Type friendly agreements between peers for rpc and forms
Type friendly agreements between peers for rpc and forms. A Holepunch 🕳🥊 project.
Agreeable helps people who are used to building web services migrate to building p2p services. Building and managing typed, versioned apis will help foster an ecosystem of great service providers of cool features that peers can use. The agreement allows for good type checking between peers, and easy input validation. Agreeable allows for coding at lower level interfaces. You can use zod or jsonschema, you can even drop down and use jsonrpc-mux directly. But we hope that at least one side of the client/server releationship uses and publishes agreements so all can benefit. Also check the roadmap for a high level view of more things that can be possible. There is still a need in p2p environments to have services. We want to make it easy to create, use, test, and share these services. Agreeable makes spinning up a friendly p2p service easy.
1 Create The Agreement
create your service agreement with an easy to follow format. Here is an example.
file: agreement.mjs
import { z } from 'zod'
import { params } from 'agreeable'
const api = {
role: 'example',
version: '1.0.0',
description: 'a simple example api',
routes: {}
export default api
const userId = z.string().describe('your user id')
const authToken = z.string().describe('your api key for this service')
const headers = { userId, authToken }
api.routes.addTwo = params({a: z.number(), b: z.number()})
.headers(headers) = params()
api.routes.randomName = params().returns(z.string().describe('a random name'))
api.routes.wait = params({ms: z.number().describe('time in ms to return')})
api.routes.notDefined = params({name: z.string()})
api.routes.bigReturn = params({
name: z.string().min(4).optional().describe('name of a person')
We use the well established Zod schema validation and type interface to describe our api routes. We add some light syntactic sugar to allow for params, return types, and headers. Headers can be used to authorize a user, like in web services. We wrap everything up into a an api role and version to make sure both parties know what this is for, and when things change.
2 Create The Implementation
The peer that is going to enact the agreement (create the implementation), will create a file that contains the code that actually runs functions.
Here is an example of what that might look like:
const impl = {}
impl.addTwo = ({a, b}) => a + b = () => console.log('got pinged, null return',
impl.randomName = () => 'bob'
impl.wait = async ({ ms }) => {
console.log('waiting', ms, 'ms')
await wait(ms)
console.log('done waiting')
impl.bigReturn = ({ name }) => {
return {
description: {
hair: 'brown',
eyes: 'green',
height: 'tall',
weight: 'heavy'
hobbies: ['fishing', 'hunting', 'swimming'],
bio: 'I am a person who does things and stuff'
function wait (delay) { return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, delay)) }
export default impl
As you can see, async functions are available, so one could do heavy processing. Everything else is pretty straightforward.
3 Serve the agreement and implementation
This part is pretty easy
import b4a from 'b4a'
import DHT from 'hyperdht'
import Protomux from 'protomux'
import Channel from 'jsonrpc-mux'
import { loadAgreement, enact } from 'agreeable'
// the things that you have to provide
import implementation from './impl.mjs'
const agreement = await loadAgreement('./agreement.mjs', import.meta.url)
const validator = async (name, headers, extraInfo) => {
// console.log(extraInfo.remotePublicKey, 'validating', headers)
if (name === 'addTwo' && headers.userId !== 'bob') throw new Error('invalid user')
let seed = null
if (global.Bare) seed = Bare.argv[2]
else seed = process.argv[2]
const seedBuf = seed ? b4a.from(seed, 'hex') : null
const dht = new DHT()
const keyPair = DHT.keyPair(seedBuf)
const connect = c => enact(new Channel(new Protomux(c)), agreement, implementation, validator)
const server = dht.createServer(connect)
await server.listen(keyPair)
console.log('listening on:', b4a.toString(keyPair.publicKey, 'hex'))
4 Run the server
using bare bare index.mjs
using node node index.mjs
listening on: 9cdd38e4df5a3a88bb56eff2048021745f29fe96ab934682510384f0ab978607
grab the key
5 Run the agreeable UI to test it
The source code for agreeable-ui is here :
We have a swagger like ui tool that will spin up a peer and download the agreement, and give you a nice ui to test and interact with the api.
run it with the agreement ui key and the server key as a data url
pear run pear://qrxbzxyqup1egwjnrmp7fcikk31nekecn43xerq65iq3gjxiaury/9cdd38e4df5a3a88bb56eff2048021745f29fe96ab934682510384f0ab978607
or just run
pear run pear://qrxbzxyqup1egwjnrmp7fcikk31nekecn43xerq65iq3gjxiaury
6 Use the proxy as a client to the api in code
Here is an example of running both sides of the agreement over streams. It mostly shows off the clint proxy api that is easy to use.
'use strict'
import Channel from 'jsonrpc-mux'
import Protomux from 'protomux'
import SecretStream from '@hyperswarm/secret-stream'
import agreement from './agreement.mjs'
import { enact, proxy } from 'agreeable'
const a = new Channel(new Protomux(new SecretStream(true)))
const b = new Channel(new Protomux(new SecretStream(false)))
replicate(a, b)
const impl = {}
impl.addTwo = ({a, b}) => a + b = () => console.log('got pinged, null return',
impl.randomName = () => 'bob'
impl.wait = async ({ ms }) => {
console.log('waiting', ms, 'ms')
await wait(ms)
console.log('done waiting')
const validator = async (name, headers, extraInfo) => {
console.log(extraInfo.remotePublicKey, 'validating')
if (name === 'addTwo' && headers.userId !== 'bob') throw new Error('invalid user')
enact(a, agreement, impl, validator)
const setHeaders = () => ({ userId: 'bob', authToken: 'test'})
const client = proxy(b, agreement, setHeaders)
let results = await client.addTwo({ a:4, b:2 })
console.log('got results', results)
const name = await client.randomName()
console.log('random name', name)
await client.wait({ ms: 1000 })
function replicate (a, b) { a.socket.pipe(b.socket).pipe(a.socket) }
function wait (delay) { return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, delay)) }
Here are some things or ideas that could happen in this space
- Simplified api server. Only have to provide the interface, implementation and seed.
- Simple Form collection. One function form submission, which gets stored in a hypercore
- Form reader - remotely read the form submissions
- Load agreements from a hyperdrive remotely
- Registry of agreements - to have service lookups
- Load balancer of implementation, for really compute heavy services
- signed executors
- 2 peer executor verification