A simple GraphQL client for your Aido applications
A simple GraphQL client for your Aido applications.
The aido-graphql package can be installed with your package manager of choice :
npm install --save aido-graphql
# or
yarn add aido-graphql
To use it in your Aido application, you'll need to import it as a plugin :
const aidoGraphQL = require('aido-graphql')
plugins: [aidoGraphQL],
You can pass a configuration to aido-graphql when you initialize your Aido application :
// ...
graphQL: {
apiURL: 'https://your-api/graphql',
defaultHeaders: {
'X-special-auth': 'XXXXXXXXX',
errorManager: (res) => {
console.log(`GraphQL error : ${res.error}`)
// ...
- apiURL (String) : The URL of your GraphQL endpoint
- defaultHeaders (Object) : HTTP headers that should be added to every request
- errorManager (Function) : A callback to handle GraphQL errors. This callback will be called every time a request returns an error object. Please note that these statuses will not throw an exception, in conformity with node-fetch's behaviour. Exceptions will only be thrown by system or network errors.
In a Slash class
const { Slash } = require('/aido')
const query = `
query fetchUser($userId: Int!) {
user(id: $userId) {
class MySlash extends Slash {
someAction() {
const user = this.graphQL.query(query, { userId: 1 })
this.state.userName =
On application startup
const startupTime = new Date()
const mutation = `
mutation logStartTime($date: Date!) {
logStartTime(date: $date)
aido.start().then(() => {
aido.helpers.graphQL.mutate(mutation, { date: startupTime })
Inside a plugin
const startupTime = new Date()
const mutation = `
mutation logPluginStartTime($date: Date!, $plugin: String!) {
logStartTime(date: $date, plugin: $plugin)
function pluginFactory(koa, utils) {
async function initPlugin() {
utils.helpers.graphQL.mutate(mutation, { date: startupTime, plugin: 'my-plugin' })
Headers management
By default, the following HTTP header will be added to every request : 'Content-Type': 'application/json'
. You can change it on application startup, or when initializing a plugin, using the helper baseHeaders
aido.start().then(() => {
aido.helpers.graphQL.baseHeaders['X-extra-special-header'] = 'YYYYYYYYYY'
You can add default headers, which will be added to every request, by specifying them in the GraphQL configuration (see above).
Finally, you can add additional headers to a specific query or mutation. The headers will be merged in the following order : baseHeaders, defaultHeaders, additionalHeaders.
query(query, variables, additionalHeaders)
- query (String) : A GraphQL query
- variables (Object) : Substitution variables for your query
- additionalHeaders (Object) : Additional HTTP headers to add to the request
mutate(query, variables, additionalHeaders)
- query (String) : A GraphQL mutation
- variables (Object) : Substitution variables for your mutation
- additionalHeaders (Object) : Additional HTTP headers to add to the request