Drag-n-drop entites using mouse cursor.
Drag-n-drop entites using mouse cursor.
There's a new parameter in cursor component that we can use to monitor mouse interaction.
<a-scene cursor="rayOrigin: mouse"></a-scene>
Based on this feature, we can intercept the event data emitting by the cursor component. read more about cursor component
I've sperated this module into two sepearte component, track-cursor and dragndrop. And use dependencies to chain component startup. read more about component dependencies So you can add features like animation or hovering effects before draggin it.
When a draggable component is being hovered by the cursor, it will make the entity into tracking state. You can check it with
if ("tracking")) {
If a draggable component is being pressed, it will enter the dragging state. Likewise you can check it with:
if ("dragging")) {
If you want to do some startup/cleanup before entering/exiting these two states, be sure to listener to "stateadded"/"stateremoved" events.
<a-entity dragndrop></a-entity>
After adding the component, you can drag and drop it with mouse click.
additional features
- When dragging the entity, look-controls on the camera will be temporary disabled.
- You can use mousewheel to send it further/closer when dragging.
Check out the live demo: link
Appreciate any suggestions or feedback.