AleoJS Cli tool
EthersJS (+Hardhat) for the Aleo ecosystem
AleoJS library aims to be a simple and compact library for interacting with the Aleo blockchain and its ecosystem. Inspired by the work from zk-gaming-toolkit, it’ll fully leverage the existing tools and provide an easy to use interface to anyone who wants to build on top of Aleo.
Installation and Setup
- Install library globally using npm
npm install -g aleojs-alpha
To check if the installation is successful, try running aleojs-alpha
The expected output is the following:
Using shell: /bin/zsh
_ _ _ ____
/ \ | | ___ ___ | / ___|
/ _ \ | |/ _ \/ _ \ _ | \___ \
/ ___ \| | __/ (_) | |_| |___) |
/_/ \_\_|\___|\___/ \___/|____/
Usage: index [options] [command]
-V, --version output the version number
-h, --help display help for command
init Initialize your AleoJS project
add [options] Add a new component or resource
compile Compile your AleoJS project
run Run your AleoJS project
help [command] display help for command
How to use aleojs-alpha
Initialize the project
To kickstart your project with aleojs-alpha, simply run the following command, replacing project_name with your desired project name:
aleojs-alpha init project_name
This command generates a boilerplate template for your project, which includes essential folders such as programs for writing contracts, scripts for interacting with contracts, and tests for testing your contracts.
Add another contract in project
Should you wish to add another contract to your project, use the following command, replacing contract_name with the name of your contract:
aleojs-alpha add contract_name
This command will add a new contract to the programs folder.
Compile the contracts Compile your contracts by running the following command:
aleojs-alpha compile
This command compiles the contract(s) inside the programs folder. Generate four different files after parsing the leo file.
types.ts: Contains Aleo and TypeScript-specific types and schemas.
leo2js.ts: Provides conversion logic from Leo to TypeScript.
js2leo.ts:Offers conversion logic from TypeScript to Leo.
main.ts:Creates functions used for interacting with Aleo.
Run test scripts for contract
To test your contracts, run the following command:
aleojs-alpha run test
This command executes the test files inside the tests folder.
Deploy contract
To deploy your contract, run the following command:
aleojs-alpha deploy [program_name] --network [network_name]
Let's walk through a quick example to illustrate the process.
Initialize a new project named "token" with the following command
aleojs-alpha init token
This will create a new directory named "token" with all necessary structure for your project along with sample leo file.
Add a new contract to your project named "token" using this command:
aleojs-alpha add token
This creates a token.leo file inside the programs folder. For now, lets get the code for token.leo from leo workshop github. You can obtain sample token.leo code from the Leo Workshop GitHub repository here
Compile your contracts by running:
aleojs-alpha compile
This compiles the contracts inside the programs folder, generating TypeScript types and conversion logic files.
To run tests for your contract, add a test file named token.js to the tests folder. Include the following code in the test file:
import { mint_private } from "../artifacts/js/token"; test("mint private", async () => { expect( await mint_private( "aleo1uwuxqnhkg9wsmqvsfjdm3jqsevx4fgme2ml405sgduc66d4cpc8swkn28j", BigInt(2) ) ); });
Finally, run your tests with this command:
aleojs-alpha run test
This will run our token.js
At last we deploy contract
aleojs-alpha deploy token --network testnet