Auto Configuration Library for Alacritty Terminal Emulator
Alacritty Auto Config
Check out the npm package in the npm repository here.
Download the stable release executables from
This is a small npm library, which helps you configure Alacritty with ease. It provides both the CLI options and the npm package, which can be used to extend its functionality in any project you create.
NPM Package Installation & Execution
Install the npm package
For windows users, please run the package to see if the configurations actually work or not. I am unable to test it out on windows platform.
Install the package globally:
npm install -g alacritty-auto-config
Note: Run the above command with sudo if you are on mac or linux
Install the package locally:
npm install alacritty-auto-config
Run the npm package binary in the CLI
Before running anything, make sure your alacritty.yml file (if it exists) is backed up, as it may overwrite some configurations in the alacritty.yml file as per your inputs in the CLI/API.
For global install:
alacritty-auto-config [options]=[values]
aac [options]=[values]
For local install of that npm package, just run the above commands on terminal prefixed with npm
like mentioned below.
npx alacritty-auto-config [options]=[values]
- Show Help:
aac -h
aac --help
- Options:
-s, --fontsize: Takes font size to be set in alacritty (default=10)
-b, --bgcolor: Takes primary background color in '#xxxxxx' or '#xxx' or '0xfff' or '0xffffff' format (default='#333333')
-c, --fgcolor: Takes primary foreground color in '#xxxxxx' or '#xxx' or '0xfff' or '0xffffff' format (default='#ffffff')
-t, --selcolor: Takes text color (when the area is selected) in '#ffffff' or '#fff' or '0xfff' or '0xffffff' format (default='#111122')
-y, --cursor: Takes cursor style that can be Block or Underline or Beam (default=Block)
-o, --opacity: Takes background opacity which is between 0.0 (transparent) and 1.0 (opaque) (default=1)
-v, --version: Show version number
Project Scripts
Install and Build the project
npm install
npm run build
Generate executables
npm run generate-binary
The generate-binary script will build the dist folder and generate the binary files for each major OS platforms. All the executables will be present in the dist/bin folder.
Run the development watch mode
This watch mode watches continuously for the typescript files
npm run dev
Extra Notes after you build this project yourself
The above options and values are also valid, if you build the project yourself, and run the output file with those options.
Run the below scripts from the project root folder:
node dist/esm/index.mjs [options]=[values]
node dist/cjs/index.cjs [options]=[values]
Supported NPM Package export types to be imported in your project
: CommonJS module.dist/esm/index.mjs
: EcmaScript module.dist/esm/index.min.mjs
: Minified EcmaScript module.