Amazon Pay API Integration
Amazon Pay SDK (NODE.JS)
Amazon Pay API Integration
Amazon Pay account:
To register for Amazon Pay, go to the Amazon Pay website, choose your region from the
drop-down list in the upper right corner,
and then click Merchant Sign Up.
Node 8.0 or higher
Integration steps can be found below:
Quick Start
To use this module directly install it as a dependency:
npm install amazonpay
Testing in Sandbox Mode
Instantiating the client: The sandbox parameter is defaulted to false if not specified:
Your Amazon Pay keys are
available in your Seller Central account
const Client = require('amazonPayClient').amazonPayClient;
const configArgs = {
'merchantId' : 'MERCHANT1234567',
'accessKey' : 'ABCDEFGHI1JKLMN2O7',
'secretKey' : 'abc123Def456gHi789jKLmpQ987rstu6vWxyz/ds',
'clientId' : 'amzn1.application-oa2-client.45789c45a8f34927830be1d9e029f480',
'region' : 'us',
'currencyCode' : 'USD',
'sandbox' : true,
* Below is a variable that can be passed that will convert
* the XML response to a JSON string or object instead.
* It is not part of the API values. If you specify this value in
* reqParam, this will overide configArgs value
* jsonResponse can be 'jsonString' for a JSON string
* or it can be 'jsonObject' for a JSON object
* @optional 'jsonResponse' - [String]
'jsonResponse' : 'jsonString'
const client = new Client(configArgs);
Making an API Call
Below is an example on how to make the SetOrderAtributes API call:
const reqParam = {
'amazonOrderReferenceId': amazonOrderReferenceId,
'amount': amount,
'orderItemCategory': orderItemCategories,
'storeName': storeName,
'sellerOrderId': sellerOrderId,
'sellerNote': sellerNote,
'customInformation': customInformation
const response = newClient.setOrderAttributes(reqParam);
Below is an example on how to make the ConfirmOrderReference API call:
const reqParam = {
'amazonOrderReferenceId': 'S01-8022464-2595273'
const response = client.confirmOrderReference(reqParam);
Below is an example on how to make the GetOrderReferenceDetails API call:
const reqParam = {
/** If you call this before Confirm, to get all the buyer
* address information you must pass 'accessToken'
* after Confirm, 'accessToken' is not used.
'accessToken' : 'Atza|IwEBICpkg...',
'amazonOrderReferenceId': 'S01-8022464-2595273'
const response = newClient.getOrderReferenceDetails(reqParam);
Below is an example on how to make the Authorize API call:
/** For idempotency the AuthorizationReferenceId must be unique.
* To accomplish this we can generate a 32 character unique identifier
* using uuid/v4 and remove
* the dashes.
const uuidv4 = require('uuid/v4');
const reqParam = {
'amazonOrderReferenceId' : 'S01-8022464-2595273',
'authorizationReferenceId' : uuidv4().toString().replace(/-/g, ''),
'amount' : '10',
'sellerNote' : 'Test note',
'transactionTimeout' : '0',
'captureNow' : 'false'
const response = client.authorize(reqParam);
Below is an example on how to make the GetAuthorizationDetails API call:
const reqParam = {
'amazonAuthorizationId': amazonAuthorizationId
const response = newClient.getAuthorizationDetails(reqParam);
Below is an example on how to make the Capture API call:
/** For idempotency the CaptureReferenceId must be unique.
* To accomplish this we can generate a 32 character unique identifier
* using uuid/v4 and remove
* the dashes.
const uuidv4 = require('uuid/v4');
const reqParam = {
'amazonAuthorizationId': amazonAuthorizationId,
'captureReferenceId': uuidv4().toString().replace(/-/g, ''),
'amount': amount,
'sellerNote': 'Test note',
const response = newClient.capture(reqParam);
Below is an example on how to make the GetCaptureDetails API call:
const reqParam = {
'amazonCaptureId': amazonCaptureId
const response = newClient.getCaptureDetails(reqParam);
Below is an example on how to make the Refund API call:
/** For idempotency the RefundReferenceId must be unique.
* To accomplish this we can generate a 32 character unique identifier
* using uuid/v4 and remove
* the dashes.
const uuidv4 = require('uuid/v4');
const reqParam = {
'amazonCaptureId': amazonCaptureId,
'refundReferenceId': uuidv4().toString().replace(/-/g, ''),
'amount': amount,
'sellerNote': 'Test note',
const response = newClient.refund(reqParam);
Below is an example on how to make the GetRefundDetails API call:
const reqParam = {
'amazonRefundId': amazonRefundId
const response = newClient.getRefundDetails(reqParam);
Below is an example on how to make the CreateOrderReferenceForId API call:
const reqParam = {
'id': amazonBillingAgreementId,
'amount': billingAmount,
'idType': 'BillingAgreement',
'storeName': storeName,
'sellerOrderId': sellerOrderId,
'sellerNote': sellerNote,
'customInformation': customInformation
const response = newClient.createOrderReferenceForId(reqParam);
Below is an example on how to make the GetMerchantAccountStatus API call:
const response = newClient.getMerchantAccountStatus(reqParam);
Below is an example on how to make the SetBillingAgreementDetails API call:
const reqParam = {
'amazonBillingAgreementId': amazonBillingAgreementId,
'storeName': storeName,
'sellerOrderId': sellerOrderId,
'sellerNote': sellerNote,
'customInformation': customInformation
const response = newClient.setBillingAgreementDetails(reqParam);
Below is an example on how to make the GetBillingAgreementDetails API call:
const reqParam = {
/** If you call this before ConfirmBillingAgreement,
* to get all the buyer address information you
* must pass 'accessToken'.
