This is an SDK for AltaPay written in JavaScript. It is written in a way that makes it possible to use in whatever JavaScript context is necessary (Node, Rhino etc).
AltaPay - JS SDK
This is an SDK for AltaPay written in JavaScript. It is written in a way that makes it possible to use in whatever JavaScript context is necessary (Node, Rhino etc).
Method 1
Install the package via npm
npm i altapay-js-api
Method 2
Clone the current repository for the build process.
git clone
How to Build
Make sure you have a Java environment installed. See System Requirements for details.
Download/Install Ant.
Set environmental variables: JAVA_HOME to your Java environment, ANT_HOME to the directory you uncompressed Ant to, and add ${ANT_HOME}/bin (Unix) or %ANT_HOME%\bin (Windows) to your PATH.
Run below command to build the package
If you install the dependency using Method 2 then you have to run below command in the root
$ ant
Running test
We are using Rhino to run unit tests.
To run the tests... In this case integration tests
cd <clone>
Using it
The SDK has been written to be extensible. This has been achieved by using dependency injection centered around the AltaPayFactory
Because the SDK itself is context agnostic, it is important that you use the appropriate factory. If you are running on
Rhino, use RhinoAltaPayFactory
. This will provide you with objects that works in a Rhino context.
// you use the factory to get object instances
// that have all their dependencies injected
var factory = new RhinoAltaPayFactory();
// the Merchant API is the second most important object
// since this handles the communication with the gateway
var mapi = factory.getMerchantApi('username', 'password', '');
// all the methods on the API are message based
// to create a new payment we need a PaymentRequest
var request = factory.getPaymentRequest();
request.terminal = 'Your Test Terminal';
request.shopOrderid = 'YourOrderId';
request.amount = '20.15';
request.currency = 'EUR';
// send the request and get the response
var response = mapi.createPaymentRequest(request);
if (response.success()) {
// payment was created
var paymentWindowUrl = response.getUrl();
else {
// something went wrong
// could be network issues or input issues
throw response.getErrorMessage();
The tests (both unit and integration) are a good source for seeing how the SDK is used.
See Changelog for all the release notes.
Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.
For more details please see AltaPay docs