Relational algebra library
Relational Algebra Library written in JavaScript
Inspired from
##To-do list for 0.1.0##
- [x] Implement Extend operation
- [ ] Implement views && updatable views
- [x] Implement Summarize operation
- [x] Implement comparison operators (lt, gt, eq, ...)
- [x] Implement date, string and numeric functions (cos, sin, ...)
- [ ] More tests
- [ ] Review documentation
npm install('affinity')
var affinity = require('affinity');
For Documentation, install the library with npm install affinity
and access <install_dir>/docs/index.html
in your browser.
Alternatively, the source is extensively documented.
##Relational Algebra##
Relational Algebra and Set Theory are the foundation of SQL implementations. The well known SELECT * WHERE ... are relational algebra operations. Though, Relational Algebra (being a superset of Set Theory) is more strict than many SQL implementations. For example, it does not allow NULL values nor duplicates.
Simply put, a Relation may be viewed as a database table. A table has columns and rows. A Relation has a header and tuples. It is basically the same thing.
A Relation is composed of a Header and a Body.
This is a representation of a relation :
| id : TInteger | firstName : TString | lastName : TString | alive : TBoolean | age : TInteger |
| 0 | John | Doe | true | 34 |
| 1 | Mary | Poppins | false | 95 |
| 2 | Mark | Clinton | true | 2 |
| 3 | Hopty | Duddy | false | 10 |
###Set### A Set is a collection of distinct objects (no duplicates)
[1, 2, 3, 4, ...]
['a', 'b', 'c', ...]
###Header### A Header is a Set of Attributes:
| id : TInteger | firstName : TString | lastName : TString | alive : TBoolean | age : TInteger |
###Attribute### An Attribute is a pair (name, type):
| id : TInteger |
A Type can be anything (String, Boolean, Object, Vector, Array, even Tuple, Function, Relation, Set, Header...)
###Body### A Body is a Set of Tuples having the same Attributes as the Relation:
| 0 | John | Doe | true | 34 |
| 1 | Mary | Poppins | false | 95 |
| 2 | Mark | Clinton | true | 2 |
| 3 | Hopty | Duddy | false | 10 |
###Tuple### A Tuple is a single entry in a Relation. It is an ordered set (attribute1 : value, attribute2 : value...):
| 1 | Mary | Poppins | false | 95 |
// Declare new relations
var relation = new affinity.Relation([
{ id: { type: affinity.Integer}},
{ name: { type: affinity.String }},
{exists: { type: affinity.Boolean}}
[1, 'Nicolas', true ],
[2, 'Lancelot', false],
[3, 'Marie', true ],
// +--------------+---------------+------------------+
// | id : Integer | name : String | exists : Boolean |
// +==============+===============+==================+
// | 1 | Nicolas | true |
// +--------------+---------------+------------------+
// | 2 | Lancelot | false |
// +--------------+---------------+------------------+
// | 3 | Marie | true |
// +--------------+---------------+------------------+
// Composition
// Like a Join, but removes common attributes
var composed = relation.compose(relation2);
// Difference
// Get tuples in A that are not in B
var difference = relation.difference(relation2);
// Extension
// Adds calculated columns to a relation
var extended = relation.extend([{ newCol :}]);
// +--------------+---------------+------------------+------------------+
// | id : Integer | name : String | exists : Boolean | newCol : Integer |
// +==============+===============+==================+==================+
// | 1 | Nicolas | true | 8 |
// +--------------+---------------+------------------+------------------+
// | 2 | Lancelot | false | 10 |
// +--------------+---------------+------------------+------------------+
// | 3 | Marie | true | 8 |
// +--------------+---------------+------------------+------------------+
// Group
// Groups columns into a RVA (Relation-Valued-Attribute)
var grouped ='persons', ['id', 'exists']);
// +---------------+------------------------------------+
// | name : String | persons : Relation |
// +===============+====================================+
// | Nicolas | +--------------+------------------+|
// | | | id : Integer | exists : Boolean ||
// | | +==============+==================+|
// | | | 1 | true ||
