Represent amounts of stuff with units and conversions
Represent amounts of stuff with units and conversions. Supports lenient parsing of amounts, normalization and basic formatting.
const { length, duration } = require('amounts');
// Supports parsing from strings:
const value = length('30 m');
// Convert into another unit (returns a number)
// Parse durations
console.log(duration('20 m, 4 s'));
// Supports precision on the numbers
length('2.8 cm')
length('2e10 m')
Amounts tries to be friendly with handling input, supporting variations of units, such as both short and long names, with longer unit names being case insensitive.
These will all parse to the same unit and value:
mass('750 ug');
mass('750 micrograms');
mass('750 micro gram');
mass('750 MikroGram')
But this will not work:
mass('750 uG');
Or fetch units from factories and use convert
// To convert to mmHg
pressure.unit('mmHg').convert('200.12 kPa');
// Or back to kPa
pressure.unit('kPa').convert(1501.023, 'mmHg');
All amounts that can be represented share a common API. Factories support:
Parse the given string into an amount.
factory(value, unit)
Create an amount with the given value and unit.
Create an amount with the given value and the default unit.
Get a unit that can be used for conversions for this factory.
Instances have the following API:
amount.value: Number
Get the value of the amount.
amount.unit: String
Get the unit of the amount. Number
Convert the amount to the given unit and return the result as a number. Amount
Convert the amount into another unit and return an object with the value.
Every amount also exposes getters for the most commonly used units:
length('20 cm').meters
length('19 ft').cm
volume(1, 'l').oz
Generic amounts
The generic amount does not have any units, but supports SI-prefixes.
const { generic } = require('amounts');
// Without any unit, returns an amount with value 20
// With a generic SI-unit, returns an amount with value 20000
// Full length names are supported
console.log(generic('20 micro'))
Units in the SI system can be combined with SI-prefixes to create a new unit.
SI-prefixes are supported both by their short names and their long names.
Examples: cm
, milliliters
, hPa
, MW
, kilowatt
Long Name | Short name | Factor | Factor (expanded)
| y
| 10-24 | 0.000 000 000 000 000 000 000 001
| z
| 10-21 | 0.000 000 000 000 000 000 001
| a
| 10-18 | 0.000 000 000 000 000 001
| f
| 10-15 | 0.000 000 000 000 001
| p
| 10-12 | 0.000 000 000 001
| n
| 10-9 | 0.000 000 001
| u
, mc
, µ
| 10-6 | 0.000 001
| m
| 10-3 | 0.001
| c
| 10-2 | 0.01
| d
| 10-1 | 0.1
, deka
| da
| 101 | 10
| h
| 102 | 100
| k
| 103 | 1 000
| M
| 106 | 1 000 000
| G
| 109 | 1 000 000 000
| T
| 1012 | 1 000 000 000 000
| P
| 1015 | 1 000 000 000 000 000
| E
| 1018 | 1 000 000 000 000 000 000
| Z
| 1021 | 1 000 000 000 000 000 000 000
| Y
| 1024 | 1 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000
const { angle } = require('amounts');
console.log(angle(2, 'rad'));
console.log(angle('5 degrees').as('radians'));
Unit | SI | Names
Degree | No | deg
, degree
, degrees
Radian | Yes | rad
, radian
, radians
const { area } = require('amounts');
console.log(area(2, 'm^2'));
console.log(area('10 sq ft').as('m2'));
Unit | SI | Names
Square Meter | Yes | m²
, m^2
, m2
, square metre
, square metres
, square meter
, square meters
Square Inch | No | sq in
, square inch
, square inches
Square Foot | No | sq ft
, square foot
, square feet
Square Yard | No | sq yd
, square yard
, square yards
Square Mile | No | sq mi
, square mile
, square miles
Hectare | No | ha
, hectare
, hectares
Acre | No | acre
, acres
Durations represent a number of milliseconds something takes. Multiple units can be combined into a value.
