<!-- PROJECT LOGO --> <br /> <p align="center"> <a href=""> <img src="
About The Project
Agave UI is a design system created by 99minutos to help teams build high-quality digital experiences clients products.
Built With
Getting Started
To run a development server follow these steps.
For development, you will only need Node.js installed on your environement.
Go the following link following link Node and download the latest recommended version and install them. The installation now include NPM.
You should be able to run the following command after the installation procedure below.
$ node --version
$ npm --version
- Clone the repo
- Go to the folder
cd agave-ui
- Install NPM packages
npm install
Agave UI runs with storybook & uses SASS for a more maintainable and scalable styles
Run storybook
Run the storybook server:
npm run dev
Open http://localhost:6006/ with your browser to see the result.
Changes in atomics
In case to edit atomic styles src/sass
run the following command:
npm run watchSass
This command converts your sass styles to a css in file styles/index.css
to be used for a development.
Run with Docker
- Build docker
docker build -t my-storybook .
- Run
docker run -d -p 3006:80 my-storybook
For more examples, please refer to the Documentation
Demo environment
For deployments in the demo environment the project has CI/CD configured, The trigger actives every time that a change in Main branch is detected.
To ensure the quality of the code the deployments only is performed when the following pipes are passed correctly
- Lint
- Test
- Build
- Works right with all Node versions >= to 10.x
You can test mostly of the pipes in your local running the following commands
- Link
npm run lint
- Test - Unit tests
npm run rest
- Build
npm run build
The publish of NPM is only executed when all the improvements they were approved by the committee
- Login with organization or npm agave-ui account
npm login
- Create new version
npm version major -m "Message of new release"
- Publish with public access
npm publish --access public
- Commit For all commits after changes added on the stage is required this command
npm run commit
See the Project Road Map for the planning of the project.
Eduardo Carrada - @github - [email protected]
The greatest thanks to the design system committee, without their participation this project would not be possible.