Agile Project 2 for CITS5505 at UWA
Yay, documentation!
What is this repository for?
- Collaboration repo for the Agile project 2
- 0.001
- Learn Markdown
How do I get set up?
- Set up a Heroku account
- Install the Heroku CLI accounding tho the instructions here:
- From the heroku CLI Login to using $heroku login
- Run the following command from your heroku remote: heroku config:set MONGOLAB_URI=mongodb://TRandVB:[email protected]:29436/d20dom
- Run the following command: export SALT="salty"
- Run the follwing command: npm install agile-proj2-tv
- Finally run: npm start
Contribution guidelines
- Commit regularly
- Merge only when functioning without errors
- Comment a (bit)buckettonn
Required Functionality
- A user account and login feature.
- The ability to edit personal details and preferences.
- A method to browse potential matches, and initiate some form of contact or communication.
Bonus Marks!
- Reacting to other users events (a new match has logged on, or some is viewing your profile...).
- Realtime chat between logged in users.
- Graphical representations of match quality.
- Location based matching.
- and feel free to propose other types of features I can include here...
- A complete MEAN stack providing the functionality of the project. This should be submitted as a code repository with instructions for launching the application on a cloud platform.
- The application should include an HTML5 website with the following pages (or functions):
- a page collecting user data
- a page displaying potential matches (a a list or individually, or both)
- a page explaining the matching algorithm
- at least one page describing the architecture you used, the design choices you made and any difficulties encountered along the way.
- one page describing the test and validation strategy and results.
- one page giving short bios of yourself, and any references used.
Marking Criteria
- Javascript-code quality, difficulty, execution 20%
- Persistence and User authentication 20%
- Testing 10%
- Design 20%
- Style - look and feel, usability 15%
- Content - coherence, effectiveness 15%
- Bonus marks - 5% per element