Alfred workflow for weather forecast for the next 7 days
Clima is a simple workflow for Alfred designed to give you the current weather conditions and 7 day forecast directly in Alfred. It solves a problem I personally have with have use alfred to load a website just to get the weather forecast.
There are a few options for Clima.
- Store a default location and use the keyword without an argument
- Search for a location by name (Valencia, Spain)
- Search for a location by coordinates (xxxx, -yyyy)
Here's more details on using Clima
$ npm install --global alfred-clima
Requires Node.js 8+ and the Alfred Powerpack.
DarkSky API Key
Clima is powered by the awesome DarkSky API. DarkSky provide a free plan with a 1000 calls a day. You will need your own DarkSky API Key to power Clima.
- You can register for a DarkSky Account here
- You can access or reset your key [here](
Details on adding a DarkSky API key to your Clima configuration
Google Maps API Key
Technically you can use Clima without a Google Maps API (Geocoding API). If you either search by coordinates or store your default location by coordinates, you can avoid Goolge Maps API. However, if you want to get the most from Clima, I recommend adding a Google Maps API Key to your Clima configuration. Clima uses the Geocoding API to support searching by location name and also to display the location name when coordinates have been provided.
Details on adding a Google Maps API key to your Clima configuration
There is one requred task to complete for Clima to work (adding the DarkSky API key) and two option tasks (adding Google Maps API key and setting a default location).
Adding a DarkSky API key
Once you have created your DarkSky account and have copied your API key you need to add it to the Clima configuration.
By default the keyword for adding DarkSky key is w:darkskyapikey
- Type
into Alfred - Paste your API key (or type it if you're a sadist)
- Hit enter and BOOOM! you should have Clima ready to rock and roll.
Adding a Google Maps API key
Similar to adding a DarkSky API key, you can copy and paste your key from Google use the keyword w:googlemapsapikey
- Type
into Alfred - Paste your API key (sadists, you know what to do)
- Hit enter and Bob's your uncle, Google now tracks your weather needs!
Setting a default location
If you've added a Google Maps API key, adding a location is simple. If you haven't the following steps will require you to use coordinates for your default location.
- Type
into Alfred - As an argument provide either a location name (Los Angeles, California) or coordinates (34.0201613,-118.6919205)
- Hit enter and now you can enjoy the weather forecast at your figure tips.
- Just type
into Alfred without and argument and you'll get your default location's forecast
Note: If you want to get coordinates for a specific location, you can search for it in Google Maps and copy the coordinates from the address bar (or use an online tool, there are lots for free).
Default Location
To get the weather once you've configured a default location, just type the keyword (by default weather
) and sit back to enjoy the fruits of your labour
Search by location
To get the weather of a specific location, you can merely type the location after the keyword. Providing you've setup Google Maps API then you'll be get all the weathery goodness
Search by coordinates
If you don't want to setup Google Maps you can also search using coordinates (xxxxx, -yyyyy). You can grab the location coordinates from Google Maps or from a free online tool.
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