AK's collections of useful things...
AK's (nearly typesafe) collections of useful things...cobbled together from various projects over the years...
$ npm i ak-tools
const utils = require('ak-tools') //cjs
import {* as utils} from 'ak-tools' //esm
$ npm run test
if using an IDE with jsdoc support you should have a good experience.
* make a folder, and a file
* measure it... remove it
* time the whole thing
const u = require('ak-tools');
const timer = u.time('myProcess')
const newFolder = u.mkdir('./tmp')
const myData = [{foo: "bar"}, {baz: "qux"}]
const file = await u.touch('./tmp/data.json', u.dupeVals(myData, 1000), true);
const contents = await u.load(file)
const size = u.calcSize(u.json(contents))
const del = u.rm('./tmp/data.json')
const diag = { size: u.bytesHuman(size),...timer.report(false) }
file management utilities
- files
- .ls([dir], [objectMode]) ⇒ Promise.<(Array.<string>|generalObject)>
- .rm(fileNameOrPath) ⇒ Promise.<(string|boolean|void)>
- .touch(fileNameOrPath, [data], [isJson]) ⇒ Promise.<(string|false)>
- .load(fileNameOrPath, [isJson], [encoding]) ⇒ Promise.<(string|generalObject|arrayOfObjects|any)>
- .mkdir([dirPath]) ⇒ string
files.ls([dir], [objectMode]) ⇒ Promise.<(Array.<string>|generalObject)>
list directory contents
Kind: static method of files
Returns: Promise.<(Array.<string>|generalObject)> - []
or {}
of files in folder
| Param | Type | Default | Description |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| [dir] | string | './' | directory to enumerate; default ./
| [objectMode] | boolean | false | return {name: path}
instead of [path]
; default false
await ls('./tmp') // => []
await ls('./tmp', true) // => {}
files.rm(fileNameOrPath) ⇒ Promise.<(string|boolean|void)>
remove a file or directory
Kind: static method of files
Returns: Promise.<(string|boolean|void)> - path or false
if fail
| Param | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | fileNameOrPath | string | file or path to be removed |
await rm('./myfile.txt') // => '/path/to/myfile.txt' || false
files.touch(fileNameOrPath, [data], [isJson]) ⇒ Promise.<(string|false)>
create a file
Kind: static method of files
Returns: Promise.<(string|false)> - the name of the file
| Param | Type | Default | Description |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| fileNameOrPath | string | | file to create |
| [data] | string | generalObject | arrayOfObjects | \ | data to write; default ""
| [isJson] | boolean | false | is data
JSON; default false
await touch('newfile.txt', data) // => '/path/to/newfile.txt' || false
await touch('newfile.json', data, true) // => '/path/to/newfile.json' || false
files.load(fileNameOrPath, [isJson], [encoding]) ⇒ Promise.<(string|generalObject|arrayOfObjects|any)>
load a file into memory
Kind: static method of files
Returns: Promise.<(string|generalObject|arrayOfObjects|any)> - the file in memory
| Param | Type | Default | Description |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| fileNameOrPath | string | | file to create |
| [isJson] | boolean | false | is data
JSON; default false
| [encoding] | string | utf-8 | file encoring; default utf-8
await load('myfile.txt') // => 'my file contents' || false
await load('myfile.json', true) // => {my: "data"} || false
files.mkdir([dirPath]) ⇒ string
make a directory with error handling and confirmation.
Kind: static method of files
Returns: string - the absolute path of the directory
| Param | Type | Default | Description |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| [dirPath] | string | ./tmp</code> | path to create; default ./tmp
const myTmpDir = mkdir('./tmp')
data validation utilities
- validate
- .isJSONStr(string) ⇒ boolean
- .isJSON(data) ⇒ boolean
- .is(type, val) ⇒ boolean
- .isNil(val) ⇒ boolean
- .similar(o1, o2) ⇒ boolean
- .parseGCSUri(uri) ⇒ GCSUri
- .toBool(string)
validate.isJSONStr(string) ⇒ boolean
test if string
has JSON structure
Kind: static method of validate
| Param | Type | | --- | --- | | string | string |
isJSONStr('{"foo": "bar"}') // => true
validate.isJSON(data) ⇒ boolean
test if data
can be stringified as JSON
Kind: static method of validate
| Param | Type | | --- | --- | | data | string | JSON |
isJSON({foo: "bar"}) // => true
validate.is(type, val) ⇒ boolean
check if a type
matches a value
Kind: static method of validate
| Param | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| type | 'string' | any | a native type like Number
or Boolean
| val | any | any value to check |
is(Number, 42) // => true
validate.isNil(val) ⇒ boolean
check if a val
is null
or undefined
Kind: static method of validate
| Param | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | val | any | value to check |
isNil(null) // => true
validate.similar(o1, o2) ⇒ boolean
check if a
and b
have similar shape (keys), recursively
Kind: static method of validate
Returns: boolean - do they have the same shape?