const { duration } = require('amounts');
console.log(duration(2000)); // Defaults to milliseconds
console.log(duration('2h 10m'));
console.log(duration('2 days, 5 hours'));
Unit | SI | Names
Milliseconds | No | ms
, millisecond
, milliseconds
Seconds | No | s
, second
, seconds
Minutes | No | m
, minute
, minutes
Hours | No | h
, hour
, hours
Days | No | d
, day
, days
const { energy } = require('amounts');
console.log(energy(10)); // Joules
console.log(energy('3.5 kJ').kWh);
Unit | SI | Names
Joules | Yes | J
, j
, joule
, joules
Watt hours | True | Wh
, wh
, watt hour
, watt hours
const { illuminance } = require('amounts');
console.log(illuminance(2, 'lx'));
console.log(angle('8000 lux'));
Unit | SI | Names
Lux | Yes | lx
, lux
Phot | No | ph
, phot
Nox | No | nx
, nox
Foot-candle | No | fc
, lm/ft²
, ft-c
, foot-candle
, foot-candles
, foot candle
, foot candles
const { length } = require('amounts');
console.log(length(2)); // Meters
console.log(length('5 ft').as('micrometer'));
console.log(length('2 ft ').cm);
Unit | SI | Names
Metre | Yes | m
, meter
, meters
, metre
, metres
Inch | No | in
, inch
, inches
Feet | No | ft
, foot
, feet
Yard | No | yd
, yard
, yards
Mile | No | mi
, mile
, miles
const { mass } = require('amounts');
console.log(mass(210)); // Grams
console.log(mass('78 kg').lbs);
console.log(mass('2 stone').kg)
Unit | SI | Names
Gram | Yes | g
, gram
, grams
, gramme
, grammes
Pound | No | lb
, lbs
, pound
, pounds
, #
Ounce | No | oz
, ounce
, ounces
Stone | No | st
, stone
, stones
const { power } = require('amounts');
console.log(power(500)); // Watts
console.log(power('6000 kW').mW);
console.log(power('6 hp').as('microwatts'));
Unit | SI | Names
Watt | Yes | w
, W
, watt
Horsepower | No | hp
, horsepower
const { pressure } = require('amounts');
console.log(pressure(500)); // Pascal
console.log(power('700 hPa').atm);
console.log(power('7 bar').kPa);
Unit | SI | Names
Pascal | Yes | pa
, Pa
, pascal
, pascals
Atmosphere | No | atm
, atmosphere
, atmospheres
Bar | No | bar
, bars
PSI | No | psi
, pounds per square inch
, pound per square inch
Torr | No | torr
mmHg | No | mmHg
, 'millimetre of mercury', millimetres of mercury
, millimeter of mercury
, millimetres of mercury
Sound Pressure Level
const { soundPressureLevel } = require('amounts');
console.log(soundPressureLevel(30)); // db
console.log(soundPressureLevel(30, 'dB')); // db
Unit | SI | Names
Decibels | No | dB
, db
, dbs
, decibel
, decibels
const { speed } = require('amounts');
console.log(speed(500)); // m/s
console.log(speed('5 km/s').kph);
console.log(speed('10 mph').mps);
Unit | SI | Names
Metres/Second | Yes | m/s
, mps
, metre per second
, metres per second
, meter per second
, meters per second
, metre/second
, metres/second
, meter/second
, meters/second
Kilometre/Hour | No | km/h
, kph
, kilometre per hour
, kilometres per hour
, kilometer per hour
kilometers per hour
, kilometers/hour
, kilometre/hour
Miles/Hour | No | mph
, mile per hour
, miles per hour
, mile/hour
, miles/hour
Feet/Second | No | ft/s
, fps
, foot per second
, feet per second
, foot/second
, feet/second
Knot | No | kt
, knot
, knots
const { temperature } = require('amounts');
console.log(temperature(22)); // Celsius
console.log(temperature('200 K').celsius);
console.log(temperature(80, 'f').kelvin);
Unit | SI | Names
Celsius | No | C
, c
, celsius
Kelvin | Yes | K
, kelvin
, kelvins
Fahrenheit | No | F
, f
, fahrenheit
, fahrenheits
const { voltage } = require('amounts');
console.log(voltage(22)); // Volts
console.log(voltage('200 V').volts);
Unit | SI | Names
Volt | Yes | V
, v
, volt
, volts
const { volume } = require('amounts');
console.log(volume(2)); // Liters
console.log(volume(2, 'quarts').dl);
console.log(volume('20 ml').tbsp);
Unit | SI | Names
Liter | Yes | l
, L
, liter
, litre
, litre
, litres
Gallon | No | gal
, gallon
, gallons
Quart | No | qt
, quart
, quarts
Pint | No | pt
, pint
, pints
Cup | No | cu
, cup
, cups
Fluid ounce | No | floz
, oz
, fluid ounce
, ounce
, fluid ounces
, ounces
Tablespoon | No | tb
, tbsp
, tbs
, tablesppon
, tablespoons
Teaspoon | No | tsp
, teaspoon
, teaspoons