ail set stream volume@8 vice city
Ail Set Stream Volume@8 Download Vice City
as of the end of april 2009, all the prerequisites have been met and we have begun full-scale operations, kicking off with all 50 of our workforce centers. since that time, we have been monitoring each of the 50 workforce centers, assessing daily operations and using the data to fine-tune the business plan, the services offered, and the staffing needs. we are also assessing how we are meeting our performance goals and learning from customers.
we have met or surpassed all of our performance goals for the first half of 2009, and are projecting continued excellent growth for the remainder of the year. through the end of april 2009, we have been operating 50 workforce centers, each of which is staffed by two navigators and one working healthy provider. as of april 30, 2009, 60 additional workers are currently being trained, bringing our total to 80 across the state.
due to the overwhelming success we’ve had in meeting our performance goals in the first half of 2009, kansas joblink is looking to expand the services offered by the program office. the staff is currently evaluating what areas of operation the program office should expand into and how to implement our strategic priorities into those new areas.
as of the end of april 2009, we have started the process of implementing several new services in workforce centers throughout the state. we are currently working with primary workforce centers to identify the types of equipment and software that are needed to better assist customers and we are planning for the expansion of many of our services to those centers. we will be providing training to staff and have a dedicated staff person to oversee the implementation of the services and to ensure each working healthy service stays focused on the kansas disability program and worksite wellness guidelines. 84d34552a1