| Param | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | o1 | generalObject | first obj | | o2 | generalObject | second obj |
similar({a: "foo"}, {a: "bar"}) // => true
validate.parseGCSUri(uri) ⇒ GCSUri
turn a gcs uri into a bucket and file
Kind: static method of validate
| Param | Type | | --- | --- | | uri | string |
parseGCSUri(`gcs://foo/bar.txt`) // => {uri: "gcs://foo/bar.txt", bucket: "foo", file: "bar.txt"}
turns a string into a boolean
Kind: static method of validate
| Param | Type | | --- | --- | | string | string |
display, formatting, and other "make it look right" utilities
- display
- .comma(num) ⇒ string
- .truncate(text, [chars], [useWordBoundary]) ⇒ string
- .bytesHuman(bytes, [dp], [si]) ⇒ string
- .json(data, [padding]) ⇒ string | false
- .stripHTML(str) ⇒ string
- .multiReplace(str, [replacePairs]) ⇒ string
- .replaceAll(oldVal, newVal) ⇒ string
- .toCSV(arr, [headers], [delimiter]) ⇒ string
- .unBase64(b64Str) ⇒
display.comma(num) ⇒ string
turn a number into a comma separated (human readable) string
Kind: static method of display
Returns: string - formatted number
| Param | Type | | --- | --- | | num | string | number |
comma(1000) // => "1,000"
display.truncate(text, [chars], [useWordBoundary]) ⇒ string
truncate a string w/ellipses
Kind: static method of display
Returns: string - truncated string
| Param | Type | Default | Description |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| text | string | | text to truncate |
| [chars] | number | 500 | # of max characters |
| [useWordBoundary] | boolean | true | don't break words; default true
truncate('foo bar baz', 3) // => 'foo...'
display.bytesHuman(bytes, [dp], [si]) ⇒ string
turn a number (of bytes) into a human readable string
Kind: static method of display
Returns: string - # of bytes
| Param | Type | Default | Description |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| bytes | number | | number of bytes to convert |
| [dp] | number | 2 | decimal points; default 2
| [si] | boolean | false | threshold of 1000 or 1024; default false
bytesHuman(10000000) // => '9.54 MiB'
display.json(data, [padding]) ⇒ string | false
stringify object to json
Kind: static method of display
Returns: string | false - valid json
| Param | Type | Default | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | data | object | | any serializable object | | [padding] | number | 2 | padding to use |
json({foo: "bar"}) => '{"foo": "bar"}'
display.stripHTML(str) ⇒ string
strip all <html>
tags from a string
Kind: static method of display
Returns: string - sanitized string
Note: note: <br>
tags are replace with \n
| Param | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | str | string | string with html tags |
stripHTML(`<div>i am <br/>text`) // => "i am \n text"
display.multiReplace(str, [replacePairs]) ⇒ string
find and replace many values in string
Kind: static method of display
Returns: string - multi-replaced string
| Param | Type | Default | Description |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| str | string | | string to replace |
| [replacePairs] | Array.<Array.<string, string>> | [[|],[<],[>]] | shape: [ [old, new] ]
multiReplace('red fish said', [["red", "blue"],["said"]]) // => "blue fish"
display.replaceAll(oldVal, newVal) ⇒ string
replace all occurrence of old
with new
Kind: static method of display
Returns: string - replaced result
Note: this CAN be called on any string directly
| Param | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | oldVal | string | RegExp | old value | | newVal | string | new value |
'foo bar'.replaceAll('foo', 'qux') // => 'qux bar'
display.toCSV(arr, [headers], [delimiter]) ⇒ string
convert array of arrays to CSV like string
Kind: static method of display
Returns: string - a valid CSV
