Triger callback on js object change
The ObjectObserver class is a built-in class in JavaScript that can be used to add a proxy to an object and its subtree. When changes are made to the object or any of its properties, the proxy will trigger a callback function that can be used to handle the change. This can be useful in situations where you need to monitor changes to an object and take action based on those changes.
To use ObjectObserver, you must first create an instance of the class and pass in an object to observe, a callback function to run when changes occur, and an optional params object. The params object is an object that can be used to store additional parameters that are needed by the callback function.
function callback({map,action,args=[],result,error=null},params={}) {
// ...your code for callback
let obj = {a: 1, b: {c: 2, d: 3}};
let dobj = new ObjectObserver(obj, callback, params={});
The dobj.$vars
property is a proxy with a subtree of proxies for every object in the obj object. Changes made using $vars trigger the callback function.
dobj.$vars.a = 2; // Triggers callback
Here are example for $vars
const obj = {
foo: 'bar',
baz: null,
some: null,
qux: {
a: 1,
b: [2, 3, { c: 4 },'df'],
c: {
d: 'e'
let dobj = new ObjectObserver(obj,function(arguments) {
let {map,action,args,result,error} = arguments
let {$vars,objMap} = dobj
$vars.test = ['hello',{some:'test'},5]
// {"map":["test"],"action":"set","args":[],"result":["hello",{"some":"test"},5],"error":null}
// {"map":["qux","b"],"action":"splice","args":[0,1],"result":[2],"error":null}
delete dobj.$vars.qux
// {"map":["qux"],"action":"delete","args":[],"result":true,"error":null}
delete dobj.$vars.quxd
// {"map":["quxe"],"action":"delete","args":[],"result":false,"error":"Can't delete \"quxe\" because it's not exists"}
$vars.qux.b.some = 'test'
// {"map":["qux","b","some"],"action":"set","args":[],"result":"test","error":null}
callback params
- map - map in subtree for value that changed.
- For example
- For example
- action - set,delete, or array method (like push, reverse,...)
- args - arguments for array method
- result - result for new value
- array methods - splice will reture spliced ellement, push - new element
- delete will return true (if deleted) or false (if not deleted)
- error - null or string in case for deleting value which not exists
- params - is an object which
- for example calback is method of some class, you can pass self (this for method)
The dobj.objMap
property is a Map object that maps objects in the obj object to their corresponding proxies. The dobj.mapKeys property is an object that maps the keys of objects in the obj object to their corresponding parent, key, and parentProxy.
In other words, objMap
is a Map object which has objects and arrays from obj
subtree as a key and {key,value,map,parent,proxy,revoke}
as value.
dobj.objMap.get(obj.b); // Returns the proxy for obj.b
dobj.mapKeys["b.c"]; // Returns { parent: { c: 2, d: 3 }, key: "c", parentProxy: Proxy }
For example (example from code above) :
key: undefined,
map: [],
parent: undefined,
proxy: Proxy(Object) {foo: 'bar', baz: null, some: null, qux: {…}},
revoke: ƒ ()
key: "b",
map: (2) ['qux', 'b'],
parent: {a: 1, b: Array(4), c: {…}},
proxy: Proxy(Array) {0: 2, 1: 3, 2: {…}, 3: 'df'},
revoke: ƒ (),
is an object which has joined map for each item in obj as a key and {key,parent,parentProxy} as a value.
Here is the example for obj above:
'baz': {parent: {…}, key: 'baz', parentProxy: Proxy(Object)}
'foo': {parent: {…}, key: 'foo', parentProxy: Proxy(Object)}
'some': {parent: {…}, key: 'some', parentProxy: Proxy(Object)}
'test': {parent: {…}, key: 'test', parentProxy: Proxy(Object)}
'test.0': {parent: Array(3), key: '0', parentProxy: Proxy(Array)}
'test.1': {parent: Array(3), key: '1', parentProxy: Proxy(Array)}
'test.1.some': {parent: {…}, key: 'some', parentProxy: Proxy(Object)}
'test.2': {parent: Array(3), key: '2', parentProxy: Proxy(Array)}