.
Allowed values; etag (default), last-modified
When config.type is changed to last-modified like so:
var Model = require('ampersand-model'); // or require('backbone').Model;
var syncMixin = require('ampersand-optimistic-sync');
module.exports = Model.extend(syncMixin(Model, {type: 'last-modified'}));
The model will now store Last-Modified header values as _version and send _version as an If-Unmodified-Since header.
If config.invalidHandler is a function, it will be registered as a sync:invalid-version
handler before your first update request is sent.