| Param | Type | Default | Description |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| arr | Array.<(Array.<String>|Array.<Number>)> | | data of the form [ [], [], [] ]
| [headers] | Array.<String> | [] | header column |
| [delimiter] | string | ,</code> | delimiter for cells; default ,
toCSV([[1,2],[3,4]], ["foo", "bar"]) // => '"foo","bar"\n"1","2"\n"3","4"'
display.unBase64(b64Str) ⇒
serialize a base64 string
Kind: static method of display
Returns: dict or array of data
| Param | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | b64Str | string | base64 encoded JSON data |
unBase64(`eyJmb28iOiAiYmFyIn0=`) => {"foo": "bar"}
functions for maths, crypto, and maths
- maths
- .rand(min, max) ⇒ number
- .avg(...nums) ⇒ number
- .calcSize(data) ⇒ number
- .round(number, [decimalPlaces]) ⇒ number
- .uid([length]) ⇒ string
- .uuid() ⇒ string
- .md5(data) ⇒ string
maths.rand(min, max) ⇒ number
random integer between min
and max
Kind: static method of maths
Returns: number - random number
Note: this is not cryptographically safe
| Param | Type | Default | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | min | number | 1 | minimum | | max | number | 100 | maximum |
rand(1,10) // 1 or 2 or 3 ... or 10
maths.avg(...nums) ⇒ number
calculate average of ...nums
Kind: static method of maths
Returns: number - average
| Param | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | ...nums | number | numbers to average |
avg(1,2,3) // => 2
maths.calcSize(data) ⇒ number
calculate the size (on disk)
Kind: static method of maths
Returns: number - estimated size in bytes
| Param | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | data | string | generalObject | JSON to estimate |
calcSize({foo: "bar"}) // => 13
maths.round(number, [decimalPlaces]) ⇒ number
round a number to a number of decimal places
Kind: static method of maths
Returns: number - rounded number
| Param | Type | Default | Description |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| number | number | | number to round |
| [decimalPlaces] | number | 0 | decimal places; default 0
round(3.14159, 3) // => 3.142
maths.uid([length]) ⇒ string
generate a random uid:
Kind: static method of maths
Returns: string - a uid of specified length
Note: not cryptographically safe
| Param | Type | Default | Description |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| [length] | number | 64 | length of id; default 64
uid(4) // => 'AwD9rbntSj'
maths.uuid() ⇒ string
generated a uuid in v4 format:
Kind: static method of maths
Returns: string - a uuid
Note: not cryptographically safe
uuid() // => "f47e2fdf-e387-4a39-9bb9-80b0ed950b48"
maths.md5(data) ⇒ string
calculate the md5 hash of any data
Kind: static method of maths
Returns: string - md5 hash of `data
| Param | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | data | any | data to hash |
md5({foo: "bar"}) // => "d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e"
object utilities
- objects
- .rnKeys(obj, newKeys) ⇒ generalObject
- .rnVals(obj, pairs) ⇒ generalObject
- .objFilter(hash, test_function, [keysOrValues]) ⇒ generalObject
- .objClean(obj, [clone]) ⇒ generalObject
- .objDefault(obj, defs) ⇒ generalObject
- .objMatch(obj, source) ⇒ boolean
- .objClone(thing, [opts]) ⇒ Object
- .objTypecast(obj, [isClone]) ⇒ Object
- .objAwait(obj) ⇒ Promise.<generalObject>
- .removeNulls(objWithNullOrUndef) ⇒ Object
- .flatten(obj, roots, sep) ⇒ Object
- .objMap(object, mapFn) ⇒ Object
- .getKey(object, value) ⇒ string
objects.rnKeys(obj, newKeys) ⇒ generalObject
rename object keys with a mapping object
Kind: static method of objects
Returns: generalObject - new object with renamed keys
| Param | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| obj | generalObject | object to rename |
| newKeys | generalObject | map of form {oldKey: newKey}
rnKeys({foo: 'bar'}, {foo: 'baz'}) // => {baz: "bar"}
objects.rnVals(obj, pairs) ⇒ generalObject
rename object values using a mapping array
