This is just a funny way to show my resume
Welcome to my resume
Hi! I'm Alexander Yalovetzky and this is my resume. I started building websites by the age of 12 in the year 2001 and haven't stopped learning and coding since. Here's a couple of things you should know about myself:
Clean Code and Clean Architecture fan (database is a detail!)
TDD is the way. I don't write a single line of productive code without a test.
I think my code applying Domain Driven Design concepts
I am Agile and I apply the Extreme Programming methodology
I think Pair Programming is essential to reduce bugs and expand codebase knowledge across the team
I love compromise and team work
I like to think of myself as a stakeholder too
I'm not afraid to take ownership
I regularly practice mob programming with my team mates to solve fun code katas
The best way to go fast is to go well
$ npm install -g alex-yalo-resume
Just run this command$ alex-yalo-resume