// | | +--------------+------------------+|
// +---------------+------------------------------------+
// | Lancelot | +--------------+------------------+|
// | | | id : Integer | exists : Boolean ||
// | | +==============+==================+|
// | | | 2 | false ||
// | | +--------------+------------------+|
// +---------------+------------------------------------+
// | Marie | +--------------+------------------+|
// | | | id : Integer | exists : Boolean ||
// | | +==============+==================+|
// | | | 3 | true ||
// | | +--------------+------------------+|
// +---------------+------------------------------------+
// Ungroup
// Ungroups RVAs
var ungrouped = grouped.ungroup(['persons']);
// Intersection
// Tuples in B that are also in A
var intersected = relation.intersect(otherRelation);
// Joined
// Combinations of tuples in A and B that have the same values for their common attributes
var joined = relation.join(otherRelation);
// Product
// All possible combinations of tuples in A and in B
var product = relation.product(otherRelation);
// Projection
// Selects columns from a relation
var projected = relation.project(['name', 'exists']);
// Rename
// Renames attributes of a relation
var renamed = relation.rename({ name : 'newName', exists : 'newExists' });
// Restriction
// Selects tuple that match a given predicate
var restricted = relation.restrict(
// +--------------+---------------+------------------+
// | id : Integer | name : String | exists : Boolean |
// +==============+===============+==================+
// | 2 | Lancelot | false |
// +--------------+---------------+------------------+
// | 3 | Marie | true |
// +--------------+---------------+------------------+
// SemiDifference
// Inverse of SemiJoin : Finds tuples in A that do not have a counterpart in B
var semidifference = relation.semiDifference(otherRelation);
// SemiJoin
// Finds tuples in A that have a counterpart in B. Like a Join, but only returns attributes from A
var semijoined = relation.semiJoin(otherRelation);
// Wrap
// Wraps given attributes into a TVA (tuple-valued-attribute);
var wrapped = relation.wrap('person', ['id', 'exists']);
// +--------------+--------------------------------------------+
// | id : Integer | person : Tuple |
// +==============+============================================+
// | 1 | Tuple(name : 'Nicolas', exists : 'true') |
// +--------------+--------------------------------------------+
// | 2 | Tuple(name : 'Lancelot', exists : 'false') |
// +--------------+--------------------------------------------+
// | 3 | Tuple(name : 'Marie', exists : 'true') |
// +--------------+--------------------------------------------+
// Unwrap
// Inverse of Wrap
var unwrapped = relation.unwrap(['person']);
For the Restriction and Extension operations, you must pass a predicate that can be composed with the following :
relation.restrict(; // age > 10
relation.restrict(; // age > 10 || age < 50
{ lived : died.minus(born) }
| Function | Shortcut | Returns |
|Connectives |||
|And |and
|Boolean |
|Or |or
|Boolean |
|Not |not
|Boolean |
|Tuple |
|TupleValue |value
|* |
|Comparison |||
|Equal |eq
|Boolean |
|Greater Than |gt
|Boolean |
|Greater Than or Equal |gte
|Boolean |
|Smaller Than |st
|Boolean |
|Smaller Than or Equal |ste
|Boolean |
|Numeric Functions |||
|Absolute |abs
|Numeric |
|Ceil |ceil
|Numeric |
|Cosine |cos
|Numeric |
|Division |div
|Numeric |
|Exponential |exp
|Numeric |
|Minus |minus
|Numeric |
|Modulo |mod
|Numeric |
|Multiplication |times
|Numeric |
|Plus |plus
|Numeric |
|Power |pow
|Numeric |
|Roof |roof
|Numeric |
|Round |round
|Numeric |
|Sine |sin
|Numeric |
|Square Root |sqrt
|Numeric |
|String Functions |||
|Length |length
|Integer |
|Lowercase |lowercase
|String |
|Matching |matching
|Boolean |
|Substring |substr
|String |
|Uppercase |uppercase
|String |
|Date Functions |||
|Day of Month |dayOfMonth
|Integer |
|Day of Week |dayOfWeek
|Integer |
|Day of Year |dayOfYear
|Integer |
|Week of Year |weekOfYear
|Integer |
|Year |year
|Integer |
|Month |month
|Integer |
|Hours |hours
|Integer |
|Minutes |minutes
|Integer |
|Seconds |seconds
|Integer |
|Milliseconds |milliseconds
|Integer |
|Timestamp |ts
|Integer |