Kind: static method of objects
Returns: generalObject - object with renamed values
| Param | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| obj | generalObject | |
| pairs | Array.<Array.<string, string>> | [['old', 'new']]
rnVals({foo: "bar"}, [["bar","baz"]) // => {foo: "baz"}
objects.objFilter(hash, test_function, [keysOrValues]) ⇒ generalObject
filter objects by values or objects by keys; like map()
for objects
Kind: static method of objects
Returns: generalObject - filtered object
| Param | Type | Default | Description |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| hash | generalObject | | object or array to filter |
| test_function | filterCallback | | a function which is called on keys/values |
| [keysOrValues] | key | value | value | test keys or values; default value
const d = {foo: "bar", baz: "qux"}
objFilter(d, x => x.startsWith('b')) // => {foo: "bar"}
objFilter(d, x => x.startsWith('f'), 'key') // => {foo: "bar"}
objects.objClean(obj, [clone]) ⇒ generalObject
removes the following from deeply nested objects:
Kind: static method of objects
Returns: generalObject - cleaned object
| Param | Type | Default | Description |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| obj | generalObject | | object to clean |
| [clone] | boolean | true | should produce a new object? default true
objClean({foo: null, bar: undefined, baz: ""}) // => {}
objects.objDefault(obj, defs) ⇒ generalObject
apply default props to an object; don't override values from source
Kind: static method of objects
Returns: generalObject - an object which has defs
| Param | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | obj | generalObject | original object | | defs | Object | props to add without overriding |
objDefault({foo: "bar"}, {foo: "qux", b: "m"}) // => {foo: 'bar', b: 'm'}
objects.objMatch(obj, source) ⇒ boolean
deep equality match for any two objects
Kind: static method of objects
Returns: boolean - do objects A & B (deeply) match?
| Param | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | obj | Object | object A | | source | Object | object B |
objMatch({f: {g: {h: 42}}}, {f: {g: {x: 42}}}) // => false
objects.objClone(thing, [opts]) ⇒ Object
efficient object cloning; outperforms parse(stringify())
by 100x
Kind: static method of objects
Returns: Object - deep copy of object
| Param | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | thing | Object | object to clone | | [opts] | Object | |
objClone({f: {g: {h : 42}}}) // => { f: { g: { h: 42 } } }
objects.objTypecast(obj, [isClone]) ⇒ Object
visit every property of an object; turn "number" values into numbers
Kind: static method of objects
Returns: Object - object with all "numbers" as proper numbers
| Param | Type | Default | Description |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| obj | object | | object to traverse |
| [isClone] | boolean | false | default false
; if true
will mutate the passed in object |
objTypecast({foo: {bar: '42'}}) // => {foo: {bar: 42}}
objects.objAwait(obj) ⇒ Promise.<generalObject>
utility to await
object values
Kind: static method of objects
Returns: Promise.<generalObject> - the resolved values of the object's keys
| Param | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | obj | Object.<string, Promise> | object |
//bar is a promise
await objAwait({foo: bar()}) // => {foo: "resolved_bar"}
objects.removeNulls(objWithNullOrUndef) ⇒ Object
explicitly remove keys with null
or undefined
Kind: static method of objects
Returns: Object - an object without null
or undefined
Note: WARNING mutates object
| Param | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| objWithNullOrUndef | Object | an object with null
or undefined
values |
removeNulls({foo: "bar", baz: null}) // => {foo: "bar"}
objects.flatten(obj, roots, sep) ⇒ Object
deeply flatten as nested object; use .
