This is a modified version of the AFrame Orbict Controls Component. It allows users to rotate the camera around the center of the screen.
This is a modified version of the AFrame Orbict Controls Component. It allows users to rotate the camera around the center of the screen.
| Property | Description | Default Value | | ---------- | ----------- | ------------- | | enabled | Boolean – defines if the Orbit Controls are used | false | target | String – the object the camera is looking at and orbits around | '' | | enableRotate | Boolean – defines if the camera can be rotated | true | | rotateSpeed | Number – rotation speed | 1 | | enableZoom | Boolean – defines if the camera can be zoomed in or out | true | | invertZoom | Boolean – defines if zooming is inverted | false | | zoomSpeed | Number – zoom speed | 1 | | enablePan | Boolean – defines if the camera can be panned (using the arrow keys) | true | | panSpeed | Number – panning speed | 7 | | enableDamping | Boolean – defines if the rotational movement of the camera is damped / eased | false | | dampingFactor | Number – damping factor | 0.25 | | minAzimuthAngle | Number – minimum azimuth angle – Defines how far you can orbit horizontally, lower limit | -Infinity | | maxAzimuthAngle | Number – maximum azimuth angle – Defines how far you can orbit horizontally, upper limit | Infinity | | minPolarAngle | Number – minimum polar angle – Defines how far you can orbit vertically, lower limit | 0 | | maxPolarAngle | Number – maximum polar angle – Defines how far you can orbit vertically, upper limit | Math.PI | | minZoom | Number – minimum zoom value – Defines how far you can zoom out for Orthographic Cameras | 0 | | maxZoom | Number – maximum zoom value – Defines how far you can zoom in for Orthographic Cameras | Infinity | | minDistance | Number – minimum distance – Defines how far you can zoom in for Perspective Cameras | 0 | | maxDistance | Number – maximum distance – Defines how far you can zoom out for Perspective Cameras | Infinity | | logPosition | Boolean – prints out camera position to console.log() when rotating | true |