Viewer developed using AMI JS library for medical image visualization on the Web (based on THREE.js) ( ). Can be downloaded and installer as an npm package using `npm install ami-visualizer` ___
AMI Viewer v0.1
Viewer developed using AMI JS library for medical image visualization on the Web (based on THREE.js) ( ).
Can be downloaded and installer as an npm package using npm install ami-visualizer
AMIViewer Object
The AMIViewer
object is the one exported by our library to be used externally. Its constructor is:
- Container: The HTML DOM Element to place the viewer
- Type: Type of the viewer.
- Slices: Shows an MPR view and includes the Editor to paint segmentations. Loads a labelmap (.nii) and NIFTI/DICOM data.
- Tractography: Shows an MPR View + a 3D view with fibers.
- Filenames: Structure that contains the URL to the data. It allows the data, labelmap and fibers field, e.g:
var filenames = {
data: '',
labelmap: ''
- Move the volume / crosshair with the primary mouse button
- Zoom in/out with the secondary mouse button and dragging
- Scroll through slices with the mouse wheel.
- R resets the view.
- Press and hold E to activate the editor.
- Primary mouse button draws the current label.
- secondary mouse button erases segmentations.
- S saves the current segmentation state.
- C reverts to the last segmentation saved state.
- You can add and select a label with the GUI, and also reset to its initial state
Tractography Type
- A: Toggle Axial plane
- S: Toggle Sagittal plane
- C: Toggle Coronal plane
- F: Toggle Fibers.
The application uses Browserify/Babelify and UglifyJS to create the builds that are stored on the build directory:
To serve the files use:
npm run serve
To build the library use:
npm run build
A example on how you would use the library to create a viewer would be:
var container = document.getElementById('container');
var filenames = {
data: '',
fibers: '',
labelmap: ''
let theViewer = new AMIViewer(container,'Tractography',filenames);