Swipe/flick physics for touch devices
Swipe/flick physics for touch devices. Usage:
var finger = Finger(element, options)
The element must be a container that contains another slidecontainer. Example markup:
<div class="container">
<div class="slides">
<div class="slide"></div>
<div class="slide"></div>
All CSS must be added manually. Finger implemenets the ainojs-events interface. Example:
// callback for each change:
finger.on('change', function(e) {
console.log(e.value) // index value from 0-[length]
console.log(e.position) // position value = e.position + 'px'
// callback for animation complete:
finger.on('complete', function(e) {
console.log(e.index) // index value from 0-[length]
As per 1.2, Finger does not add any requestframe, so you can control it yourself for performance optimizations.
The run
method calculates the animation and returns a boolean. if the boolean is true, then you can call the run method again in your animation loop. Example:
(function loop() { && window.requestAnimationFrame(loop)
- start (0) - starting point
- duration (600) - animation duration in ms
- dbltap (true) - set to false for faster tap event if doubletap is not used
- mouse (true) - enable mouse interactions
- items (null) - manually set number of items to swipe
- vertical (false) - enables vertical swipe instead of horizontal
- change - triggers if a change has been detected frame. Event object: value and position
- page - triggers if a page change will happen, before the animation is complete. Event object: index
- complete - triggers when animation is complete. Event object: index
- tap - triggers when a tap is detected. Event object: target
- dbltap - triggers when a doubbletap is detected. Event object: target