notation for nested keys
Kind: static method of objects
| Param | Type | Default | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | obj | Object | | object to flatten | | roots | Array | [ | lineage for recursion | | sep | string | '.' | separator to use |
flatten({foo: {bar: "baz"}}) => {"foo.bar": "baz"}
objects.objMap(object, mapFn) ⇒ Object
map over an object's values and return a new object
Kind: static method of objects
| Param | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| object | Object | object iterate |
| mapFn | function | function with signature (val) => {}
objMap({foo: 2, bar: 4}, val => val * 2) => {foo: 4, bar: 8}
objects.getKey(object, value) ⇒ string
find a key in an object that has a particular value
Kind: static method of objects
| Param | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | object | Object | object to search for | | value | Object | value withing that object to search for |
getKey({foo: "bar"}, "bar") => "foo"
array utilities
- arrays
- .dupeVals(array, [times]) ⇒ Array.<any>
- .dedupe(arrayOfThings) ⇒ Array.<any>
- .dedupeVal(arr, keyNames) ⇒ Array.<any>
- .chunk(sourceArray, chunkSize) ⇒ Array.<any>
- .shuffle(array, [mutate]) ⇒ Array.<any>
- .range(min, max, [step]) ⇒ Array.<number>
- .deepFlat(arr) ⇒ Array.<any>
- .strToArr(str) ⇒ Array.<string>
arrays.dupeVals(array, [times]) ⇒ Array.<any>
duplicate values within an array N times
Kind: static method of arrays
Returns: Array.<any> - duplicated array
| Param | Type | Default | Description |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| array | Array.<any> | | array to duplicate |
| [times] | number | 1 | number of dupes per item; default 1
dupeVals(["a","b","c"]) // => [ 'a', 'b', 'c', 'a', 'b', 'c' ]
arrays.dedupe(arrayOfThings) ⇒ Array.<any>
de-dupe array of objects w/Set, stringify, parse
Kind: static method of arrays
Returns: Array.<any> - deduped array
| Param | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | arrayOfThings | any | array to dedupe |
arrays.dedupeVal(arr, keyNames) ⇒ Array.<any>
de-dupe array of objects by value of specific keys
Kind: static method of arrays
Returns: Array.<any> - deduped array of objected
| Param | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | arr | Array.<any> | array to dedupe | | keyNames | Array.<string> | key names to dedupe values on |
arrays.chunk(sourceArray, chunkSize) ⇒ Array.<any>
chunk array of objects into array of arrays with each less than or equal to chunkSize
Kind: static method of arrays
Returns: Array.<any> - chunked array
| Param | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | sourceArray | Array.<any> | array to batch | | chunkSize | number | max length of each batch |
arrays.shuffle(array, [mutate]) ⇒ Array.<any>
fisher-yates shuffle of array elements
Kind: static method of arrays
Returns: Array.<any> - shuffled array
| Param | Type | Default | Description |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| array | Array.<any> | | array to shuffle |
| [mutate] | boolean | false | mutate array in place? default: false
arrays.range(min, max, [step]) ⇒ Array.<number>
the classic python built-in for generating arrays of integers
Kind: static method of arrays
Returns: Array.<number> - a range of integers
| Param | Type | Default | Description |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| min | number | | starting number |
| max | number | | ending number |
| [step] | number | 1 | step for each interval; default 1
arrays.deepFlat(arr) ⇒ Array.<any>
recursively and deeply flatten a nested array of objects
- ex:
[ [ [{},{}], {}], {} ]
Kind: static method of arrays
Returns: Array.<any> - flat array
| Param | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | arr | Array.<any> | array to flatten |
arrays.strToArr(str) ⇒ Array.<string>
extract words from a string as an array
- ex
"foo bar baz"
Kind: static method of arrays
Returns: Array.<string> - extracted words
| Param | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | str | string | string to extract from |
function utilities
functions.attempt(fn, ...args)
try{} catch{}
a function; return results
Kind: static method of functions
| Param | Type | | --- | --- | | fn | function | | ...args | any |
functions.times(n, iteratee)
do a function N
Kind: static method of functions
| Param | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | n | number | number of times | | iteratee | function | function to run |
functions.throttle(func, wait, [options])
throttle a functions's execution every N
Kind: static method of functions
| Param | Type | Default | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | func | function | | function to throttle | | wait | number | | ms to wait between executions | | [options] | object | {leading: true, trailing: false} | |
functions.compose() ⇒ function
compose functions, left-to-right
- ex:
Kind: static method of functions
Returns: function - a composed chain of functions