* After Confirm, 'accessToken' is not used.
//'accessToken' : accessToken,
'amazonBillingAgreementId': amazonBillingAgreementId,
const response = newClient.getBillingAgreementDetails(reqParam);
Below is an example on how to make the ValidateBillingAgreement API call:
reqParam = {
'amazonBillingAgreementId': amazonBillingAgreementId,
const response = newClient.validateBillingAgreement(reqParam);
Below is an example on how to make the CloseBillingAgreement API call:
reqParam = {
'amazonBillingAgreementId': amazonBillingAgreementId,
const response = newClient.closeBillingAgreement(reqParam);
Below is an example on how to make the AuthorizeOnBillingAgreement API call:
/** For idempotency the AuthorizationReferenceId must be unique.
* To accomplish this we can generate a 32 character unique identifier
* using uuid/v4 and remove
* the dashes.
const uuidv4 = require('uuid/v4');
reqParam = {
'amazonBillingAgreementId': amazonBillingAgreementId,
'authorizationReferenceId': uuidv4().toString().replace(/-/g, ''),
'amount': billingAmount,
'transactionTimeout': transactionTimeout,
'orderItemCategory': orderItemCategories,
'captureNow': captureNow,
'storeName': storeName,
'sellerOrderId': sellerOrderId,
'sellerNote': sellerNote,
'customInformation': customInformation
const response = newClient.authorizeOnBillingAgreement(reqParam);
Below is an example on how to make the GetUserInfo API call:
const accessToken = 'Atza|IwEBIAplM...';
const response = newClient.getUserInfo(accessToken);
Parsing the Response for getUserInfo only
The response will return a Promise containing a JSON object
response.then(function (result) {
console.log('User Info:');
}).catch(err => {
Parsing the Response for API calls except for GetUserInfo
The response will return a Promise containing a XML string
// no additional processing
response.then(function (result) {
responseData = result;
parseString(responseData, function (err, parseResult) {
parsedXML = parseResult;
const initialParse = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(parsedXML));
if (initialParse.CreateOrderReferenceForIdResponse) {
jsonOutput = initialParse.CreateOrderReferenceForIdResponse.CreateOrderReferenceForIdResult[0];
const amazonCaptureIdRegion = (OrderReferenceDetails[0].AmazonOrderReferenceId[0]).toString();
console.log('CreateOrderReferenceForID response data:');
console.log(`AmazonOrderReferenceId: ${amazonamazonOrderReferenceIdRegion}`);
}).catch(err => {
console.log(`Capture error data ${regionVal}:`);
If you set jsonResponse = 'jsonString' in the config or reqParam
The response will return a Promise containing a JSON string
// Retrieve the AmazonOrderReferenceId from CreateOrderReferenceForId API response
response.then(function (result) {
responseData = result;
jsonOutput = JSON.parse(responseData).CreateOrderReferenceForIdResult;
const amazonOrderReferenceIdRegion = (jsonOutput.OrderReferenceDetails.AmazonOrderReferenceId).toString();
console.log('CreateOrderReferenceForID response data:');
console.log(`AmazonOrderReferenceId: ${amazonamazonOrderReferenceIdRegion}`);
}).catch(err => {
Below is an example of what the XML response for CreateOrderReferenceForId would look like
Below is an example of what the jsonString string response for CreateOrderReferenceForId would look like
{"CreateOrderReferenceForIdResult":{"OrderReferenceDetails":{"OrderReferenceStatus":{"State":"Draft"},"ExpirationTimestamp":"2019-02-12T20:39:30.155Z","ParentDetails":{"Type":"BillingAgreement","Id":"C01-5824250-2443745"},"SellerOrderAttributes":{"StoreName":"This Store is Mine","CustomInformation":"custom stuff","SellerOrderId":"merchant_id:Test 4321"},"OrderTotal":{"CurrencyCode":"USD","Amount":"1.00"},"ReleaseEnvironment":"Sandbox","SellerNote":"This is a new note","AmazonOrderReferenceId":"S01-2810315-9040370","CreationTimestamp":"2018-08-16T20:39:30.155Z","RequestPaymentAuthorization":"false"}},"ResponseMetadata":{"RequestId":"b8337637-c45b-4b83-af75-f455d5eac8ca"}}
Below is an example of what the jsonObject response for CreateOrderReferenceForId would look like
{ CreateOrderReferenceForIdResult: { OrderReferenceDetails: { OrderReferenceStatus: [Object], ExpirationTimestamp: '2019-02-21T03:43:10.305Z', ParentDetails: [Object], SellerOrderAttributes: [Object], OrderTotal: [Object], ReleaseEnvironment: 'Sandbox', SellerNote: 'This is a new note', AmazonOrderReferenceId: 'S01-8434721-2124216', CreationTimestamp: '2018-08-25T03:43:10.305Z', RequestPaymentAuthorization: 'false' } }, ResponseMetadata: { RequestId: 'd42adc19-c0ce-4aac-92b9-c84ce1653d1b' }, statusCode: 200 }