This repository contains the base code structure of RSA and AES encryption package. Now the purpose of this module is to make data contract more secure for any js or ts application. Now there is few steps which is given below that will make you more clear
RSA And AES Encryption Package
This repository contains the base code structure of RSA and AES encryption package. Now the purpose of this module is to make data contract more secure for any js or ts application. Now there is few steps which is given below that will make you more clear on how we can use this package.
First this package will create RSA public/private key from web side.
As soon we have public key then Backend Rest API will call with browserID (UUID) and RSA Public Key to server.
Once server will receive request then it will create AES key with help of browserId (UUID) by using this package. And once AES key generated then as per backend use case developer need to store AES key for further use.
As we are using this package to securely data transfer so created AES key is required from web side also hence in response payload of server request. we use to send encrypted created AES key by using public RSA key.
Once web received the encrypted AES key in response of server then web developer need to decrypt it by using private RSA key. (which already created while sending request).
Now both end (frontend and server side), We have AES key to start consuming and make data transfer more securely.
Below is the diagram which explained the uses of this
Initialize config
You must have Node Package Manager (npm), installed in you machine
Install the dependencies
Run the following command:
npm install
It will install all dependencies required.
Build the project
Run the following command at the root of the workspace to build the entire project:
npm run build
Run the following command to execute unit test cases:
npm run test