functions.id(any) ⇒ any
a function which returns it's value
Kind: static method of functions
Returns: any - the same thing
| Param | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | any | any | anything |
logging, timers and other diagnostic utilities
- logging
- .sLog([message], data, [severity])
- .logger(initialProps)
- ~~.cLog(data, [message], [severity], [isCloud])~~
- .log(item, [depth], [maxDepth]) ⇒ void
- .progress(thing, p, message) ⇒ void
- .time(label) ⇒ Timer
- .quickTime(callback)
- .tracker([app], [token], [distinct_id]) ⇒ function
- .sleep(ms)
- .clip(data) ⇒ void
- .prettyTime(milliseconds) ⇒ string
logging.sLog([message], data, [severity])
a cloud function compatible console.log()
Kind: static method of logging
| Param | Type | Default | Description |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| [message] | string | | accompanying message |
| data | string | JSON | object | | data to log; preferably structured |
| [severity] | string | `INFO` | google sev label; default INFO
create a structured logger with initial properties
Kind: static method of logging
| Param | Type | | --- | --- | | initialProps | any |
// Creating a new structured logger with initial properties
const logger = createStructuredLogger({ app: "MyApp", module: "Main" });
// Logging a message with the structured logger
logger.log("Application started", { user: "JohnDoe" });
// Creating a child logger inheriting initial properties and adding new ones
const childLogger = logger.createChild({ subModule: "Auth" });
// Logging a message with the child logger
childLogger.log("User logged in", { user: "JohnDoe" }, "INFO");
~~logging.cLog(data, [message], [severity], [isCloud])~~
a cloud function compatible console.log()
Kind: static method of logging
| Param | Type | Default | Description |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| data | string | JSON | object | | data to log; preferably structured |
| [message] | string | | accompanying message |
| [severity] | string | `INFO` | google sev label; default INFO
| [isCloud] | boolean | true | force cloud logging |
logging.log(item, [depth], [maxDepth]) ⇒ void
a comprehensive logging utility in all terminal environments
Kind: static method of logging
| Param | Type | Default | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | item | any | | an item to log | | [depth] | number | 0 | depth to log | | [maxDepth] | number | 100 | maximum nested depth |
logging.progress(thing, p, message) ⇒ void
dumb progress bar; incrementing console message
- ex:
thing message #p
Kind: static method of logging
| Param | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | thing | string | what is being | | p | number | the number to show | | message | string | - |
logging.time(label) ⇒ Timer
returns a timer with the following API
Kind: static method of logging
Returns: Timer - a time
| Param | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | label | string | name for timer |
a very quick way to check the length of a function; uses console.time
- ex:
Kind: static method of logging
| Param | Type | | --- | --- | | callback | function |
logging.tracker([app], [token], [distinct_id]) ⇒ function
track stuff to mixpanel
- ex:
var t = track(); t('foo', {bar: "baz"})
Kind: static method of logging
Returns: function - func with signature: (event, props = {}, cb = (res)=>{})
| Param | Type | Default | Description |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| [app] | string | 'akTools' | value of $source
prop |
| [token] | string | \99a1209a992b3f9fba55a293e211186a</code> | mixpanel token |
| [distinct_id] | string | os.userInfo().username | distinct_id |
arbitrary sleep for N
Kind: static method of logging
| Param | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | ms | number | amount of time to sleep |
logging.clip(data) ⇒ void
copy arbitrary data to your clipboard
Kind: static method of logging
Returns: void - but there's data on your clipboard!
| Param | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | data | any | data to put on your clipboard |
logging.prettyTime(milliseconds) ⇒ string
create human readable time from milliseconds
Kind: static method of logging
Returns: string - human readable time
| Param | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | milliseconds | number | time to format |
makeName() ⇒ string
generate a random name (adjective + noun + verb + adverb)
Kind: global function
Returns: string - a random name
generalObject : Object.<string, any>
generic for {}
w/string keys
Kind: global typedef
arrayOfObjects : Array.<generalObject>
generic for [{},{},{}]
Kind: global typedef
Kind: global typedef
| Name | Type | | --- | --- | | uri | string | | bucket | string | | file | string |
filterCallback : function
Kind: global typedef
| Param | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | keyOrValue | string | object's value or key to test |