an angular 2 data grid
npm install --save agrid
Once installed you need to import our main module:
import { AgridModule } from 'agrid';
declarations: [AppComponent, ...],
imports: [AgridModule, ...],
bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule {
Bind the items you need to display to the [items] property of component and specify columns
- colName - property name
- colTitle - title of column (text in header)
- resizable - column can be resized or not (true by default)
- width - width of column in pixels
- widthUnit - units of width, can be px or %, default px
<a-grid [items]="tableState.items">
<a-grid-column [resizable]="true" colName="name" colTitle="Name" [width]="240" widthUnit="%"></a-grid-column>
<a-grid-column [resizable]="false" colName="surname" colTitle="Surname"></a-grid-column>
Cell template
Specify template of column cell by setting it like this:
<a-grid [items]="tableState.items">
<a-grid-column [resizable]="false" [width]="40">
<!-- pass the row to the cell template -->
<input *aGridCell="let row" type="checkbox" [(ngModel)]="row.checked" />
<a-grid-column [resizable]="false" [width]="40" colTitle="№">
<!-- pass the rowIndex to the cell template -->
<span *aGridCell="let index=rowIndex">{{index+1}}</span>
<a-grid-column colName="name" colTitle="Name"></a-grid-column>
<a-grid-column colName="surname" colTitle="Surname"></a-grid-column>
<a-grid-column colTitle="Gender">
<span *aGridCell="let row">{{row.gender?'male':'female'}}</span>
<a-grid-column colTitle="delete item">
<!-- pass the rowElement to the cell template (for adding specific class to entire row before deleting to highlight row) -->
<div *aGridCell="let row; let tr=rowElement">
<button (mouseenter)="tableState.deleteMouseOver(tr)" (mouseleave)="tableState.deleteMouseLeave(tr)" (click)="tableState.removeItem(row)">-</button>
Header template
Specify template of column header by setting it like this:
<a-grid [items]="tableState.items">
<a-grid-column [resizable]="true" colName="name" [width]="240">
<!-- pass the column to the header template -->
<sortable-header *aGridHeader="let col;" (click)="tableState.sortBy('name')">Name {{col.width}}</sortable-header>
<a-grid-column [resizable]="false" colName="surname" colTitle="Surname"></a-grid-column>
Specify template of row groups by setting it like this:
<a-grid [items]="tableState.items">
- set groupping fields (by tableState.groupFields), tableState.groupFields can be a string name of single field, and array of multiple fields names
- optionally set initial collapsed groups (collapsed tableState.groupFields), tableState.groupFields can be a string name of single field, and array of multiple fields names
- pass instance of group object (let group)
- groupChild (instance of group childs array)
- grLevel (groupping level)
- groupCollapsed (state of group - collapsed/expanded)
- group.toggleCollapse() (collapse/expand group) -->
<div *aGridGroup="let group by tableState.groupFields collapsed tableState.groupFields; let groupChild=children;let grLevel=groupLevel;let groupCollapsed=collapsed;" [style.padding-left]="10+grLevel*20+'px'">
<button (click)="group.toggleCollapse()">{{groupCollapsed?'+':'–'}}</button>
{{group.value + ' ('+groupChild.length+') level:'+grLevel}}</div>
<a-grid-column [resizable]="true" colName="name" colTitle="Name" [width]="240"></a-grid-column>
<a-grid-column [resizable]="false" colName="surname" colTitle="Surname"></a-grid-column>
Row detail
Specify the row detail template by setting it like this:
<a-grid [items]="tableState.items">
- row - current row
- index - index of current row
- expandedrows - bind array of rows (if current row isin this array - detail is expanded) -->
<div *aGridDetail="let row; let index=rowIndex expandedrows tableState.expandedRows;">
<input type="text" [(ngModel)]="" placeholder="Name" />
<input type="text" [(ngModel)]="tableState.editableRow.surname" placeholder="Surname" />
<button (click)="tableState.saveEditedRow(index)">save</button>
<a-grid-column [resizable]="false" [width]="40">
<!-- tableState.toggleRow(row) - add row to expanded rows array -->
<button *aGridCell="let row" (click)="tableState.toggleRow(row)">
<a-grid-column [resizable]="true" colName="name" colTitle="Name" [width]="240"></a-grid-column>
<a-grid-column [resizable]="false" colName="surname" colTitle="Surname"></a-grid-column>
- onBodyScroll - body scroll event
- onRowClick - row click event
- onRowDoubleClick - row double click event
<a-grid-column [resizable]="false" [width]="40">
<input *aGridCell="let row" type="checkbox" [(ngModel)]="row[tableState.checkedProperty]" />
<a-grid-column [resizable]="true" colName="name" colTitle="Name" [width]="240"></a-grid-column>
<a-grid-column [resizable]="false" colName="surname" colTitle="Surname"></a-grid-column>
- checkedProperty - name of field in item for setting checked state for it
- onRowClick - name of field in item for setting selected state for it
- showHeader - show header or not
[checkedProperty] = "tableState.checkedProperty"
[selectedProperty] = "tableState.selectedProperty"
<a-grid-column [resizable]="false" [width]="40">
<input *aGridCell="let row" type="checkbox" [(ngModel)]="row[tableState.checkedProperty]" />
<a-grid-column [resizable]="true" colName="name" colTitle="Name" [width]="240"></a-grid-column>
<a-grid-column [resizable]="false" colName="surname" colTitle="Surname"></a-grid-column>